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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 418
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Chapter 418 Parasite

Simon glanced at Mauve and said, “Hurry up and pack your stuff. When you're done, I'll take you down the

mountain. This isn't a place for you to stay.” His tone was a little frigid.

Mauve knew that she could not question further after hearing his words. If she did, Simon would truly get angry.

After a half-hour wait, the group of university students and their elderly professors were finally ready to leave. They

had all packed their things and were waiting for Simon to lead the way.

Simon walked ahead without saying anything else, ignoring everyone, whether it was the students or their


Then again, despite his advanced age, Matthew had not expressed his gratitude to Simon for saving their lives.

An understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.

Simon was still his savior, regardless of how indifferent he was. For a person of Matthew's age to neither say nor do

anything, he could only be described as self-centered. However, if it were a child, that behavior could be dismissed

as ignorance.

In life, there will always be a group of people who are particularly selfish and carefree. They always take people's

help for granted. Such people are self-centered.

There is also the type of person who does not think before speaking, hurting others with every word they say. Not

only that, but they justify themselves after, saying they are direct with their words and telling the other party not to

get angry lest they appear petty.

When faced with such individuals, all one could do was hurl profanities at them with indignation and resentment,

wondering what made them so great that everyone had to give in to them.

Human emotions are very complex. Everyone alive will be caught in its web.

There are two distinct kinds of people we will encounter when interacting with others. The first kind will be

concerned that you might lose out, so if you help them, they will surely repay you more. Such people will make you

feel comfortable.

The second kind of people, on the other hand, seek small advantages wherever they go. They have no notion of

picking up the tab when dining with others. When other people help them, they believe it is only natural since they

have a good relationship with the other party.

Be it friends or close friends, the bond needs to be maintained and managed well. For example, if one is rich and

the other is poor. Being wealthy is not a sin. If the rich friend spent a thousand treating you to a meal, you could

treat him to a drink that would not cost that much.

Friendship contributions are not determined by how equally it is divided, but by the principle that if you treat me

well and help me, I will repay you with whatever I can. That makes it even.

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Some people might say that true friends need not be concerned about such things.

If so, one can only conclude that whoever wants to be your true friend lacks virtue in their previous life.

As we live in a society where human emotions are concerned, friendship is not something only stated in words, nor

is it true that only difficult times reveal who our true friends are. Life is not a drama series with numerous trials and


Of course, Simon would not care about these things right then, for in his eyes, none of these people could be

considered his friend.

Even Mauve was merely a girl he was slightly fond of and had rescued once.

The group continued on their way, heading downhill this time.

Everyone followed the direction of the sun and a compass to determine the route.

They were moving slowly as the mountain path was evidently difficult to navigate. Moreover, these university

students had poor physiques.

Just then, everyone spotted a lush grassland ahead with vegetation over a foot tall. Strangely, there was mist in the

sky above.

“This place is so strange,” a male student commented. He hurriedly took out his camera, ran up, and started

snapping photos.

Seeing that, Matthew said, “This must be the wild breeding place of Marlington's parasites. Be careful, students.

Contact with Marlington's parasites is extremely dangerous.”

His statement scared everyone, and the boy taking photos quickly retreated backward.

“Let's go!” Simon uttered coldly. As he was speaking, Mauve suddenly saw a black insect falling toward his neck

from a tree.

“Watch out, Simon!” she yelled.

Simon acted as if it was nothing as he caught the insect between his two fingers and threw it. With a snap, the

insect flew far away.

“That was awesome, Simon! Are you a combat arts expert?” Mauve asked him in a tone filled with admiration.

Simon ignored her, of course.

However, something horrible happened there and then.

Dense swarms of insects fell from the sky like rain.

There was no way the students could escape it in time, given that they did not have Simon's skills.

Some students screamed while others shrieked in agony.

It was chaotic.

Mauve, too, froze in shock.

Simon took off his shirt amid the crisis, spinning it with his hand.

At once, like a big fan, the shirt flicked away all the parasites attacking Mauve.

Simon then wrapped his arm around her waist and leaped off the ground.

At that moment, Mauve felt as if she was flying through the clouds.

Simon put her down once they reached a safe place.

