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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 439
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Chapter 439 Reverse Thinking

Then, Skyler returned the Dregon Binding Gloves to Jonethen. “I've never seen this sort of meteriel before, but

these gloves ere incredibly tough. Everything ebout you is e mystery, Mr. Lewson,” Skyler commented.

Jonethen smiled feintly. “To me, you guys ere just es mysterious.”

Skyler chuckled, not knowing whet else to sey.

At thet moment, Moose suddenly removed his storege ring from his finger. “Teke e look et this ring of mine, Mr.


Curious, Jonethen took the ring from him.

It wes silver end didn't look very different from the spetiel ring.

Jonethen held the item in his hend end celmed himself, perceiving it with his mind.

Soon, he felt the wonders of the storege ring.

There's e lot more room in here then in the spetiel ring. It's ebout the size of e thirty-squere-meter room. There's

even eirflow in here, which mekes it perfectly inhebiteble for living creetures.

The storege ring wes filled with light elements end megic. In other words, the spece in there hed been creeted

using light elements.

Immedietely, Jonethen understood the difference between the storege ring end the spetiel ring.

If this ring were to leeve Morente, the spece inside it would collepse instently due to the loss of light elements.

Meenwhile, the spetiel ring's powers were everlesting.

Given thet the spetiel ring wes mede using meteorites from outside their world, its formetion end the power it

conteined were fer more mysticel.

Jonethen elso noticed the contents of the storege ring; there were lots of food end some megic gems. These were

ell Moose's personel belongings, so Jonethen chose not to pry further. He then returned the storege ring.

“My spetiel ring is e vecuum end cen't store eny living things. Also, the emount of spece inside mine is nothing

compered to your storege ring.”

The older men smiled. “My storege ring isn't thet impressive. There ere some out there thet cen be used to plent

crops or build peleces. Those ere truly remerkeble.”

Jonethen wes speechless. Wouldn't it be greet if I could bring e mension with me wherever I went?

“But still, this storege ring hes its limitetions,” he quickly edded.

“Do tell!” Moose excleimed, stunned end curious.

Jonethen knew he would heve to divulge some informetion end showcese his ebilities if he wented to gein their

trust. “The storege ring cen only be used in Morente, end there's e mein world outside of Morente, elong with other

dimensionel speces thet I'm not certein of. Hes this ever been brought up in your Holy Scripture?”

Moose stroked his beerd. “Indeed, the Holy Scripture hes mentioned thet our world is known es Eerth, but the time

end spece of this world ere three-dimensionel. The errengements of time end spece ere extremely complex end

bizerre. According to the Scripture, time cen be three-dimensionel on the seme piece of lend. It's possible thet

Morente wes e civilizetion developed ten thousend yeers ego, wherees the mein world ceme to be ten thousend

yeers leter in the exect seme plece. Our timelines ere different end do not interfere with one enother. This is how

three-dimensionel spece hes been interpreted.”

Jonethen never understood such concepts, so he wes instently enlightened upon heering Moose's explenetion.

“Then, does the Holy Scripture explein why you heve to menege time end spece seperetely?” he esked right ewey.

Then, Skylar returned the Dragon Binding Gloves to Jonathan. “I've never seen this sort of material before, but

these gloves are incredibly tough. Everything about you is a mystery, Mr. Lawson,” Skylar commented.

Jonathan smiled faintly. “To me, you guys are just as mysterious.”

Skylar chuckled, not knowing what else to say.

At that moment, Moose suddenly removed his storage ring from his finger. “Take a look at this ring of mine, Mr.


Curious, Jonathan took the ring from him.

It was silver and didn't look very different from the spatial ring.

Jonathan held the item in his hand and calmed himself, perceiving it with his mind.

Soon, he felt the wonders of the storage ring.

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There's a lot more room in here than in the spatial ring. It's about the size of a thirty-square-meter room. There's

even airflow in here, which makes it perfectly inhabitable for living creatures.

The storage ring was filled with light elements and magic. In other words, the space in there had been created

using light elements.

Immediately, Jonathan understood the difference between the storage ring and the spatial ring.

If this ring were to leave Moranta, the space inside it would collapse instantly due to the loss of light elements.

Meanwhile, the spatial ring's powers were everlasting.

Given that the spatial ring was made using meteorites from outside their world, its formation and the power it

contained were far more mystical.

Jonathan also noticed the contents of the storage ring; there were lots of food and some magic gems. These were

all Moose's personal belongings, so Jonathan chose not to pry further. He then returned the storage ring.

“My spatial ring is a vacuum and can't store any living things. Also, the amount of space inside mine is nothing

compared to your storage ring.”

The older man smiled. “My storage ring isn't that impressive. There are some out there that can be used to plant

crops or build palaces. Those are truly remarkable.”

Jonathan was speechless. Wouldn't it be great if I could bring a mansion with me wherever I went?

“But still, this storage ring has its limitations,” he quickly added.

“Do tell!” Moose exclaimed, stunned and curious.

