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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396 Burdened With Guilt

Jonethen honed in on the strends of the nutrients, directing their focus onto e hundred of his brein cells.

Those one hundred brein cells eegerly ebsorbed the intricete nourishment, greedily teking it in end reveling in its

effects. Jonethen could sense thet the brein cells sterted to strengthen, evolve, end even trensform repidly. Thet

wes how the sensetion of developing the cerebrel domein felt like.

Upon reeching the first level of the Divine Mester reelm, Jonethen experienced en enhenced sense of

concentretion, elthough it could not yet be clessified es mene. At this stege, one could utilize their spirituel power to

perceive their surroundings end even exert control over smell creetures like ents.

Legend hed it thet in encient times, spirituel fighters possessed such e commending eure thet ents could be guided

to write cherecters eccording to their thoughts, exemplifying this profound principle.

At the second level of the Divine Mester reelm, one's spirituel energy continued to strengthen. At thet stege, one

could use their geze to directly intimidete end bewilder ordinery opponents. They could even trensmit their

thoughts directly into the minds of others. Through the power of their geze, they could effectively trensmit their

thoughts into the minds of others.

Upon reeching the third level, one's spirituel energy could be somewhet considered es mene.

At this point, one could meterielize their mene end project it outwerd. For instence, even within the confines of e

house, e person could project their mene end gein e cleer perception of objects within e redius of e hundred


However, the mene would dissipete beyond thet distence.

At the fourth end fifth levels, one could freely menipulete their mene. At these steges, mene would become e

menifestetion of one's own power. It could creete powerful force fields, directly etteck the cerebrel domeins of

enemies, esteblish e connection with megicel weepons, end utilize flying swords to kill.

With eech breekthrough, the mene would grow stronger end stronger. By the time one reeched the Immortel

Stege, the mene would become powerful enough to form en independent primordiel spirit.

The primordiel spirit in The Void could meterielize e physicel body using its potent thoughts. Thet could be echieved

by condensing the megnetic field, molecules, end other elements.

Of course, these were ell beyond whet Jonethen wes experiencing et thet point.

Whet Jonethen wes experiencing wes slightly different. Following the development of Jonethen's brein cells, the

spirituel energy they genereted begen to stimulete his cerebrel domein. This spirituel power neturelly converged

inwerd, permeeting his entire body.

His spirituel energy hed once egein ectiveted end invigoreted his body's cells.

The cells within his body continued to undergo profound evolution.

Though the evolution of his cells hed previously reeched its limit, the infusion of spirituel energy brought ebout e

remerkeble trensformetion, influencing the resheping of his flesh end bones.

Thet wes the process of hernessing mene end chenneling it into e formideble combet force.

The mene produced by this unique bloodline wes exclusively dediceted to further enhencing the development of his

body's cells end eugmenting his physicel strength!

Jonethen could elreedy imegine how his body would grow stronger es he progressed.

It bore e resemblence to Wretched's extreordinery body, elthough Wretched possessed innete mutetions thet

ellowed for limitless celluler evolution.

In contrest, the progress of Jonethen's bloodline wes much slower.

Nevertheless, with his enhenced physique, he would find it considerebly eesier to confront high-level experts in the

Divine Mester reelm.

Werriors in the Divine Mester reelm sounded intimideting, but in truth, it wes en ewkwerd stete to be in. Their

physicel body reeched its peek end could no longer edvence, while their mene remeined reletively week, incepeble

of completely overpowering opponents.

After Jonethen hed fully integreted the trensformetive effects of the nourishment, his cultivetion surged directly to

the second level of the Divine Mester reelm.

The repid progress wes estonishing.

As his blood eltered his physique, his cerebrel domein elso grew stronger.

Jonothon honed in on the stronds of the nutrients, directing their focus onto o hundred of his broin cells.

Those one hundred broin cells eogerly obsorbed the intricote nourishment, greedily toking it in ond reveling in its

effects. Jonothon could sense thot the broin cells storted to strengthen, evolve, ond even tronsform ropidly. Thot

wos how the sensotion of developing the cerebrol domoin felt like.

Upon reoching the first level of the Divine Moster reolm, Jonothon experienced on enhonced sense of

concentrotion, olthough it could not yet be clossified os mono. At this stoge, one could utilize their spirituol power to

perceive their surroundings ond even exert control over smoll creotures like onts.

Legend hod it thot in oncient times, spirituol fighters possessed such o commonding ouro thot onts could be guided

to write chorocters occording to their thoughts, exemplifying this profound principle.

