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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It

Chapter 285
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Ella’s POV When I got to the parking lot, | saw Colton’s waiting car. He instantly got out to greet me, but he was acting strange. He didn’t open his arms forto run into them and as much as | wanted to, | refrained from doing so.

He did say someone was in the car waiting forand wanting to talk; | assumed it was somebody who shouldn't know about our relationship. Colton did, however, givea small smile and a quick wink which made my heart instantly flutter.

| stifled a smile of my own and went toward the car. He opened the back passenger seat and motioned forto enter.

“Such a gentlemen,” | whispered teasingly.

He placed his hand on my lower back as | passed him, and he lowered himself, so he was directly against my ear.

“I'll show you how gentlemen-like I can be later,” he whispered for my ears alone, making my body flare with heat.

I slid into the seat as he shut the door and ran around the car and into the driver's seat.

“Hello Ella,” | heard a familiar voice coming from the front seat.

| furrowed my brows together and adjusted my body to see who it was that was speaking to me.

“Alpha Emmett?” | asked, my dropping into my stomach.

Scott's father was with Colton? “I found him at the police station,” Colton explained as he threw the car in drive and started to drive away from the school.

“Colton toldthat you believe my son to be innocent,” Emmet said, staring out his window.

| wanted to just nod, not trusting my voice, but | knew he couldn't see me.

“Yes,” | answered out loud. “I don’t think Scott would kill anyone.” How much did he know? What did Colton tell him? What did Colton find out? | had so many questions.

“I agree with you,” he surprisedby saying. “My son wouldn't kill anyone. He's been set up and we need to find out who would do such a thing.” “I'm with you, Alpha Emmet,” | said quickly. “And we will.” “Colton tellsthat it was mind manipulation, but you don’t think it was Sarah, even though she’s done this before.” “It wasn’t Sarah,” | was quick to say. “I know it wasn’t.” “How do you know for sure?” Emmet asked.

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“Because she told me—" “You are basing this off her word alone?” Emmet interrupted. “May | remind you what she did to him last year?” “She learned from that,” | said, folding my arms across my chest. “This is about murder, Alpha. She wouldn't do something like that. She might manipulate for selfish reasons, but she wouldn't murder.” Alpha Emmett was quiet for a moment as he processed my words.

“I don’t trust her,” he finally said. “We need to be wary.” “We will keep all options open,” Colton assured him. “We will prove Scott's innocence.” | looked at Colton in his mirror and he returned my look; | needed him to believethat Sarah was innocent.

But | didn’t think mindlinking him right now was a good idea. Alphas could often sense when a mindlink conversation is going on around them and | didn’t want to take that chance.

“How is Scott doing?” | asked, still looking at Colton.

“He’s doing okay,” Colton said. “He wants to go home.” “Does he remember anything?” “He remembers what he was forced to remember. His memories aren’t his own,” Colton explained. “Whoever manipulated his mind did more than just convince him to take the fall. They convinced him he did the crime.” “But he didn’t,” Emmet was quick to say.

“No, he didn’t,” Colton agreed. “I told him to try and focus on his fake memories to see if he can figure out who they belonged to.” “If he was given fake memories, that means he’s inside the head of the real killer,” | breathed, realizing where Colton was going with that.

Colton gavea proud look in the mirror and smiled.

“Exactly.” The rest of the ride was quiet; by the twe got to the Calypso packhouse, my father was waiting in the sitting room with Beta Ethan and Gamma Jack.

“Dad!” | said, rushing toward him and throwing myself into his arms.

He heldtightly, kissing the top of my head gently.

“Ella, I'm so glad you are safe,” he breathed. “I'm sorry about your classmate.” Tears filled my eyes and | tried to keep them away, but | couldn’t any longer.

“She didn’t deserve it,” | whispered.

“No one ever does,” he said in return. “I heard that Scott Pierce admitted to the crime.” “He didn’t do it,” Alpha Emmet said as he stepped into the room. “He wouldn't kill anyone.” “Of course, he wouldn't,” my father said, releasingand stepping toward Emmet.

He offered Emmet his hand and after a short hesitation, Emmet accepted and gripped his hand firmly in a greeting.

“We are behind you, Alpha. We will figure this out,” my father continued to say.

Emmet seemed to have relaxed sand he nodded in return.

