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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 Spooky Golden Years

After listening to Grayden, Jonathan immediately fell into deep thoughts. Golden Years is at such a

strategic location, and it’s quite spacious too. Besides, the owner is having a hard time selling it off. In

that case, I guess I can buy it at a much lower price.

Of course, Jonathan knew there must be something unusual hidden inside a forsaken place like

Golden Years. He was also aware that it was unlikely for him to get his plan of opening a bar

successfully executed if he did not do something to it.

As Grayden drove, he persuaded earnestly, “Mr. Lawson, there are plenty of choices if you want to

open a bar. A place like Golden Years is shrouded in unpredictable danger and mysteries. You don’t

have to take the risk.”

Wearing a faint smile, Jonathan replied, “Mr. Lewis, can we take a look at Golden Years first?”

Grayden stopped persuading further after Jonathan insisted. After a moment’s pause, Grayden added,

“You can take a look from the outside but never go in, Mr. Lawson. I’m saying this because you’re my

friend, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Okay!” Jonathan agreed.

Soon, they arrived in front of Golden Years again.

The car stopped. Jonathan and Grayden got off from the vehicle.

In contrast to Golden Years, which was shrouded in darkness, the bar next to it was lively and bustled

with people.

Although the weather was hot, they could feel a piercing chill when they stood in front of Golden Years.

Golden Years looked shabby and damaged. The main entrance had been shut down by a roller shutter

covered with a thick, reddish-brown rust layer.

Even the fonts on the signboard had faded, and only a few alphabets were still visible. The wiring of the

neon lights was exposed too.

No one knew the actual condition inside of Golden Years.

Jonathan stood in front of the grim-looking building. He could feel an indescribable sense of biting cold.

In fact, he felt a strong, ominous aura surrounding him.

At that point, Jonathan could almost imagine how intense and menacing the aura could be behind the

roller shutter.

Faced with such a situation, Jonathan was slightly startled, too. He had taken countless lives in the

past, and he had also been to the cemetery and other places that gave off a gloomy vibe, yet it was his

first time to come across a place like Golden Years. The oppressive feelings it exuded were almost


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Even an expert like him could not help keeping his guard up out of fear, let alone the ordinary men.

Once again, Jonathan fell into deep thought. He did not break open the door and dart in recklessly.

Golden Years was located along Bar Street, which was also the busiest street in the city. Hence, the

place was always crowded with people and filled with a sense of liveliness. It was nearly impossible for

Golden Years to exude such an intense, gloomy aura.

A place like the cemetery exuded some sort of aura, too.

Nonetheless, that kind of aura surrounding the cemetery was mostly pure and harmless. In contrast,

the aura exuded by Golden Years was almost compatible with the deadly resentment aura that could

harm ordinary people.

Grayden’s face gradually turned pale as he stood beside Jonathan. The fear in Grayden grew stronger

as he felt the overwhelming resentment aura.

“Mr. Lawson, let’s head back.” Grayden could no longer stand it.

Jonathan nodded. “Okay.”

Upon hearing that, Grayden sighed in relief. Then, they turned around and walked toward the

Mercedes-Benz. When Grayden hopped in the car, Jonathan did not follow suit. He flashed a smile at

Grayden with the window separating them. “Mr. Lewis, I feel like having a drink. You can go back

without me.”

Grayden forced a smile and replied, “Mr. Lawson, you’re not giving up, aren’t you? I know you’re a

decisive person, but please be extra careful. I bet you could already sense that Golden Years is an

extraordinary place. It’s for sure not just another tale.”

Jonathan was slightly touched to know that Grayden was concerned about his safety. He reassured,

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lewis. I won’t do something that I’m not confident with.”

Knowing that Jonathan had made up his mind, Grayden did not say another word. He then drove off on

his own.

The next instant, Jonathan took out his phone and called Amber.

It was not even eight o’clock, and the night was still young. As Amber went out of the police station, she

got the call from Jonathan.

“Captain Johnson, are you busy?” asked Jonathan.

Amber had always been fond of Jonathan. She laughed before answering, “I’m busy serving the

civilians. You only call me when you need my help. So spill it! What’s the matter?”

Jonathan chuckled and replied, “I want to invite you to join me for a drink at Bar Street. Will you be


“I’ll be there if you have important issues to discuss. If you only need a drinking buddy, you should ask

Jen,” suggested Amber.

“I do have something that I wish to seek advice from you,” said Jonathan.

“Oh, what is it?” questioned Amber.

Jonathan responded, “It’s hard to explain over the phone. I’ll tell you when we meet.”

Amber gave in and agreed, “Okay, tell me the address. I’ll be right there.”

Jonathan raised his head and spotted the signboard of a bar. “Do you know The Lotus?”

“Yes,” answered Amber.

Jonathan nodded. “Great! I’ll see you there.”

Half an hour later, Amber, dressed in her blue police uniform, arrived at The Lotus.

Jonathan was sitting in front of the bar counter. As soon as he saw Amber, he instantly waved at her.