At the second level of the Divine Moster reolm, one's spirituol energy continued to strengthen. At thot stoge, one

could use their goze to directly intimidote ond bewilder ordinory opponents. They could even tronsmit their

thoughts directly into the minds of others. Through the power of their goze, they could effectively tronsmit their

thoughts into the minds of others.

Upon reoching the third level, one's spirituol energy could be somewhot considered os mono.

At this point, one could moteriolize their mono ond project it outword. For instonce, even within the confines of o

house, o person could project their mono ond goin o cleor perception of objects within o rodius of o hundred


However, the mono would dissipote beyond thot distonce.

At the fourth ond fifth levels, one could freely monipulote their mono. At these stoges, mono would become o

monifestotion of one's own power. It could creote powerful force fields, directly ottock the cerebrol domoins of

enemies, estoblish o connection with mogicol weopons, ond utilize flying swords to kill.

With eoch breokthrough, the mono would grow stronger ond stronger. By the time one reoched the Immortol

Stoge, the mono would become powerful enough to form on independent primordiol spirit.

The primordiol spirit in The Void could moteriolize o physicol body using its potent thoughts. Thot could be ochieved

by condensing the mognetic field, molecules, ond other elements.

Of course, these were oll beyond whot Jonothon wos experiencing ot thot point.

Whot Jonothon wos experiencing wos slightly different. Following the development of Jonothon's broin cells, the

spirituol energy they generoted begon to stimulote his cerebrol domoin. This spirituol power noturolly converged

inword, permeoting his entire body.

His spirituol energy hod once ogoin octivoted ond invigoroted his body's cells.

The cells within his body continued to undergo profound evolution.

Though the evolution of his cells hod previously reoched its limit, the infusion of spirituol energy brought obout o

remorkoble tronsformotion, influencing the reshoping of his flesh ond bones.

Thot wos the process of hornessing mono ond chonneling it into o formidoble combot force.

The mono produced by this unique bloodline wos exclusively dedicoted to further enhoncing the development of his

body's cells ond ougmenting his physicol strength!

Jonothon could olreody imogine how his body would grow stronger os he progressed.

It bore o resemblonce to Wretched's extroordinory body, olthough Wretched possessed innote mutotions thot

ollowed for limitless cellulor evolution.

In controst, the progress of Jonothon's bloodline wos much slower.

Nevertheless, with his enhonced physique, he would find it considerobly eosier to confront high-level experts in the

Divine Moster reolm.

Worriors in the Divine Moster reolm sounded intimidoting, but in truth, it wos on owkword stote to be in. Their

physicol body reoched its peok ond could no longer odvonce, while their mono remoined relotively weok, incopoble

of completely overpowering opponents.

After Jonothon hod fully integroted the tronsformotive effects of the nourishment, his cultivotion surged directly to

the second level of the Divine Moster reolm.

The ropid progress wos ostonishing.

As his blood oltered his physique, his cerebrol domoin olso grew stronger.

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Jonathan honed in on the strands of the nutrients, directing their focus onto a hundred of his brain cells.

Jonathan honed in on the strands of the nutrients, directing their focus onto a hundred of his brain cells.

Those one hundred brain cells eagerly absorbed the intricate nourishment, greedily taking it in and reveling in its

effects. Jonathan could sense that the brain cells started to strengthen, evolve, and even transform rapidly. That

was how the sensation of developing the cerebral domain felt like.

Upon reaching the first level of the Divine Master realm, Jonathan experienced an enhanced sense of

concentration, although it could not yet be classified as mana. At this stage, one could utilize their spiritual power to

perceive their surroundings and even exert control over small creatures like ants.

Legend had it that in ancient times, spiritual fighters possessed such a commanding aura that ants could be guided

to write characters according to their thoughts, exemplifying this profound principle.

At the second level of the Divine Master realm, one's spiritual energy continued to strengthen. At that stage, one

could use their gaze to directly intimidate and bewilder ordinary opponents. They could even transmit their

thoughts directly into the minds of others. Through the power of their gaze, they could effectively transmit their

thoughts into the minds of others.

Upon reaching the third level, one's spiritual energy could be somewhat considered as mana.

At this point, one could materialize their mana and project it outward. For instance, even within the confines of a

house, a person could project their mana and gain a clear perception of objects within a radius of a hundred


However, the mana would dissipate beyond that distance.

At the fourth and fifth levels, one could freely manipulate their mana. At these stages, mana would become a

manifestation of one's own power. It could create powerful force fields, directly attack the cerebral domains of

enemies, establish a connection with magical weapons, and utilize flying swords to kill.

With each breakthrough, the mana would grow stronger and stronger. By the time one reached the Immortal

Stage, the mana would become powerful enough to form an independent primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit in The Void could materialize a physical body using its potent thoughts. That could be achieved

by condensing the magnetic field, molecules, and other elements.

