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I Became His Sweetheart by Bright Eyes

Chatper 462
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Chapter 462 Jolted Awake

“I’m at…”

Melanie pondered for a moment. This was Professor Turner’s research base, and it was a highly

confidential location. She shouldn’t bring too many people in.

So she said, “Mr. Lincoln, just send me your location. I’ll come to you.”

Melanie Took Annie with her to the cafe where Mr. Lincoln had been waiting for a while.

He looked exhausted, clearly having stayed up all night without sleep.

“How’s Madam Jones doing?” Mr. Lincoln inquired, immediately showing concern for Eliza’s condition.

“She’s out of danger now, but her brain has suffered severe damage. She might not wake up for a

while.” Melanie replied honestly.

“Which hospital is she in? Why can’t I find her admission information?” Mr. Lincoln asked.

“She’s been transferred from the hospital to Professor Turner’s research base,” Melanie disclosed.

“With Professor Turner treating her, I feel more at ease.”

“Has Professor Turner mentioned when the Madam Jones might wake up?” Mr. Lincoln asked


Melanie shook her head, then asked, “Is the board putting a lot of pressure on you?”

“I’m used to it.” Mr. Lincoln sighed. “I’ve been through this once before when your father passed away.

Don’t worry. This time, they won’t get to me, especially since Madam Jones is still alive.”

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After saying this, Mr. Lincoln looked Melanie in the eye and advised, hope it’ll be the same for you.

Having gone through this once, you need to be stronger this time and take care of yourself.”

Melanie couldn’t hold back the tears in her eyes and nodded firmly.

“Mr. Lincoln, you mentioned you had something to tell me?” she asked, trying to control her


Mr. Lincoln pursed his lips and asked her, “Miss Melanie, I have a question. Can you give me an honest


“Go ahead,” Melanie replied.

“What’s your relationship with Jeffrey?”


“I was planning to contess this to my mom, but I never found the right opportunity. The truth is, over a

year ago, Jeffrey and I got secretly married… It’s a long story, full of coincidences and twists of fate,”

Melanie confessed openly.

Mr. Lincoln’s expression flickered, and he said, “The reason doesn’t matter now. I just want to know…

is there genuine affection between you two?”

Melanie was facing this question for the first time.

Though there was nothing at the beginning, now…

She paused for a moment and answered, “Yes.”

Mr. Lincoln picked up his coffee cup, his face showing a troubled expression.

“Mr. Lincoln, why are you asking this? Is what you want to tell me related to my relationship with


Melanie furrowed her brow, the ominous premonition she had before her mother’s accident creeping

back into her mind.

Mr. Lincoln hesitated momentarily before saying, “I suppose you’ve already guessed half of it. Your

won’t feel any better if I don’t say It.”

With that, Mr. Lincoln glanced at Annie sitting beside Melanie. Melanie decisively said, “Mr. Lincoln,

Annie is my best friend. She’s like a sister to me. I’ll need her help with many investigations. You don’t

need to hide anything from her.”

Mr. Lincoln nodded in agreement and continued, “Madam Jones came to see you because she found

out who was behind the scenes of the accident years ago… It was Morgan Group.”

Melanie had indeed guessed it.

She just didn’t want to face it herself.

But when Mr. Lincoln mentioned Morgan Group, she wasn’t surprised at all. She realized that she had

already anticipated this outcome.

“This is the evidence Madam Jones found. Here, Miss. Take a look…” Mr. Lincoln opened his laptop

and showed her.

There were records of Judas having multiple phone calls with the Morgan family. There were also two

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recordings where Judas admitted that the person who paid for the hit was Morgan Group. He even

confessed to meeting Madam Morgan in person.

Melanie recognized Madam Morgan’s voice. In the other recording, Madam Morgan assured

expensive surgery fees…


The recordings weren’t long.

Her fingers repeatedly clicked on the keyboard, playing them in a loop. No matter how unwilling she

was to believe it, the conversations she heard were constantly testing her trust in Jeffrey.


Annie’s eyes were red as she watched Melanie listen repeatedly, afraid that she might dwell on it too

much. She gently shook Melanie’s hand.

Melanie gradually calmed down and asked, “Why would Morgan Group do this?”

If all of this was true, why would the Morgan family have to harm her father?

Jones Enterprise and Morgan Group had never even worked together before!

“This may be because of Mr. Jones‘ background… I’m not sure of the specifics, but back then, Madam

Morgan had a close relationship with the York family.

“Mr. Jones had been avoiding the York family and Morgan Group for so many years. He didn’t

even allow your perfumery talents or your heart surgery to be known to them. Think about it, isn’t there

a pattern to all of this?”

Mr. Lincoln’s words jolted Melanie awake.