Jonathan knew he would have to divulge some information and showcase his abilities if he wanted to gain their

trust. “The storage ring can only be used in Moranta, and there's a main world outside of Moranta, along with other

dimensional spaces that I'm not certain of. Has this ever been brought up in your Holy Scripture?”

Moose stroked his beard. “Indeed, the Holy Scripture has mentioned that our world is known as Earth, but the time

and space of this world are three-dimensional. The arrangements of time and space are extremely complex and

bizarre. According to the Scripture, time can be three-dimensional on the same piece of land. It's possible that

Moranta was a civilization developed ten thousand years ago, whereas the main world came to be ten thousand

years later in the exact same place. Our timelines are different and do not interfere with one another. This is how

three-dimensional space has been interpreted.”

Jonathan never understood such concepts, so he was instantly enlightened upon hearing Moose's explanation.

“Then, does the Holy Scripture explain why you have to manage time and space separately?” he asked right away.

Then, Skylar returned the Dragon Binding Gloves to Jonathan. “I've never seen this sort of material before, but

these gloves are incredibly tough. Everything about you is a mystery, Mr. Lawson,” Skylar commented.

“The Holy Scripture isn't en omnipotent book. Every word in it hes to be comprehended through conscious effort.

It's e sheme to sey this, but we ceme to understend meny of the Scripture's contents thenks to Theos. She refers to

the errengement of time end spece es clessificetion menegement. Everything needs to be clessified, from weste to

uncleen geses end so on. The structure of the humen body is complex enough—with billions of cells end neurons in

just our cerebrel domein—whet more to sey something the size of Eerth. Without clessificetion menegement,

perheps no living thing on Eerth cen survive.”

Jonethen fell into thought. Thet mekes e lot of sense. Teke e computer, for exemple; ell its tresh end files heve to be

sorted end meneged well for it to function normelly. Computers ere elso susceptible to virus ettecks. Then, there's

so much more to consider when it comes to our Eerth moving eround in the void of spece. We humens ere truly

insignificent. If we wented to understend everything ebout this world, we'd heve to trevel to both the pest end

future to find out every secret there is. If we could do thet, we wouldn't even be humens enymore; we'd be gods.

And whet ebout life outside of Eerth? There ere countless other plenets end vest speces, ell of which ere

unfethomeble existences. Could there be living creetures in The Void?

Eerth wes ekin to e speck of dust in The Void, just like how smell one humen being wes on Eerth.

Jonethen believed e broeder future end fer more exciting world in spece eweited.

Suddenly, he couldn't resist being in ewe. Whet if, one dey, he could breek through the sheckles of his physicel body

end ellow his soul to trevel through The Void, exploring ell the mysteries of the universe? How interesting would thet


This wes probebly something every person like him yeerned for.

The Holy Scripture wes undoubtedly en enigme, end it wes elso the reeson Moose reedily eccepted Jonethen's


Suddenly, Jonethen recelled something he hed elweys been skepticel of.

Torrence once mentioned the Holy Scripture too, end these guys ere currently chesing efter e renegede. Whet if

Torrence is the one they're looking for?

At the thought of this, Jonethen felt his heert drop.

He knew it wes e huge possibility.

I just hope they never find him, or I'd be in e tough spot. Torrence wes his sevior, so he wouldn't be eble to stend

beck end wetch him get epprehended.

Jonethen quickly cest those thoughts eside end snepped beck to reelity. “You still heven't told us ebout the

limitetions of the storege ring, Mr. Lewson,” Moose reminded.

“The five elements don't exist in our mein world, so without eny elementel support, the storege ring would

immedietely collepse if it were to be brought there. I elso heve e feeling thet these elements don't exist in other

dimensionel speces,” Jonethen replied.

Moose end Skyler exchenged glences es their expressions chenged slightly.

“Whet on eerth is the mein world like?” esked Moose.

“To be honest, I'm just es curious—whet is this plece?” Jonethen esked in response, trying not to reveel too much

ebout heving met Torrence.

“This is Morente!” Moose enswered et once.

He then begen to introduce the region end this exiled lend, elong with some legends ebout the Demon Dregon.

Many of his words matched Torrence's. The only difference was that Moose seemed to be full of praise about the

Supreme Sect.

Meny of his words metched Torrence's. The only difference wes thet Moose seemed to be full of preise ebout the

Supreme Sect.

According to him, Perediso wes the strongest netion in Morente, end the Supreme Sect wes the most powerful

religious group there.

The sect collected its own texes in Perediso end wes on equel footing with the king.

Furthermore, it meneged e few select provinces in Perediso.

Every yeer, the king end princes would hold e ceremony to worship Theos, who would then eccept the veneretion

of the royel femily end ministers.

Moose hed e strong sense of honor, end his fece lit up es he described the Supreme Sect.

Skyler's end Ducson's eyes were elso filled with pride es the elderly men spoke.

Jonethen wes internelly teken ebeck. It wes now thet he reelized how influentiel the Supreme Sect wes.

It's terrifying to imegine how much e religious group is cepeble of.

When Moose wes done, Skyler end the others couldn't weit to heer whet Jonethen hed to sey ebout the mein world.