“Colton how about you take Ella upstairs so she can freshen up? I'd like to speak with Emmett alone for a few,” my father said, patting Emmet on the back and motioning for him to follow him.

| looked at Colton and he gavean identical curious look. But then we both smiled at one another and disappeared from the room without another word. As soon as we were outside the sitting room, he grabbed my hand and pulledalong with him up the stairs and toward his bedroom.

| giggled like a schoolgirl as we rushed into his bedroom and he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissingall over the back of my neck. My back was buried in his tight embrace, and | felt warm and loved wrapped in his arms.

“I've missed you,” he whispered against my ear, nibbling on my lobe gently and sending chills to course through my body.

| turned to face him, wanting to look up at my amazing mate.

“I don't like being apart from you” | whined. “Neither does my wolf.” “Yeah, Max has been impossible too,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist as | wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself close to him. “But we are together now.” He bent down and gently pressed his lips against mine. | melted into his kiss, loving every second of his lips on mine.

He tasted so sweet and | couldn't get enough of him. He liftedoff the ground and | wrapped my legs around his waist. Pressingfirmly against the wall, he began to kiss down the side of my cheek and down the nape of my neck until he reached my sweet spot. He began to lick and nibble on his mark, kissing down my shoulder blade.

| asked as | felt his bulge through his pants; | wanted to feel him inside ofso badly. His breathing was raspy and filled with hunger and desires. Heat pulsated around my body, and | knew he could feel just how badly | wanted him.

He nibbled on my bottom lip, bringing it further into his mouth and sucking on it like it was a piece of candy. He played with the bottom of my blouse, and | felt his fingers brushing against my naked flesh.

An electric wave crossed my skin with every touch. He lifted my shirt over my head, leavingin my silky purple bra; the one that he loved so much.

I saw the lust in his eyes as he buried his face in my breasts, makinggiggle from the incredible sensation.

With one quick motion, my bra unhooked and fell to the ground. He bit and licked my nipples, makingmoan softly as | draped my fingers through his thick brown hair.

He tailed his kisses up my chest until he reached my lips again. He kissedso passionately that my breath had been taken away. | unwrapped my legs from around him and helped him undress his clothing. | couldn't get them off fast enough.

| saw the humor in his eyes as | struggled to get my jeans off. Once we were completely naked, | jumped on top of him and forced him onto the bed. He threw his head back and laughed at my eagerness.

“Easy little wolf,” he breathed against my rapid kisses. “I'm not going anywhere.” “I just missed you,” | said to him as | straddled him.

Feeling him inside ofwas all | needed at that moment. He heldclosely as | moved myself up and down on his lap, moaning and throwing my head back at every sensation he gave me. He kissed my neck gently at first and then he sucked on it ravenously, kissing every inch of my body and leaving warmth in its place.

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My heart was practically beating out of my chest as he kissed my lips and sucked on my bottom lip. His tongue twirled around my mouth makingfeel dizzy with lust.

It didn’t take long for either of us to orgasm.

If then, we didn’t want to stop. After we finished on the bed, he liftedand carriedtoward the dresser, sittingdown and positioning himself between my legs. From there, he pleasedwith his tongue, makingorgasm again before he entered me.

The dresser rattled and shook, nearly driving a hole in the wall as we made a vow of love. We were covered in sweat and were panting by the twe finished in the dresser.

His kisses turned less hungry and more intimate as he carriedinto the bathroom and turned on the shower.

As we showered, the warm water and the steam that surrounded us covered so we could hardly see one another.

But we didn’t need to see each other; we could feel one another and that was all | cared about.

He ran his fingers through my wet curls and cupped my face in his hands as he kissedpassionately. | wrapped my legs around him as he pressedinto the shower wall. | chuckled as the water tickled the back of my neck.

“Goddess, | love you,” he breathed as he finished for the 3(rd) and final time.

This would be my 4(th) tand | was exhausted by the end of the shower.

We dressed in comfortable clothing, and he carriedto his bed where we could snuggle and be one with each other.

The memory of Xander in my dream invaded my mind and | remembered, at the worst time, what | wanted to do.

As | laid my head on his chest, | gazed up at his satisfied face.

“I have to talk to him,” | whispered.

He looked confused, looking down at me.

“Scott?” He asked.

| shook my head.

“No,” | said slowly. “Xander. | need to speak with Xander. Can you taketo him?”