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I Have A City In An Alternate World

Chapter 3373 - 3373: A new sapling? _1
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Chapter 3373: A new sapling? _1

Translator: 549690339

It didn’t take long for cultivators to appear from the smoke-made door.

After they received the news, they eagerly signed up to participate in order to obtain first-hand information.

No matter which organization they belonged to, or whether they had the idea of buying and trading, there was no harm in knowing in advance.

Only when things cto a head did they think of how to deal with it. This was definitely not something a mature cultivator organization would do.

When they entered the floating square and saw the spectacular scene, the cultivators were sure that this trip was worth it.

With so many organizations involved in this, and with the example of the five light City, The Nameless City would definitely not dare to play any tricks.

With so many cultivators ‘organizations, they represented a huge force. The Nameless City did not dare to play any tricks.

Since it was a demonstration, there must be no other intention. The cultivators just needed to watch the show quietly.

He didn’t have to wait long before the smoke tunnel slowly disappeared.

The cultivators were scattered around the floating square, as if it was a grand event in the cultivation world.

The black fog cforward to report that the cultivator organizations outside the city that were willing to watch the demonstration had already sent their representatives into the city.

There were nearly a hundred of them, large and small, and they kept a certain distance from each other. They did not communicate at all.

The special environment in front of them was not suitable for cultivators to trade, not to mention that they might beccompetitors.

At the stthat they were sizing up the surrounding environment, the cultivators ‘main attention was actually placed on Tang Zhen.

The sudden rise of The Nameless City was all because of Tang Zhen. After these cultivator organizations knew the whole story, they would naturally maintain a high level of attention towards Tang Zhen.

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It was a pity that Tang Zhen had always kept a low profile and would never reveal too much information.

There were many rumors about him, but there was no way to verify them. They could only confirm that he was a cultivator from Lou Cheng.

Ordinary cultivators didn’t know about the world of loucheng, but these cultivator organizations were very clear about it and even had scontact with it. The most update n0vels are published on ɴovel(ꜰ)ɪre.nᴇt

Now that he finally had the opportunity to meet Tang Zhen in person, he might be able to obtain more information.

Tang Zhen was very clear about the thoughts and plans of these organizations. However, he did not have the intention to care about them.

Tang Zhen would definitely not hide the things that others should see, and he would definitely not reveal the things that he did not want others to see.

“All the cultivators present are very interested in the secret technique to accelerate the growth of the tree of rules, which is why they have gathered here.

Since that’s the case, I’ll demonstrate it in front of everyone, but only once. I won’t do it again in the future.

This kind of item is very valuable, so we must not waste it.

Although the magazine crystals used for the demonstration were ultimately absorbed by the tree of rules in the nameless megacity, Tang Zhen still felt that it was a pity.

These impure crystals were equivalent to the samount of rule particles, so they couldn’t be wasted easily.

It wasn’t that Tang Zhen was miserly, but the amount of impure crystals was indeed limited.

There was a limit to the chaos Qi in his mind’s divine Kingdom. After all of it was compressed and purified, the impure crystals would definitely run out of production.

If he wanted to obtain it again, he would have to return to the Gulan divine world. Apart from this, there was no other way to obtain it.

Therefore, from now on, it was best to save as much as possible.

When they heard that Tang Zhen was preparing to demonstrate, the cultivators naturally didn’t say anything. Instead, they focused their full attention on watching.

At the stime, he would also use smeans to record this scene so that he could share it with other cultivators.

Under the watchful eyes of the cultivators, Tang Zhen took out the impure crystal and placed it in the open space in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, countless tentacles would have fallen in the next moment, fighting to absorb the impurities.

Who would have thought that at this moment, a deep crack would appear, followed by a ball of air jumping out.

Light swirled within the ball of Qi, as if it was nurturing something that was about to break out of its shell at any moment.

In the blink of an eye, the ball of Qi had already shattered, revealing a small and delicate light.

This rainbow-colored ray of light seemed to have been taken from somewhere, and it carried an aura of laws that could not be ignored.

“This is the bi ‘an law tree!”

After seeing this light, the surrounding cultivators were stunned at the stime, and then they showed an expression of sudden realization.

the scene of the tree of rules being born is really rare. At least, this is the first tI’ve seen it.

“I’m the same. This is the first tI’m seeing this.”

although a divine object like the tree of rules only appears in a place where living beings gather, the process of its appearance is usually done to avoid people’s eyes and ears. Such a scene is indeed extremely rare!

what’s really surprising is that a new seedling has been born next to the tree of rules. This is unheard of in other places.

The cultivators discussed animatedly, their eyes full of amazement.

This time, he had completely opened his eyes. Not only did he have the opportunity to witness the process of growing the tree of rules, but he also witnessed the birth of a new sapling.

Such a strange scene was impossible to see unless one had enough luck.

Scultivators were extremely jealous. The tree of rules that other places could not obtain, yet two of them had appeared in The Nameless City.

This made the cultivators secretly wonder if The Nameless City was a place with good Fengshui, which was why it suddenly becso prosperous.

No one knew the answer. They only knew that the scene in front of them was unexpected, and what happened next broadened their horizons.

The tiny sapling of laws jumped directly onto the impure crystal and began to absorb it madly.

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The colorful sapling turned black in an instant, as if it would drip oil at any time.

Compared to a mature tree of laws, this sapling of laws grew more quickly and directly.

Under the watchful eyes of all the cultivators, the sapling of rules grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. When all the impurities were absorbed, it had already grown to a height of nearly one meter.

And this wasn’t the end. After the tree of laws finished absorbing, it continued to grow.

The cultivators could see that the color of the sapling’s surface was getting dimmer and dimmer, and finally turned into a bright and transparent seven-colored state.

At this moment, the sapling of rules was several meters tall. In a short time, size had grown nearly a hundred times!

Such a direct display was better than any rumors or descriptions, making the cultivators present sigh.

If they still had many doubts before this, they were now convinced.

The divine item in Tang Zhen’s hands was indeed able to give birth to the tree of laws. There was absolutely no falsehood in this.

The cultivators who already had the intention to trade but wanted to wait a little longer were now more and more tempted.

Just as they were thinking about whether they should send the information back or order a portion of it, the blood Creek God clan had already requested a trade.

“We will get as many of these black crystals as you have!”

The blood Creek God clan’s cultivators acted as if they were rich and powerful, and they immediately asked for all the impure crystals.

This way, he could ensure that when he was growing the tree of rules, he wouldn’t stop because of a lack of materials.

After the catalyzing process was over, the remaining impure crystals would not be wasted. They could even be sold for a high price and make a lot of money with interest.

Even if he invested more now, it would definitely be worth it in the long run. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

The other cultivators “organizations immediately objected. They wouldn’t allow the blood Creek God clan to take all the benefits for themselves.

It was fine if he didn’t know about it in the past, but now that he’d personally witnessed the power of these impurities, he couldn’t let the blood Creek God clan enjoy it all to themselves.

The blood Creek God clan was in a difficult position.

At this moment, the snow Creek celestial race felt the sregret as the five light loucheng.

If they didn’t let Tang Zhen demonstrate, there wouldn’t have been so many twists and turns. They actually repeated the mistake that wuguang loucheng made.

Realizing this, the blood Creek God clan immediately began the trade..