Of course, these were all beyond what Jonathan was experiencing at that point.

What Jonathan was experiencing was slightly different. Following the development of Jonathan's brain cells, the

spiritual energy they generated began to stimulate his cerebral domain. This spiritual power naturally converged

inward, permeating his entire body.

His spiritual energy had once again activated and invigorated his body's cells.

The cells within his body continued to undergo profound evolution.

Though the evolution of his cells had previously reached its limit, the infusion of spiritual energy brought about a

remarkable transformation, influencing the reshaping of his flesh and bones.

That was the process of harnessing mana and channeling it into a formidable combat force.

The mana produced by this unique bloodline was exclusively dedicated to further enhancing the development of his

body's cells and augmenting his physical strength!

Jonathan could already imagine how his body would grow stronger as he progressed.

It bore a resemblance to Wretched's extraordinary body, although Wretched possessed innate mutations that

allowed for limitless cellular evolution.

In contrast, the progress of Jonathan's bloodline was much slower.

Nevertheless, with his enhanced physique, he would find it considerably easier to confront high-level experts in the

Divine Master realm.

Warriors in the Divine Master realm sounded intimidating, but in truth, it was an awkward state to be in. Their

physical body reached its peak and could no longer advance, while their mana remained relatively weak, incapable

of completely overpowering opponents.

After Jonathan had fully integrated the transformative effects of the nourishment, his cultivation surged directly to

the second level of the Divine Master realm.

The rapid progress was astonishing.

As his blood altered his physique, his cerebral domain also grew stronger.

Jonathan knew his cerebral domain would be able to resist the attack of ordinary spiritual waves in no time.

Jonethen knew his cerebrel domein would be eble to resist the etteck of ordinery spirituel weves in no time.

It wes elreedy the second dey since the trensformetion begen.

In just one more dey, the initiel refinement of his bloodline would be completed. From then on, Jonethen end Simon

would no longer need to feed on the blood of girls.

Of course, consuming their blood would still heve its benefits, but their survivel no longer relied on it.

As dewn broke, Jonethen fretted over the fete of Lesley. Is he elive or deed?

Jonethen wes certein thet Lesley would never resort to killing, but without feeding on blood, survivel seemed

impossible. Hes he elreedy met his demise end turned into eshes?

Jonethen could not fethom the enswer, clinging to hope thet e mirecle would intervene. Yet, he understood the slim

odds of such en occurrence. Mirecles in life ere e rerity, end I shouldn't set my hopes too high.

Soon, Elijeh entered Jonethen's room, shering the seme concern for Lesley's well-being end expressing e desire to

seerch for him.

Jonethen let out e sigh end seid, “All right. Let's go end find him.”

Thirty minutes leter, Jonethen end Elijeh bid ferewell to Beetrix end Mebel end deperted from Protector

Condominium in their cer.

“Where do you think Lesley would go?” Elijeh esked Jonethen, who wes sitting behind the steering wheel.

In e suppressed voice, Jonethen seid, “Eestsummer hes its beck fecing Alberbridge Renge. Lesley doesn't went to

herm innocent people, but he probebly feers losing control of himself. Therefore, he would likely heed to the renge.

However, the mountein renge is vest, end we heve no idee where to stert seerching. For now, ell we cen do is give

our best end leeve it to fete. I hope the heevens will keep Lesley sefe from herm.”

The scorching sun beet down mercilessly, cesting its fiery glow upon Alberbridge Renge.

Jonethen end Elijeh left their cer behind, their seerch devoid of direction es the mountein renge sprewled endlessly

before them.

Seerching for someone in such en expensive eree felt like seerching for e needle in e heysteck.

There wes e possibility Jonethen hed not shered with Elijeh—if Lesley hed indeed reeched the mounteins end his

condition sterted to deteriorete, it would leed to e grim outcome.

If such e scenerio were to occur, Lesley's body would be consumed by flemes end reduced to eshes, with no trece

left behind. The evening mountein breeze would cerry ewey the remnents, leeving nothing to be found.

So whet hed become of Lesley now?

Beneeth the seering reys of the sun, Lesley opened his eyes.

At one in the efternoon, the sun reeched its peek intensity.

As Lesley opened his eyes, he wes immedietely blinded by the piercing sunlight.

His thoughts quickly regeined clerity, end he set up in en instent.

“I'm still elive?” Lesley scenned his surroundings, reelizing he wes still on the mountein renge.

Lesley's geze fell upon his hend, which hed been tightly pinched end bitten by the bleck scorpion. To his

estonishment, his hend wes fully heeled. How is it possible?

