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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 295
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Ella’s POV “Where is my daughter?!” | heard a growl coming from the front entrance of the hospital.

Colton stood to his feet quickly as Raymond stalked into the waiting room. As soon as he saw Colton his eyes darkened, and his tip lip curled up in disgust.

“How dare you not informthat my daughter was injured when it happened,” Raymond growled.

“I had other priorities,” Colton said, narrowing his eyes at Ray. “Like making sure she didn’t die.” “Why am | the last to know about this?!” Raymond asked; glaring atand then back at Colton, making my entire body go cold.

“Because you haven't been in her life in a long time,” | found myself saying before | could stop myself.

Colton quickly stepped in front of me, shieldingfrom Raymond's wrath.

“What? Are you fucking your professor you little slut?” Raymond hissed; instantly | felt Colton growing angry.

“Watch yourself, Ray,” Colton said through his teeth.

“Does the board know you're messing around with your students?” Ray asked, narrowing his eyes. “Where. Is.

My. Daughter?” “She’s being operated on,” Colton said in a low and threatening tone. "You're either going to calm yourself down, or I'm going to have them sedate you before | kill you.” “My daughter was fatally injured, and you wantto calm down?” Ray asked, laughing bitterly. “That's certainly coy of you, Alpha.” “Ray—" | tried to say but his dagger of eyes stopped me.

“Shut the fuck up,” he hissed at me. “You've been a bitch since I've met you. | bet if she wasn’t your friend, this would have never happened.” It was like a slap in the face; the force of his words madestagger backward as if it were a fatal wound to my chest.

Colton growled loudly, lunging toward him in one quick stride. The claws of his wolf burst through his hands and gripped Ray's collar, practically lifting him off the ground as he revealed his wolf's canines.

Ray’s eyes widened as he stared down at Colton who had becmore Max than Colton.

“If you ever speak to her like that again | will tear your throat out, bear,” he growled. It was obvious that it was Max that was speaking now.

“I just want to see my daughter...” Ray said in a tone that staggered slightly. “I didn’t mean any disrespect.” “Apologize to her or I'll let my wolf do what he pleases to you.” Ray's eyes flickered to me.

“I'm sorry,” he said breathlessly.

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| nodded at him; | knew he was just upset because his daughter was in the hospital. But then again, he abused her for years when she was only a child. | doubted that he cared this much about her now.

| still wasn’t sure what he wanted from her, but | knew it couldn't have been good.

Colton lowered him to the ground and released his hold on his shirt. | stepped beside Colton so | could get a better look at Ray and meet his eyes.

“You are welcto stay with us until she’s out of surgery,” | told him gently. “I'm sure she would like to see you once she’s out.” He looked hesitant, but he nodded.

“Who did this to her?” He asked, adjusting his shirt.

“They didn’t tell you anything?” Colton asked, raising his brows.

“No,” Ray muttered, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs. “They just toldthat she was stabbed and to get to the hospital.” Colton sat down in a chair as well; | was too wound up to sit with them, so | remained standing.

“It was the vampire dorm advisor, Roderick,” Colton explained.

Ray narrowed his eyes.

“What? Why would he stab my little girl?” Ray asked, his voice breaking slightly.

Colton glanced up atbut | kept my eyes locked on Raymond. | really didn’t trust him, and Val’s reaction toward him madetrust him even less.

“We aren't sure,” Colton said, glancing back at him. “But you've been spending a lot of twith her lately. Has she ever mentioned anything about a vampire?” “No,” Ray said, shaking his head quickly. “She’s never mentioned even knowing a vampire. | knew they went to this school, but | thought they kept to themselves.” “Usually, yes,” Colton answered, nodding his head slowly. “But she was outside the dormitory for a reason. | doubt Roderick lured her there.” “She never mentioned anything,” Ray said, staring down at his hands. “Was the wound bad?” “Bad enough where she needs surgery,” | muttered.

Ray was silent, but he nodded once. His face was filled with remorse and it was incredibly grim.

“Who called you?” | asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Your father,” he said, glaring at me.

Val growled at his forceful voice, and | had to take a deep breath to calm her. Before any more words were exchanged, | heard footsteps coming from nearby, turning our attention to the doctor who appeared before us.

“I'm looking for the parent or family member of Rachel Cornelia,” the doctor said, staring between all of us.

“I'm her father,” Raymond was quick to say, standing to his feet.