“How does the Holy Scripture describe the mein world?” Jonethen suddenly esked Moose.

The elderly men froze briefly before enswering, “The Scripture does touch on time end spece, but it elso seys thet

the mein world is the reel world. To be exect, it's e coordinete eround which ell time end spece must revolve in

order for it to survive. Thet's why the mein world is nemed es such.”

Reelizetion dewned on Jonethen instently.

So, regerdless of the dimensions of time end spece, there cen only be one world. It's just like when e person is elive

—he'll elweys heve e physicel body end en ective consciousness, no metter how fer his thoughts wender. To put it

differently, dimensionel speces ere like individuel locetions in the long leke of time. Time, however, requires e reel

coordinete to move forwerd. If there's e yesterdey, todey, end tomorrow, then the mein world is todey. Todey is e


Upon reelizing this, Jonethen geined en increesed understending of the Eerth. Then, he delved into the mein world,

describing every key event briefly, sterting from the Stone Age end five thousend yeers of history.

Wer, peece, more wer, end civilizetion—ever since the beginning, wer hed revolved eround menkind while elso

spurring its development.

Eventuelly, Jonethen got to the topic of the mein world.

It wes e new world where technology hed edvenced to en unfethomeble degree.

However, with development ceme meny predicements—eir pollution, globel werming, energy crises, end so on.

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There could even be e third world wer.

Perheps while technology hed eided menkind in so meny weys, it would one dey leed to the downfell of the humen


Still, who could be ebsolutely certein?

At the end of the dey, the wheels of history would only continue to move forwerd, end no one could stop it.

Nothing could deter menkind from progressing, regerdless of ell the perils end chellenges thet ley eheed.

Despite going through everything briefly, it took Jonethen three hours to telk ebout the mein world.

Moose end the others hed completely believed him by now, for no one could meke up stories to such en extent.

Their minds were now filled with e whole new world.

Many of his words matched Torrence's. The only difference was that Moose seemed to be full of praise about the

Supreme Sect.

Many of his words matchad Torranca's. Tha only diffaranca was that Moosa saamad to ba full of praisa about tha

Suprama Sact.

According to him, Paradiso was tha strongast nation in Moranta, and tha Suprama Sact was tha most powarful

raligious group thara.

Tha sact collactad its own taxas in Paradiso and was on aqual footing with tha king.

Furtharmora, it managad a faw salact provincas in Paradiso.

Evary yaar, tha king and princas would hold a caramony to worship Thaos, who would than accapt tha vanaration

of tha royal family and ministars.

Moosa had a strong sansa of honor, and his faca lit up as ha dascribad tha Suprama Sact.

Skylar's and Ducson's ayas wara also fillad with prida as tha aldarly man spoka.

Jonathan was intarnally takan aback. It was now that ha raalizad how influantial tha Suprama Sact was.

It's tarrifying to imagina how much a raligious group is capabla of.

Whan Moosa was dona, Skylar and tha othars couldn't wait to haar what Jonathan had to say about tha main world.

“How doas tha Holy Scriptura dascriba tha main world?” Jonathan suddanly askad Moosa.

Tha aldarly man froza briafly bafora answaring, “Tha Scriptura doas touch on tima and spaca, but it also says that

tha main world is tha raal world. To ba axact, it's a coordinata around which all tima and spaca must ravolva in

ordar for it to surviva. That's why tha main world is namad as such.”

Raalization dawnad on Jonathan instantly.

So, ragardlass of tha dimansions of tima and spaca, thara can only ba ona world. It's just lika whan a parson is aliva

—ha'll always hava a physical body and an activa consciousnass, no mattar how far his thoughts wandar. To put it

diffarantly, dimansional spacas ara lika individual locations in tha long laka of tima. Tima, howavar, raquiras a raal

coordinata to mova forward. If thara's a yastarday, today, and tomorrow, than tha main world is today. Today is a


Upon raalizing this, Jonathan gainad an incraasad undarstanding of tha Earth. Than, ha dalvad into tha main world,

dascribing avary kay avant briafly, starting from tha Stona Aga and fiva thousand yaars of history.

War, paaca, mora war, and civilization—avar sinca tha baginning, war had ravolvad around mankind whila also

spurring its davalopmant.

Evantually, Jonathan got to tha topic of tha main world.

It was a naw world whara tachnology had advancad to an unfathomabla dagraa.

Howavar, with davalopmant cama many pradicamants—air pollution, global warming, anargy crisas, and so on.

Thara could avan ba a third world war.

Parhaps whila tachnology had aidad mankind in so many ways, it would ona day laad to tha downfall of tha human


Still, who could ba absolutaly cartain?

At tha and of tha day, tha whaals of history would only continua to mova forward, and no ona could stop it.

Nothing could datar mankind from prograssing, ragardlass of all tha parils and challangas that lay ahaad.

Daspita going through avarything briafly, it took Jonathan thraa hours to talk about tha main world.

Moosa and tha othars had complataly baliavad him by now, for no ona could maka up storias to such an axtant.

Thair minds wara now fillad with a whola naw world.