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I Became His Sweetheart by Bright Eyes

Chatper 445
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Chapter 445 The Lady

Melanie held Pamela’s hand tightly, both of their hands cold.

At the Yorks, there were a lot of people in the living room.

The moment they went in, the butler came and greeted them. They all stood in rows and yelled at the

same time.

“My lady!”

Pamela became even more anxious, her palms getting even sweatier.

“Master Joseph is in the bedroom. He got too excited after knowing the results and we almost lost him.”

The butler led Melanie and Pamela further in.

In his bedroom, Joseph was lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on his face, and an IV drip

connected to his arm. His two grandsons and Elder Gibson were also there.

Elder Gibson stubbornly held Pamela’s hands and said, “You’re still alive, Yelena…

Melanie looked at Elder Gibson. His eyes were also reddish. He was obviously trying hard not to


“Pamela really is…?” Melanie turned to the butler.

The butler nodded and gave the report to her.

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“Pamela, look. This is the result of the paternity test.”

Melanie looked and gave it to her. “There’s a 99% chance that you’re Joseph’s daughter. You’re the

daughter of the family. Yelena York.”

Pamela was also very excited, her hands shaking slightly.

Pam ran in from the door and held Pamela tightly, crying. “Mom, now that you found your family. are

you going to abandon me and my brother?”

She was still trying hard not to cry, but her tears flowed as she kept on shaking her head and

patted Pam’s head.

It took a while for them to calm down.

The family sat down and Joseph introduced the two doctors behind him to Yelena. “These two are

doctors that I’ve invited from overseas and they’re well–versed in all kinds of amnesia. They’ll be

your main doctors from now on until you’ve fully recovered.

“Then, you’ll remember all of us. You’ll also remember who hurt you all those years ago!”


Joseph’s voice was full of enmity, and his voice was somewhat terrifying as he spoke through the

oxygen mask. He coughed, and the doctor behind him had to remind him to control his emotions.

“How did I ‘die‘ all those years ago?”

Yelena wrote on the paper.

Once he was sure of Yelena’s identity, the butler told her about the hereditary heart disease that all

Yorks would have, and that she also had the same disease.

However, she had health checks periodically and the family doctors were able to give her the correct

treatment. That was why her heart disease didn’t get any worse. That year, she was supposed to

represent the Yorks in a perfume blending competition. However, her heart disease suddenly took a

turn for the worse. The doctor announced that she was unable to be saved and

she died.

She was Joseph’s eldest daughter, and the Yorks drowned in sorrow for some years.

Thinking back, her death was very suspicious.

But why would someone arrange for her death, but she was able to survive? She had to recover her

memories before they could get any answers.

“From now on, what will you do with me?”

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Yelena wrote on the paper again.

While she was in the center of the storm, Yelena was clear about everything. It was obvious that she

was someone with a lot of worldly experience.

“We’ll be taking you home, of course. We’ll treat your sickness and help you recover your memories

and regain your ability to speak… You’re my daughter, and we’re all old now. I guarantee that you’ll live

a good life,” Joseph said sincerely.

He only felt like a real father when Yelena was around.

“I have a condition.” Yelena wrote.

“Say it.”

Joseph didn’t hesitate and nodded.

“My two children will stay with me. While they’re not my real children, I treat them like my own

flesh and blood,” Yelena wrote with heavy strokes.

Both Harlow and Leo’s laces paled.

Things were already chaotic enough with their aunt coming back. Now that there were two more non–

blood related siblings joining them, they had to continue lighting for their inheritance.