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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 339
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Ella’s POV | flew out of bed before Colton could say anything or attempt to stop me. | quickly got dressed, putting on a comfortable blouse and skirt instead of that dress and then | threw my dark curls not a bun.

“What tare they going to be here?” | asked as | quickly adjusted myself and made myself look decent in his long-standing mirror.

Colton was almost fully dressed as he cautiously watched me.

“In a few minutes. He didn’t wantto refuse him, so he didn’t telluntil he was almost here,” Colton said shaking his head with dismay written all over his face.

| could tell he was nervous about my reaction, but my heart was racing rapidly against my chest and my brain was running at lightning speed. | couldn't even think straight; all | could think about was that Rachel, the girl who nearly gotkilled, and killed so many others, was coming to this packhouse.

| had no idea what | was going to say to her.

Was she coming here to see me? “Can we talk about this before you go downstairs?” Colton asked, stepping towardonce he was fully dressed.

“Did he say why he was bringing her here?” | asked, turning to face him.

“Only that she wanted to see you,” Colton said. “Apparently she’s been self-isolating, and you are the first one she wanted to see.” My head was swimming with this information.

Before he could say anything more, I turned and quickly ran toward the door.

“Ella!” He tried to call after me, but to no prevail; | was already out of the room.I ran down the long hallway until | reached the grand staircase.

| heard Beta Ethan walking across the front foyer and the sounds of an engine outside.

“Ella?” Bri asked as | ran past her on the staircase. She was in the process of walking upstairs when she sawrunning down them. She paused and watchedwith such concern on her face. “Are you okay?” She called after me.

“No tto talk!” I told her over my shoulder.

Ethan was about to open the door, but then he froze when he saw me, and his eyes narrowed.

“Open the door,” | urged as | stepped closer to him, trying to steady my rapidly beating heart, | placed my hand over my chest.

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| knew my father was there; | could hear his car and | sensed his presence.

| soon realized how rude | sounded, so | cleared my throat and tried again.

“Please, open the door,” | said, much more relaxed and offering him a simple smile.

| heard Colton walking down the steps behindand Bri asking him what was going on. | ignored them as Colton explained to her what was happening.Ethan grabbed the doorknob and pulled it open, allowing the bright rays of sunlight to flood into the packhouse.

| thanked him and ran past him as Colton shouted forto slow down.

My father’s familiar car sat in front of the packhouse, and my father got out first. He gavea wary look and then he glanced at everyone who stood at the doorway behind me.

| was completely shaking.

“Where is she?” | demand to know, trying to keep my voice calm and my wolf under control.

My father met my eyes, and | knew he had concerns and questions, but as he continued to assess my face his expression softened, he turned toward the car, motioning with his head for her to exit the car.

Slowly, the door opened, and Rachel's familiar fisstalking was seen as she stepped out of the car. She wrapped her arms around her body like she was trying to hold herself together.

Her face was bright red as she lifted her gaze and met my eyes.Colton was walking toward me, and | knew he was about to graband holdback. | knew he was worried about my reaction and what | might do. But | knew he was also worried about what Rachel might do.

We didn’t know for certain whether she was safe or not and | knew that scared him.

But | trusted that my father wouldn't bring her here without knowing for certain if it was safe.

Before Colton could reach me, | began to run toward Rachel, watching as her entire body froze.

Just as | reached her, | lunged at her. At first, she looked surprised, and | heard gasps from around me, but with one look at my face, her body relaxed, and her arms opened as | threw myself into them.

Everybody was stunned and silent as | hugged Rachel tightly, the two of us sobbing into one another.

“I'm so sorry,” she cried at the stas | said, “This wasn’t your fault.” “I almost got you killed,” she sobbed, tears soaking into my blouse, which was fine because | was getting tears and snot all over her as well.

“You were possessed by darkness. Anybody in their right mind could see that,” | cried in return. “None of this was your fault.” “I killed so many people...” she sobbed, her entire body trembling and shivering. “I killed my own father!” “Everybody knows it wasn’t you. None of this is your fault...” | repeated.

“I was so scared,” she sobbed.

“Shhhh,” | whispered, holding her even tighter in my arms. “You did nothing wrong,” | told her again in a hushed whisper.

“She didn’t want to return to school with the others until she spoke with Ella,” | heard my father explaining to Colton.

“Seems like you did the right thing,” Colton said in return, his eyes still on me. “I'm sorry | doubted you.” “I understand your concerns,” my father said, patting him on the back.

