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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 411
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Chapter 411 I Shall Fight Alongside You All

Jonathan and the others were shocked to the core upon hearing that. “What? Anakin is clearly plotting a rebellion if

he kept his return a secret for three months!” Jonathan exclaimed, blanching. He paused for a few seconds, then

scanned the crowd. “How did I not receive word about his return for so long? Has there been some kind of a


His response was actually brilliant.

Even Solorel couldn't help but be impressed with the way Jonathan reacted to the situation.

“I've personally mentored everyone who stands here today. If anyone of you has done something dishonorable, I

will consider it a failure on my part. However, I am willing to let this slide if this person will step forward and admit

to their wrongdoings,” Solorel declared solemnly while surveying the people before him.

Walrion and the others were quick to understand that the prince was suspecting some of them of being spies.

After all, that was the only explanation for Anakin's return being kept a secret for so long.

Walrion remained silent as he knew that expressing his loyalty right now would only make him appear more


Aurora simply maintained a somber countenance.

In fact, her name had not even come to mind when Solorel smelled a rat about his subordinates betraying him. He

had complete trust in the woman's loyalty.

The marquises, too, kept quiet as Jonathan observed their facial expressions in great detail to see if he could spot

anything dubious.

However, everyone present was remarkably skilled and experienced, so there was no way they'd be dumb enough

to give themselves away.

Soon, though, one of the marquises named Grese stepped forward.

He had a burly physique and a thick beard that covered most of his face. Given how honest and upright he looked,

no one would have suspected him of being a spy.

Nonetheless, reality was often cruel and disappointing.

“I am the spy, Your Highness,” Grese confessed.

Everyone shifted their gaze toward him in response.

The man looked totally calm and showed no signs of guilt or remorse whatsoever.

Walrion and the other marquises, however, were seething with rage.

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Jonathan got a little confused. If this guy is the spy, why would he come clean now?

Solorel staggered backward and clutched at his aching chest as he tried to sit down.

Aurora and Walrion hurriedly held him steady and helped him onto a seat.

Walrion glared daggers at Grese and hollered, “His Highness has always been so kind to you, Grese! How could you


“That's enough, Walrion!” Solorel cut his subordinate off, motioning at Walrion to stop talking.

He then shifted his gaze toward Grese and continued, “I know you quite well, Grese. You wouldn't do something like

this unless you had a special reason to. If you want me to believe that you're the spy, tell me why you did it.”

There was a look of shame in Grese's eyes when he heard that.

He would have been fine with Solorel admonishing him, striking him, or even slaying him. However, hearing Solorel

say that to him made him feel utterly guilt-ridden.

“Your Highness, Anakin saw our revered ancestor's tribulation while he was in the Lost Ruins and knew that it would

be near impossible for her to return. On top of that, he has obtained a celestial weapon, so even you are no match

for him. The only way you can make it out of this alive is to hand His Majesty over to Anakin and have everyone

pledge their allegiance to him!”

Jonathan shuddered as he truly understood the severity and brutality of the matter. Anyhow, he was not worried

that Solorel would turn against him.

After all, Jonathan was the one who ignited the spark by killing Titus, thus speeding up Anakin's revolt.

He knew this day would come sooner or later, so he did not regret his actions one bit.

“You disappoint me, Grese! So that was the reason you chose to side with Anakin?” Solorel lamented with a pained

look on his face.

Grese fell to his knees. “I didn't do it for wealth or anything like that, Your Highness. I was simply doing what I had to

do in order to survive. I still have a wife and son waiting for me at home.”

After a brief moment of silence, Solorel let out a sigh. “I almost forgot that you have a wife and son, Grese. I

understand that you need to prioritize your family, but you mustn't forget that order must be maintained to ensure

your family's safety. The entire vampire race will be doomed if Anakin takes over. Do you really think he would be

any wiser than our revered ancestor? She had pointed us in the right direction, but you still failed to see it... Go on,

then. Leave this place with your wife and son. Do not come back here ever again.”

Grese shook like a leaf. “A-Are you really letting me go?”

“Yes. Anakin will make a move tonight. I have no family, so it doesn't matter if I survive this battle or not. My life

belongs to the vampire race, and my death will be for His Majesty, who is the future of the vampire race.”

