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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64 The Jade Disc Of Fortune

Felicia nodded. “That’s right.”

Jonathan then asked another question, “So, Gabriel plotted behind your back but failed to get his

hands on the Jade Disc of Fortune?”

“Not quite. The Jade Disc of Fortune consists of two relics, the Dragon Jade and the Phoenix Jade.

Outsiders aren’t aware of this fact. Gabriel has taken the Dragon Jade, leaving me to rely on the

Phoenix Jade alone. Master Yarrow also foretold that my death would be near should the Jade Disc of

Fortune separate. But what he never expected was that my spirit lived on even though I only have the

Phoenix Jade. No matter how you look at it, I’ve somehow managed to escape death.”

“The Jade Disc of Fortune is renowned for being a powerful relic. Yet, it just seems like an ordinary

piece of jade to me. What’s so special about it anyway?” Jonathan voiced the question that he and

Amber wanted to know.

Confusion showed on Felicia’s face as she glanced at him. “You broke in here without knowing what

the Jade Disc of Fortune actually does?”

Jonathan rolled his eyes and said, “My goal is to open up a bar. I don’t care about precious relics. Then

again, I could trade the Jade Disc of Fortune for some cash once we’ve restored it. But with my set of

skills, do you think I’m that desperate for money?”

That made Felicia dumbfounded.

Nevertheless, Jonathan resumed, “Many times, the things you deem precious might not be perceived

as so by other people. Does that sound like a valid argument to you?”

A moment passed as Felicia fell deep in thought before speaking again. “When pieces of the Jade Disc

of Fortune join together, it emits a pleasant aura. This aura cures all kinds of sicknesses and alters the

magnetic waves in the atmosphere. I initially didn’t know how the Jade Disc of Fortune functioned, but

I’ve since gained insight and understood more about it after Gabriel took the Dragon Jade and ended

my life.”

Jonathan and Amber’s eyes rounded in shock as they listened to her words attentively.

Felicia continued, “The Dragon Jade has the ability to change a person’s luck and fate. Its power

derives from the unique material of the jade itself. Gabriel seeks the Dragon Jade because he has

foreseen his death. He doesn’t want to die and plans to use the jade to change his fate. To put it simply,

the Dragon Jade represents the living while the Phoenix Jade represents the dead.

“After Gabriel killed me, I harbored a lot of chaotic resentment. In my blind hatred, I wanted to destroy

everything in sight. It was then that the Phoenix Jade emitted a magnetic field that nourished my soul.

This process gradually restored my sanity. As long as I had the Phoenix Jade as my core, I was able to

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convert lively energy from Golden Years into the resentment aura that I needed.

In the beginning, I was full of malice and killed anyone I saw. As time passed, I encountered some

people and began absorbing just enough of their life force to nourish my spirit. It was until the

beginning of last year that I gradually mastered cultivation. That also allowed me to keep my mind

under control.”

As she spoke, Felicia could not help but feel bewildered by her own words.

The fate of the deceased after their death remained an age-old mystery. Felicia had personally given

explanations to Jonathan and Amber from the perspective of a deceased person. Naturally, Amber felt

a sense of excitement at the insider intel. She eagerly asked, “Does that mean things like the Six Paths

of Reincarnation don’t exist after death? Does the same concept also apply to the Pill of Reincarnation

and Hell?”

Felicia glanced at Amber upon hearing that question. “The Six Paths of Reincarnation and Hell are part

of our cultural beliefs in Chanaea, whereas the Western world believes in Heaven. However, they aren’t

entirely true. Humans created those beliefs to reassure themselves as they feared death. If the Six

Paths of Reincarnation or Hell truly exists, where are they? Why hasn’t anyone seen them before? The

whole idea lacks scientific support.”

Convinced, Amber had more admiration for Jonathan. She turned to him and said, “That’s exactly like

what you said before.”

A dry cough came from Jonathan before he said, “Now’s not the time to be discussing that. Anyway,

Felicity, where do you think Gabriel is now?”

That brief mention of Gabriel stirred up Felicia’s emotions. “Gabriel probably joined Crimson Onyx Sect

as he had conspired against me to take the Jade Disc of Fortune for himself. Thus, the name ‘Gabriel’

might even be an alias. With his current abilities, it’s likely that he has already become the pillar of the

Crimson Onyx Sect by now.”

“So, where do we find Crimson Onyx Sect?”

“In the state of Yorksland is Kenfort city, and within that city lies a town named Ackleton. After passing

Ackleton, go about a hundred meters into the mountainous area. You’ll find a small town called

Crimson Onyx Town. My sect’s founder, Percy Yarrow, created a formation through light energy and

magnetic fields. As a result, a mirage has formed around the place to disguise it as a forgotten

kingdom. In reality, that’s where Crimson Onyx Sect’s core lies.”

“How do I get in then?” Jonathan asked.

“That’s easy,” Felicia answered. “At nightfall, there’s no light, so you can directly walk into the place.

However, you’ll have to pass a forest filled with snake spirits. Those spirits are intelligent creatures

raised by Master Yarrow. They also release a poisonous mist at night to keep intruders at bay. Crimson

Onyx Sect’s members know of a technique to repel the snake spirits if they wish to enter. I can teach

you that technique. All you need to do is wear a gas mask before going in. That’s it.”