“How about we get inside? Dinner is almost ready, and the dining hall fills quickly with pack members when Dee cooks a fan favorite. I'm sure the packhouse will be flooded soon,” Colton suggested, motioning for everyone to head inside.

Everybody nodded and turned toward the packhouse to walk inside. But | stayed behind with Rachel as she cried into my chest.

“I'm sorry...” she kept murmuring.

| looked up at my father through tear-filled eyes and he looked back atwith remorse in his. | knew he wasn’t sure what to do either, | also know that he did the best he could at making her feel safe and comfortable.

Rachel wouldn't hurt anybody on purpose; | knew that more than anyone.

“I've been so worried about you,” | whispered, pulling away from her and holding her at arm’s length so | could peer into her tear-filled eyes. “I'm so happy you chere.” “How can you still want to be my friend after what | did?” She asked, her lips quivering as more tears escaped her eyes.

“Because you are one of my best friends,” | told her, giving her a small smile. “And | know you are good inside and out. It’s going to take stfor you to bounce back from all of this, but you aren’t alone Rachel. You don’t have to deal with any of this by yourself.” She sniffled and wiped her teary eyes with the back of her sleeve as she offereda weak smile.

“Okay,” she finally said, after a short pause.

| looped my arm through hers.

“Let's get sfood,” | said to her. “Dee cooks amazing food.” “Oh, I know,” Rachel said, chuckling softly. “I need to find her and thank her. She treatedso kindly when | was in the dungeon.” This cas a surprise to me, and | made a mental note to ask her more about that later. Together, we went inside and into the community dining hall.

The entire room smelled like spaghetti and meatballs, along with breadsticks. At the far side of the wall, Dee had the food laid out on a buffet table so everyone could help themselves.

There was also salad, an assortment of veggies, and fruit.

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Colton was at the buffet table, waiting for those in front of him to finish collecting their food. I loved how he doesn’t favor himself above his pack members. He doesn’t even have a designated table in his own community dining hall.

He smiled fondly atas | approached him and he grabbed two extra plates, one forand one for Rachel.

She managed a weak smile at him as she took the plate.

“The food smells delicious,” she breathed, taking in the amazing scent of Dee's cooking.

“Oh, thank you,” Dee said, turning around as she scooped a heaping portion onto a she-wolf’s plate. “I hope everything tastes as good as it smells.” “I'm sure it'll taste better,” Rachel said grinning at her.

Dee placed a hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I'm glad you're here,” Dee breathed, smiling brightly.

“I have you to thank for that,” Rachel replied.

She gave Rachel sfood and then she put food on my plate as well. Colton helped himself and then we grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge and joined the others at the table.

Connie was talking Bri’s ears off about her wedding preparations.

| was glad to see that Natalie Anderson wasn’t around because | certainly didn’t want to have a meal with her.

But | was very pleased to see that not only was my mother here, sitting beside my father and listening thoughtfully as Connie spoke, but Diana was also seated and enjoying sfood. She seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with Beta Ethan, and Gamma Jack.

Beta Aiden and Gamma Donovan remained at the Nova packhouse to take care of the aftermath of everything there. Plus, the twins were still there, and my mother was worried about them. Although there were plenty at the packhouse who cared for them, she still wanted Aiden there to keep them in line.

Looking around, | was pleased to see there were a few others from Diana's village who were seated at tables and talking with those in Colton’s pack as if they had done this a million times already.

It madesmile seeing that they were making themselves known and no longer in hiding. It madeeven happier to see that the pack members were welcoming to them and treated them with respect.

| glanced at Colton who was also noticing this, and | knew he felt the spride that | felt. We ate together and we shared slaughs during this amazing meal. Rachel was quiet for most of the meal, but | could tell she was listening to everyone talk with pure fascination and she even cracked a smile at one point.

It was going to take a while for her to return to her old self and | knew there was a lot more we needed to talk about, but for right now, | was just glad to have my friend back.

A couple of pack house workers started to walk around, per Dee's request, with trays of brownies and cookies for everyone to enjoy after their meals.

“Hello, future Luna,” Allie said as she paused next to me. “Would you like a sweet? We have brownies and cookies.” “I can’t resist Dee’s cookies,” | said with a smile as | grabbed a cookie off the tray.

“They are delicious,” Allie agreed. “You can take a couple of them. | mean, you are eating for three after all.” The entire world aroundstopped moving.