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I Became His Sweetheart by Bright Eyes

Chatper 456
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Chapter 456 I Just Want to See Her

“President Morgan, what’s the meaning of this?” Harlow asked sharply.

Jeffrey wrapped his arm around Melanie’s shoulder before everyone.


“Since you’ve stolen the spotlight from Miss Yelena, why don’t I take this opportunity to announce

something as well!” Jeffrey declared loudly. “Melanie is my woman! If you’re proposing to her, you

should have asked for my permission first!”

Jeffrey’s words were resolute and authoritative, instantly silencing the entire room.

Unexpectedly. Jeffrey and Melanie’s secret marriage was being revealed in public under these



people said, plans could change in the blink of an eye.

But Melanie remained calm. She knew Jeffrey’s move was inevitable, and there were no better options

available. If they didn’t announce their relationship, Harlow would never relent.

It seemed that Harlow’s attempt to curry favor with Yelena, who had just returned to the York family,

had reached a fever pitch. He intended to marry Melanie to gain Yelena’s support in

dealing with Leo.

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Melanie glanced around, unsurprised to see Yelena smiling knowingly. It seemed she had already

guessed their relationship.

The members of the York family appeared unsurprised, but Yelena’s expression looked particularly


The instigator of this sudden turn of events, Harlow, seemed more infuriated than surprised. Perhaps

he believed that he could take advantage of the situation as long as Jeffrey and Melanie didn’t admit

their relationship.

What a despicable plot!

After the silence settled in, a murmur rose from the audience.

The guests were eating up the drama today. They never expected to witness Harlow proposing to a

woman, only to be rejected!

Nor did they expect the woman Harlow had his eye on to be Jeffrey’s woman!

But when did Jeffrey get into a relationship? Wasn’t it true that he hadn’t had a female companion since

his childhood sweetheart passed away?


Amidst everyone’s astonishment, there was another commotion outside the door.

Everyone held their breath, wondering what else was going to happen.

All eyes turned towards the door, where a servant rushed in. He went straight to Joseph and the


“Master York, Professor Turner has arrived!”

“Invite him in quickly!” The butler could barely contain his excitement.

After Professor Turner had fallen out with the York family and left, they had no further contact. They

never expected him to set aside past grievances and respond so quickly after they reached out to him

through various channels!

The servant reporting the news looked uneasy. He hesitated before saying, “Professor Turner said

he’s here to see Miss Melanie… but he won’t come in…”

The butler’s excited expression froze, but Joseph remained composed. It was as if he had anticipated

Professor Turner wouldn’t give up so easily.

“I’ll go talk to him.” Melanie interjected.

She seized the opportunity to leave this embarrassing situation behind and take Jeffrey with her.

“Who’s Professor Turner?” Jeffrey asked as he stepped outside.

Melanie explained that she had arranged for a highly skilled acupuncturist and traditional doctor to

come for Yelena. This doctor had strong connections with the York family, but Melanie wasn’t

sure about the details yet.

Jeffrey accompanied her to the car parked outside.

The car door opened.

Before Melanie could say anything, Jeffrey expressed his surprise. “Professor? Why are you here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Professor Turner glanced at Jeffrey, then turned to Melanie. “It’s been years

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since we last met. You’ve grown so much.”

“You’re still the same as you were back then, Professor Turner,” Melanie said with a smile.

“What hasn’t changed is your mouth. You’ve always been good at telling lies!” Professor Turner

chuckled, stroking his beard. “So, how about it? Do you want to learn medicine from me? You had a

talent for it when you were young. Your grandfather and I both wanted to teach you ourselves.”

Melanie awkwardly laughed and quickly changed the subject. She asked Jeffrey, “Do you also


It was rare for her to see Jeffrey so surprised, especially considering how openly he had shown it just


After a pause, Jeffrey answered her, “This is the person I mentioned, the genius doctor who saved me

back then.”

“Such flattery!” Professor Turner chuckled.

Suddenly, Jeffrey remembered something and narrowed his eyes.

“Professor, when I invited you.

you said you were busy and didn’t have time to see me…”

“What’s my relationship with you? What’s my relationship with her? Can you compare them?” Professor

Turner replied bluntly.

Jeffrey felt choked and uncomfortable. After a few moments of silence, he asked, “Then… what’s.

your relationship with her?”