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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 326
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Ella’s POV My heart was pounding as | stood over Dr. Laureen. | had never done anything like that in my life and my adrenaline was rushing.

| bent down and pressed my middle and pointer fingers against the nape of her neck and felt a pulse. | was relieved that | hadn’t killed her, but | needed to get out of there before she woke up or anyone showed up.

| stood to my feet and rushed toward the doorway. | wasn’t sure where | was going, but | could hear the heart monitor in the next room, so | figured that was the best place to go right now.

| needed to find Sarah and try to get us out of there.

When | reached the doorway that led out of the clinic, I could hear slight talking in the distance. They weren't close to the door, but | feared they were close enough to hear the door opening, or maybe even seeleaving.

I had to be careful.

Deciding | didn’t want to leave the room unprotected, | went toward the closet on the far side of the room hoping | would find something to wear other than this hospital gown. | was starting to feel drafty, and it was makingfeel uncomfortable.

The closet consisted of a bunch of cleaning supplies, but after a few minutes of searching, | uncovered a bag that had a change of clothes inside of it. They were basic pants with pockets and a shirt with a few stains on it. But it was better than nothing.

Once | dressed in them, | noticed they were very baggy on me. | had to tie the shirt in the back to keep it from flowing too much. The less my clothes moved, the better.

There wasn’t much | could do with the pants, but thankfully there weren't any chains on them to make noise.

| quickly left the closet and went over to the sdrawer that Dr. Laureen was rummaging through. | grabbed syringes of different colors, unsure of what they were used for. | also grabbed a couple of scalpels and tucked them each in different pockets.

Dr. Laureen was still lying on the ground. She was breathing, but unconscious.

Jazzy said she'd be making her way back here to collect us soon, so | needed to be quick.

| pressed my ear against the door and this time, the voices seemed to have stopped. Taking a chance, | pushed the door open slowly and peered into the hallway.

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There was nobody there.

Holding my breath, I slid into the hallway, shutting the door behind me, and then running as quietly as | could toward an area that almost looked like an infirmary. From the big glass windows, | saw a bunch of beds set up around a nurse's station. Thankfully, the nurse's station was vacant. There weren't any guards around here either, which cas a huge relief.

When | got closer, | saw that somebody was lying in one of the beds, but they were covered with a blanket, and | couldnt get a good view of them.

| looked around to make sure no one was coming before | pushed the door open and scurried inside.

When | cautiously neared the bed, I felt like I could finally breathe when their face cinto view, and | knew exactly who it was.

“Sarah...” | breathed, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

She was sleeping, but it was definitely her. | ran over to her, placing my hands on her face. She was a little warm and she was hooked up to an IV; her heart monitor beeped lightly in the corner.

I shook her lightly, trying to get her to wake up while making as little noise as possible.

“Sarah...” | said again, hoarsely. “Please wake up...” | pleaded.

She groaned miserably, making way too much noise so | quickly covered her mouth with my hands. Her eyes popped open during that impact, and she tried to shoveoff before realization dawned on her face.

When she got a good look at me, her eyes narrowed and then they widened in shock. She stopped struggling against me, and now she was just staring atwith such concern in her eyes.

“We need to get out of here,” | told her in a hushed whisper, slowly removing my hands from her lips.

“Why are you here?” She asked in return, also whispering as she sat up slowly.

Her brown hair messily fell around her features; | had never seen her look so messy before. Her hair was undone and looked very knotted, she wasn’t wearing any makeup, she smelled a bit musky from lack of bathing, and she was also wearing a hospital gown. She was pale as well and looked as if she had lost a ton of weight.

“I don’t know what they told you, but these people aren't what they seem...” | tried to explain; | didn’t know if she was going to believe me; but | really needed her to trust me.

We needed to go before they found us.

She glanced around the room before her eyes landed onagain.

“They toldthey were savingfrom the curse...” she said, almost sounding disappointed, but also not surprised. “I feared that it might be false...” | was quiet for a moment as | processed her words. | knew they weren't going to tell her the entire story, just like they didn’t tell Alpha Jonathan the entire story as well.

“They want to killand useto turn you into a Volana vessel,” | told her, gripping her hands gently. “It’s going to cure you from the curse, but it will also turn you into a mindless vessel. Jazzy’s vessel.” The little color left in her features was now completely gone as tears filled her eyes.

“I knew it was too good to be true,” she said, staring down at her hands which | was still gripping. “I'm sure my father has no idea of Jazzy’s real plan.” | shook my head.

“I don’t think he does either.” “So, what are we going to do? Do you have people coming to save us?” She asked; | knew if she was wondering if her mate was coming.

I honestly hadn't thought about Brody at all. My only concern was surviving and getting back to my mate.

“I don’t know,” | admitted. “But | do know how to get outside. Once we are outside, we need to get out of here as fast as we can. Once we are outside, our mates will be able to sense us, and they will cfor us.” She looked nervous; maybe even uncertain. But then she gavea head nod.

“I'm with you,” she said softly, much to my relief. She glanced down at her IVs with a frown. “Helpget these out.” | slowly and carefully removed the IV needles from her wrist and disconnected her from the heart monitor. Before it could beep loudly, indicating a heart issue, | turned off the monitor, silencing it.

Sara slid out of bed, and though she seemed a bit unstable on her feet, she eventually got her footing and was able to walk normally.

“It's been a while since | stood,” she admitted.

| smiled at her and pulled out a syringe and a scalpel, handing them to her.

“Weapons just in case we run into issues,” | explained.

Her eyes widened as she took the syringe and scalpel, examining them carefully.

“What does the syringe do?” “I'm not sure,” | admitted with a shrug. “But | found it here so it can’t be good.” “Fair enough,” she murmured.

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“Hey! What's going on!?” | heard someone yelling from a short distance.

| whipped around and saw two rogue wolves running toward us, they were getting their syringe guns ready as they ran, and they looked furious.

“Alert Jazzy!” The other yelled into the shadows behind them.

| knew other rogues must have been nearby.

“Shit,” Sarah gasped.”l need you to trust me,” | said to her firmly and way more confidently than I felt.

She shota look, but she didn’t argue with me.

| got in my stance as the doors of the infirmary opened and the rogues ran into the room, pointing their syringe guns at us.

Sarah stood behindand | knew she was terrified of what was about to happen.

Just as the syringes were shot, | yelled, “Get down!” Sarah immediately fell to the ground, just as | jumped and the syringe needle went flying through the air, missing us completely.

While | was in the air, the other needle from the other gun went flying and | managed to kick it out of route, and it bounced off the far side of the wall.

The glass of the syringe shattered to pieces.

By the t| landed, the rogues were attempting to reload their guns, but | kicked them out of their hands and punched one of them square in the face, he staggered backward, about to fall, but managed to get his footing.! grabbed the other one and knocked his head against the other rogue’s head before kicking their feet out from under them both, making them fall to the ground.

With one last kick, they were both knocked out completely.

Sarah was still huddled on the ground with wide eyes, staring up at me.

It wouldn’t be long before more rogues appeared along with Jazzy and her friend.

| motioned with my head for Sarah to follow me.

“Let's go.”