Jonathan touched his nose. At that moment, he felt that most of his vitality had recovered. This

regenerative capability of mine seems very overpowered. He then asked, “Does Crimson Onyx Sect

have many martial artists within their ranks? Am I going to be in danger once I get there?”

“Most members of Crimson Onyx Sect are experts of divination but unskilled at martial arts. Once

you’re inside, seek out Master Yarrow and explain what happened. I’m sure he’ll make Gabriel pay


“But, I’m just a stranger. Do you think I’ll be able to seek an audience with Master Yarrow?”

Upon hearing that, Felicia felt embarrassed as he had made a good point. She hesitated for a bit

before adding, “I was known as Licia back in my younger days. Once you get there, say my nickname

and tell them I’ve delegated for you to be there on my behalf. That should get you an audience with

Master Yarrow without any issues.”

Jonathan nodded in approval. “I still have one last question for you. Since I’ve never met Gabriel

before, how will I know I’m not talking to the wrong person? After all, he sounds very cunning for

managing to deceive you all this while.”

“That’s easy,” Felicia replied.

After she spoke, her body began to change. Finally, she transformed into a man.

The man wore a green shirt. He had an air of elegance and seemed personable. At first glance, one

would assume he was a famous actor from a historical television drama. In fact, he looked like a decent


Felicia then changed back into her original appearance.

Her transformation was a magical sight to behold. Then again, nothing was enchanting about the

process. Because Felicia did not possess a physical body, her transformation process was made

possible by the change in brain waves.

The brain waves of an average person were invisible, but Felicia’s brain waves had been powerful

enough to be seen with the naked eye.

“I’ll bring you Gabriel’s head,” Jonathan uttered those words with the utmost solemnity as he took his


It was midnight when they left the Golden Years bar.

Once Jonathan and Amber stood outside, the roller shutters of Golden Years fell shut while the neon

signs of neighboring bars glowed brightly as luxury cars gathered.

Lively and bustling with activity, this was a place that never sleeps.

“How’s your hand?” Amber asked while holding up Jonathan’s hand. She was concerned about the

injuries he had sustained.

Immediately, Jonathan tore away the piece of cloth that covered up his wounds. “I’m fine now.”

Amber took a closer look and realized scabs had already formed around his cut. She exclaimed in

disbelief, “How are you recovering so quickly?”

Unfazed, Jonathan spoke as he walked toward the car. “My vitality is strong. That’s why my wounds

heal quickly. What’s so strange about that?”

The two soon got into the car, with Amber being the designated driver.

She looked over and asked, “Where to now?”

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Jonathan leaned back in his seat, tired. “I’m soaked in blood. If Jen sees me like this when I get back,

it’ll be a bother to explain things to her. Just take me to a place where I can sleep and take a shower.”

“Okay,” Amber replied, intending to bring him to where she currently lived.

After their near-death experience earlier, she fostered a deep sense of trust in him.

She remained silent on their drive home as she saw how tired he was.

It did not take long before they arrived at Amber’s apartment on the twentieth floor.

Inside were two bedrooms and lounges. The interior was also extensively renovated into a comfortable

living space.

The two parked the car and headed into the elevator.

“Thanks for your help today,” Amber uttered as the elevator ascended.

“You don’t need to thank me,” Jonathan replied casually. “I was the one who brought you to that place.

Moreover, I’ve even put you in a very precarious situation.”

“It’s still thanks to you that I’m alive right now.”

Jonathan chuckled upon hearing that but said nothing else.

Moments passed before Amber suddenly spoke again. “There’s something I don’t understand.”

“What is it?”

“I wasn’t of much help, so why did you bring me there in the first place?”

Jonathan despondently touched his nose before explaining, “I initially thought Felicia was an easy prey

since we had some decent weapons. Also, because this is an unsolved case, I thought a police officer

like you would greatly benefit by solving it. That was the first reason. The second was for you to make a

public announcement after solving the case. By doing so, the public’s fear of Golden Years would

dissipate, thus garnering their curiosity about the establishment.”

Things finally clicked in place within Amber’s mind. She paused slightly before remarking, “Poor Felicia.

She’s been through a lot.”

Jonathan nodded in agreement.

The two eventually arrived on the twentieth floor and entered Amber’s apartment.

Upon arrival, Amber first arranged for Jonathan to take a shower, but he turned to her and said, “Could

you please make me some food? Something that has milk, meat, and eggs in it.”

The request itself rendered Amber speechless. “Well, I only have spaghetti and sausage available right


To her dismay, Jonathan suggested, “There’s a supermarket downstairs. You should be able to find

some things there.”

The events earlier had terrified Amber. Now that she had returned to the safety of her home, she

dreaded the thought of going out again. Thus, she came up with an alternate solution. “

Let’s make do with spaghetti and sausages for now. We’ll have a better meal tomorrow morning. How’s


Jonathan had always been an easygoing person. However, he refused to comply with Amber’s

suggestion at that moment. He sternly remarked, “Look. I’m not being picky right now. I asked for those

specific foods because I’ve lost a lot of blood. Even though I recovered quickly, I still need to replenish

the nutrients in my body.”