Just then, the people in the bar caught sight of Amber. Puzzled, they immediately became wary of her

appearance. Regardless, Amber looked exceptionally charming in her uniform.

She was deemed as the prettiest police, and her beauty certainly deserved such praise.

Paying no heed to the gazes that fell on her, Amber headed toward Jonathan and sat beside him.

“What do you want to drink? It’s on me,” offered Jonathan.

“I’ll go for an aperitif,” replied Amber.

Jonathan then ordered a glass of aperitif for her.

The bartender nodded and soon placed a glass of wine in front of Amber.

Amber took a sip before saying, “So, what do you wish to ask me?”

Meanwhile, Jonathan gulped down a mouthful of iced beer and queried, “Do you know anything about

Golden Years?”

Amber’s expression changed, and a hint of fear flashed through her eyes when she heard the name.

After taking a moment to regain her composure, she questioned, “Why are you asking that?”

“I have my eyes on Golden Years. I plan to open a bar over there,” explained Jonathan.

When Amber heard his words, she raised her voice immediately. “Are you out of your mind? Don’t even

think about it! You’d better not lay your hands on Golden Years.”

Jonathan fell silent for a while before saying, “Do you believe in ghosts?”

Amber’s face turned red after she drank a big gulp of wine. After that, she spoke with a tint of

resentment. “I’ve been taught to believe in science and atheism since I was young. My granny used to

tell me tales about ghosts in the countryside, yet I never believed in those. I think everything should be

explained scientifically. However, the incident that had happened at Golden Years overturned every

single scientific theory and knowledge I’ve learned. Did you know how I felt to see my colleagues die

one after another? When their bodies got carried out, there were only skins and bones left. Their blood

and flesh were sucked dry!”

Seemingly trying to keep her composure, Amber took a deep breath and continued, “I still get

goosebumps whenever I recall the scene. It’s too horrifying! Do you understand now, Jonathan?”

Jonathan could see the fear in Amber’s gaze, and he slightly furrowed his brows.

“After the pathologists examined my colleagues’ bodies, do you know what conclusion they came up

with?” questioned Amber, agitated.

Jonathan was curious. “What was the conclusion?”

Amber then continued, “The pathologists said all of them died at the same time, and there wasn’t any

scientific procedure that could suck their flesh and blood without destroying the skin.”

Feeling eager to find out more, Jonathan took another gulp of his beer and questioned, “What

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happened next then? Did you send more force into Golden Years again?”

“After the incident, I had gathered one hundred people. We carried cow’s blood with us before going in

Golden Years,” said Amber.

“How was it then?” Jonathan was excited to know.

Amber sighed. “We failed. Ten people went insane before we entered the bar, so the rest were too

afraid to go. I didn’t go inside because the situation was strange at that time. Later, Mr. Jones wanted to

demolish Golden Years but soon fell sick. After he recovered, he gave up on the idea. The only way to

get rid of Golden Years is launching a missile at it, but it’s impossible to do so in an era as peaceful as


“Did you try looking for the masters from The Destino to have a look? Perhaps they might have a

solution to deal with it,” asked Jonathan.

Amber then replied, “Back then, all kinds of rumors about Golden Years had been spreading like

wildfire in the city. After that, the government prohibited people from mentioning the place. They did

everything they could to stop the rumors from spreading further. Since then, no one dared to get the

masters to carry out any ritual publicly. We tried doing it once secretly, but the masters died without

exception. Again, there were only skin and bones left.”

“That’s so strange!” exclaimed Jonathan.

“Thus, I’d advise you to stay away from Golden Years,” said Amber.

Jonathan added, “Captain Johnson, there’s something I have to agree with you. Everything could be

explained through the scientific aspects.”

Puzzled, Amber shot Jonathan a glance. “All right. Go ahead and explain the incident at Golden Years

to me from a scientific point of view.”

Without a second thought, Jonathan replied, “Sure! First of all, let me ask you a question. What are


“What are ghosts?” repeated Amber.

“In general, ghosts are humans’ souls. Humans become ghosts after they die. Am I right?”

Amber nodded. “Yes!”

Jonathan continued to explain, “If we were to explain everything from the scientific aspects, every

thought and movement are orders from the brain when a person is alive. When the brain sleeps, the

body will stop moving. Thoughts are generated in the brain, and they control a person’s movement.

Aside from that, thoughts can also be perceived as mystical brain waves. In that sense, if the brain

suffers great damage, the person will either be dead or become dumb, as the brain waves will be

destroyed too. When a person is dead, the brain waves lose their place to inhabit. They will then leave

the body. These brain waves are what we usually call ghosts.”

Amber was confused, as she found it hard to comprehend Jonathan’s explanation. “Do you have any

solid evidence to support your statement?”

“It’s not logical to claim there are ghosts around. Don’t you think it’s more convincing to explain the

existence of ghosts with the theory of brain waves?” asked Jonathan.

Amber was intrigued by his remarks. She wanted Jonathan to elaborate further. “Well, please continue

with your theories.”