Mauve turned to look at her classmates, all of whom had been pierced all over by those strange parasites.

The insects crawled in and out of their noses and mouths.

Everyone died on the spot, and no one survived.

It all happened far too quickly and tragically.

Even with Simon's cultivation, he could not have saved all of them at once.

It was then that he finally experienced the mystery and horror of Marlington.

As a girl who had yet to step out of her ivory tower, Mauve was on the verge of breaking down upon seeing the

tragic scene.

She crouched down and cried her heart out.

Simon had always been indifferent, but he unexpectedly felt somewhat helpless when he saw the girl in that state

of distress.

Just then, Mauve's body tilted as she passed out.

Simon was startled. He hurriedly supported her before taking her pulse. In that instant, the veins of her body and

his formed a strange connection.

He was fully aware of her physical state.

Mauve was bitten by a parasite that contained a deadly poison and said poison was advancing toward her body


Simon was shocked.

The parasite had bitten her chest. It had probably slipped in from her collar.

It was still latching onto her chest firmly. Simon knew that he could not hesitate as it would cost her life.

He quickly unbuttoned Mauve's sports attire, revealing a red bra inside.

Simon was rough as he tore her bra off.

Soon, a beautiful view greeted him.

The girl was well-endowed, and the parasite was currently latching onto the plump area above her chest.

Simon first flicked the parasite away, only to find a small red spot at the place where it had bitten. It had started to


This parasite is far too dangerous.

Simon knew that employing the method used to treat Zayne to save Mauve would not work this time.

The place where Zayne had been poisoned was his leg. No matter how much force Simon channeled, it would not

be able to harm the former's vitals.

Mauve, on the other hand, had been poisoned on her chest, and with the poison already spreading, Simon was

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unable to apply the same method on her at that point.

Moreover, parasite poison was more lethal than black water snake poison.

Simon abandoned all thoughts and immediately pressed his mouth over Mauve's wound.

He then sucked hard to get all of the poison into his mouth.

At that moment, Mauve felt a sharp pain in her chest and immediately regained consciousness.

The moment she woke up, she was shocked to find Simon in that position.

Embarrassed and furious, she shoved him away before swinging her hand at his cheek.

Simon responded by coldly grabbing her wrist. He spat out a mouthful of black poisonous blood, then flung her

hand away and wiped the corners of his mouth before standing up and turning his back to her.

Mauve was a little confused. Her bra had been torn and could not be worn anymore, so she pulled her sweatshirt


She finally understood what had happened. After all, it was something that had happened to her.

She also realized that Simon had saved her again.

If it were not for him, she would have died in the swarm of parasites along with her classmates.

Moreover, if Simon had not discovered the wound in time, she would also have died straightaway.

However, Mauve quickly relapsed into depression.

The collective deaths of her classmates made it impossible for her not to be depressed, and it was difficult for her

to regain her composure after such a terrible blow.

This time, Simon did not bother Mauve. He simply stayed quietly at the side and did not say a word.

After about two hours or so, she strode over to him. He glanced at her mournful expression and was about to ask

her if they could leave when she suddenly threw herself into his arms and burst into tears.

Simon had a cold temperament. Despite not fearing the enemy's sharp weapons and the threat of death, he found

himself at a loss for what to do seeing her in pain.

Simon did not know where to put his hands.

Just like that, Mauve cried for a long time before letting go of Simon in embarrassment. She asked through her

tears, “Simon, what should I do?”

Simon fell silent for a moment. He did his best to make his voice sound less indifferent as he replied, “Everyone has

their own fate. This is theirs. Since fate dictates it, you should live well, because dying is much easier than living.”

Mauve was slightly confused. Although she did not quite understand what he meant, his willingness to speak made

her feel much better.

Another two hours had passed without them saying anything. Simon simply accompanied her silently.

Finally, Mauve looked up and asked, “There's no signal here, Simon. Can we make a mark here and then call the

police when we reach the foot of the mountain?”

“This is a forbidden ground for the Marlingtonians to begin with, and we have entered it by accident. The parasites

are here. If you lead others over, you'll bring harm to them instead,” Simon said solemnly.

“What should we do, then?” Mauve was at a loss.