“But we are all her family,” | said firmly, glaring at Ray and then back at the doctor. “Plus, my father is the head of the Alpha Committee. Anything you need to say, you can speak freely.” The doctor looked hesitant for a moment; he glanced at Raymon as if asking permission, which pissed Val andoff.

After a brief moment, Ray finally nodded at the doctor and he seemed to have relaxed.

“Okay; well, Rachel is out of surgery, and she did very well,” he said, a light smile on his lips. “She's still sleeping, and it will take her a little bit to recover. But her vitals are good, and we think she’s going to make a full recovery.” | felt like | could finally breathe, | nearly fell over but thankfully, Colton caught me.

“Thank you, doctor,” Raymond said, shaking his hand firmly. “Can we see her?” “For right now, I'll allow only one visitor. She's in the recovery chamber and we try to minimize visitors in that unit,” the doctor said to him.

Ray looked like he was about to step toward the doctor, but then he paused and looked at Colton and then at me.

| gave him a small nod.

“Go ahead,” | said, motioning for him to follow the doctor.

He gavea grateful smile before leaving with the doctor to see Rachel.

Not before long, Becca returned to the waiting room. She looked as if she'd been crying as she shoved her phone into her arm bag. She wiped her face with the back of her sleeve before joining us.

“She’s going to be okay,” | said quickly before she reached us.

She paused and looked atthrough her tear-filled eyes.

“What?!” She gasped. “She’s out of surgery?” “Yes,” | said, giving her a bright smile. “The doctor just cand told us. She’s going to be okay!” “Oh, my goddess!” Becca breathed as she rushed toward me, wrapping her arms around me. We both laughed through our tears as Colton watched.

“Can we go see her?” Becca asked, pulling away fromand wiping away her tears.

“They are only letting one visitor in at a time,” Colton explained before | could say anything. “Right now, her father is going to see her.” “Oh, right. | saw him marching inside. He didn’t look happy,” she said, looking at me.

“He’s not,” | said in return. “But Colton calmed him down.” “Max calmed him down,” Colton corrected.

| smiled at him and rubbed the top of Colton’s head as if he were rubbing his wolf.

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“And he did well,” | said teasingly.

“I'm so relieved,” Becca said, and | could see the color returning to her face.

| turned to face Colton wanting to melt back into his arms; as if he could read my mind, he wrappedin his arms and nuzzled his face in my hair, kissinggently. | smiled up at him, so pleased that he was withright now.

He bent down and kissedgently; | closed my eyes, basking in the incredible scent and feeling of my mate. It was a feeling | never wanted to end; a feeling | was never truly prepared for.

He ran his fingers down my spine, sending chills throughout my body. But it was the good kind of chills; the kind that formed happy goosebumps across my flesh and madecrave his touch even more.

Becca cleared her throat, reminding us that we were still in public.

“I don’t think I want to return to the campus,” she said, holding her body as if she was afraid she'd fall apart. “I feel uneasy.” “I agree,” | said, glancing at Colton. “We are still in lockdown until the end of the week. Will they let us stay off campus?” “I'm sure your father can pull sstrings,” Colton said, nodding. “You can stay at my packhouse.” He then glanced at Becca who still looked uneasy. “You can both stay at my packhouse.” “Thank you, Alpha,” she said, giving him a faint smile.

We were interrupted by the sound of Colton’s phone ringing; he pulled away from me, leavingcold and lonely, to answer the call.

“Yes, Alpha Bastien?” He asked; my eyes widened at the mention of my father’s name.

He paused while my father spoke, but he didn’t look pleased. The longer the silence, the more upset Colton was looking. Worry built in my stomach as | stared at my mate.

Becca stepped closer to me, also worried.

“Okay, I'll let them know. Also, I'm bringing Ella to my packhouse for safety reasons. Can you speak to the headmaster about it?” There was another silence before Colton nodded, even though my father couldn’t see him.

“Okay, I'll let them know. Thank you, Alpha.” He hung up and looked over at me.

“He said he’s going to speak to the headmaster; he said to gather the rest of your friends too. He's worried those close to Rachel might be in trouble. If she was stabbed, there's no telling what else could happen and to whom.

I nodded, but my eyes remained on him.

“What else did he say?” | said, knowing my mate very well.

He was hesitant for a moment but then he met my eyes.

“He said that evidence isn’t looking good in Rod's favor,” he said slowly. “However, Scott is going to be released from jail.” “What?” | gasped. “Today?” He nodded, keeping his eyes on mine.

“He’s coming to the packhouse as well,” Colton continued. “Bastien said that Scott remembered something. But he won't talk until everybody is together. Specifically, you, Ella.”