Suddenly, Aurora and the others knelt in unison with murderous looks in their eyes. “We will protect His Majesty

with our lives!”

It was truly a sensational moment to behold.

Jonathan took a deep breath and stood up. “All right, then. Tonight, I shall fight this battle alongside you all!”

Solorel let out a hearty laugh. “Splendid! Let's see what Anakin is capable of!”

Mabel and Beatrix, too, were determined to fight to the death.

Grese was the only one who still remained on his knees, forming a huge contrast with those around him.

Without warning, one of the marquises stepped forward and kicked him in the face. “Why are you still here? Get


Grese bled from the corner of his mouth as he clambered to his feet. He then bowed three times at Solorel before

running out of there.

“I can't believe I've been treating that f*cking traitor like a pal!” that marquis muttered furiously.

Solorel simply said nothing and went up to the second floor with Jonathan.

“Is there any advice that you would like to give me, Prince Solorel?” the latter asked with a faint smile. He was

surprisingly calm despite the fact that a deadly conflict was coming his way.

Even Solorel was a little surprised at that. “You are Anakin's prime target tonight, Your Majesty. Are you not afraid in

the slightest?”

“I've been through so many life-and-death situations that I lost count. Besides, I have an ingenious strategy that our

revered ancestor left me.”

“While we have what it takes to defeat Anakin and his army in combat, I believe it is best to play it safe. How about

you open that pouch right now, Your Majesty?”

Jonathan rubbed his nose awkwardly in response. “I'll be honest with you here, Prince Solorel. I opened the pouch

long ago, and all I found in it was a note that told me to flee to Fog City in times of peril.”

Solorel was briefly stunned before letting out a wry chuckle. “In that case, I believe our revered ancestor must have

had her reasons for leaving you that message. You should head over to Fog City with your friends, Your Majesty. If

we win this war tonight, we will go see you there. If we lose, then I hope our revered ancestor's plan truly works.”

“Are you asking me to act like a coward?” Jonathan chuckled.

“Of course not! I purely believe that you should try to avoid taking such a huge risk, that's all!”

“If I leave an old man like you behind to fight to the death while I flee to Fog City, then the dishonor would kill me

long before my enemies do!”

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“You carry the weight of the vampire race's future, Your Majesty. Please do not make such rash decisions!” Solorel


“I'm not making a rash decision at all. I told those guys earlier that I would fight alongside them tonight,

remember? If I flee now, they will lose their respect for me even if they win this battle.”

Solorel's lips curled into a bitter smile as he took a gander at Jonathan. “Our revered ancestor has, once again,

impressed me with her profound vision. I believe you will surely lead our vampire race through the Great


“In truth, the Great Tribulation is already here. Anakin's attack is one of the tribulations that we have to face,”

Jonathan said.

Solorel sighed before walking off, leaving Jonathan alone with Beatrix, Mabel, and Yeverie.

Yeverie had practically become Jonathan's servant as she had always been helping him with all his preparations.

Today, however, she had armed herself with a gleaming sword that she carried on her hip.

Jonathan smiled in amusement when he saw her getup. “You want to join us in battle and kill some enemies too,

little girl?”

Yeverie looked beyond heroic and valiant in her black Force Costume. “I simply want to protect you, Your Majesty,”

she answered while blushing.

“I have a feeling it'll be me who protects you instead.” The man laughed.

She burned bright red upon hearing that. At this very moment, she couldn't help but feel amazed at the way things

had turned out.

Back then, she was merely following Solorel's orders when she served Jonathan. However, seeing the king casually

make jokes in the face of an imminent, deadly battle made her respect him deeply now.

Jonathan shifted his gaze toward Mabel and Beatrix.

Mabel looked calm and composed, while Beatrix was jumping up and down in excitement as she said, “I can't wait

to let them have a taste of my Shanow Sword!”

He flashed them a smile before saying soberly, “I'm sorry for dragging you two into such perilous situations again.

Especially you, Beatrix. You've had it rough ever since you've been with me.”

Beatrix rolled her eyes at him. “You truly are bad at words. What do you mean by 'being with you'? It's not like I'm

married to you or something!”

“Sorry, I misspoke!” Jonathan corrected himself awkwardly.

“Honestly, this isn't too bad. At the very least, it beats the mundane lifestyle in Divine Realm!” she remarked with a