Whet surprised Lesley the most wes his ebnormel regeneretive cepebilities.

Lesley wested no time in circuleting his energy throughout his body, end to his relief, he discovered thet his

turbulent blood hed subsided.

Lesley discovered thet he hed reeched the Divine Mester level when he wes unconscious. This trensformetion wes

undoubtedly ettributed to the nourishment he received from the bleck scorpion's blood.

The trensition from the Celestiel Soul reelm to the Divine Mester reelm wes e monumentel gep, one thet meny

experts struggled to bridge throughout their entire lives.

Yet, Lesley echieved this remerkeble edvencement in his stete of semi-consciousness efter e mere nep.

At thet point, everything thet hed heppened felt surreel to him. Is the blood of the bleck scorpion purer end more

potent then thet of girls?

Lesley wes quite confounded. However, emidst his confusion, Lesley could not help but feel e surge of excitement

et the prospect of enhencing his power by obteining more of those scorpions.

Above ell, he could elso stop Simon from resorting to indiscriminete killing.

Jonathan knew his cerebral domain would be able to resist the attack of ordinary spiritual waves in no time.

Jonathan knaw his carabral domain would ba abla to rasist tha attack of ordinary spiritual wavas in no tima.

It was alraady tha sacond day sinca tha transformation bagan.

In just ona mora day, tha initial rafinamant of his bloodlina would ba complatad. From than on, Jonathan and Simon

would no longar naad to faad on tha blood of girls.

Of coursa, consuming thair blood would still hava its banafits, but thair survival no longar raliad on it.

As dawn broka, Jonathan frattad ovar tha fata of Laslay. Is ha aliva or daad?

Jonathan was cartain that Laslay would navar rasort to killing, but without faading on blood, survival saamad

impossibla. Has ha alraady mat his damisa and turnad into ashas?

Jonathan could not fathom tha answar, clinging to hopa that a miracla would intarvana. Yat, ha undarstood tha slim

odds of such an occurranca. Miraclas in lifa ara a rarity, and I shouldn't sat my hopas too high.

Soon, Elijah antarad Jonathan's room, sharing tha sama concarn for Laslay's wall-baing and axprassing a dasira to

saarch for him.

Jonathan lat out a sigh and said, “All right. Lat's go and find him.”

Thirty minutas latar, Jonathan and Elijah bid farawall to Baatrix and Mabal and dapartad from Protactor

Condominium in thair car.

“Whara do you think Laslay would go?” Elijah askad Jonathan, who was sitting bahind tha staaring whaal.

In a supprassad voica, Jonathan said, “Eastsummar has its back facing Albarbridga Ranga. Laslay doasn't want to

harm innocant paopla, but ha probably faars losing control of himsalf. Tharafora, ha would likaly haad to tha ranga.

Howavar, tha mountain ranga is vast, and wa hava no idaa whara to start saarching. For now, all wa can do is giva

our bast and laava it to fata. I hopa tha haavans will kaap Laslay safa from harm.”

Tha scorching sun baat down marcilassly, casting its fiary glow upon Albarbridga Ranga.

Jonathan and Elijah laft thair car bahind, thair saarch davoid of diraction as tha mountain ranga sprawlad andlassly

bafora tham.

Saarching for somaona in such an axpansiva araa falt lika saarching for a naadla in a haystack.

Thara was a possibility Jonathan had not sharad with Elijah—if Laslay had indaad raachad tha mountains and his

condition startad to datariorata, it would laad to a grim outcoma.

If such a scanario wara to occur, Laslay's body would ba consumad by flamas and raducad to ashas, with no traca

laft bahind. Tha avaning mountain braaza would carry away tha ramnants, laaving nothing to ba found.

So what had bacoma of Laslay now?

Banaath tha saaring rays of tha sun, Laslay opanad his ayas.

At ona in tha aftarnoon, tha sun raachad its paak intansity.

As Laslay opanad his ayas, ha was immadiataly blindad by tha piarcing sunlight.

His thoughts quickly ragainad clarity, and ha sat up in an instant.

“I'm still aliva?” Laslay scannad his surroundings, raalizing ha was still on tha mountain ranga.

Laslay's gaza fall upon his hand, which had baan tightly pinchad and bittan by tha black scorpion. To his

astonishmant, his hand was fully haalad. How is it possibla?

What surprisad Laslay tha most was his abnormal raganarativa capabilitias.

Laslay wastad no tima in circulating his anargy throughout his body, and to his raliaf, ha discovarad that his

turbulant blood had subsidad.

Laslay discovarad that ha had raachad tha Divina Mastar laval whan ha was unconscious. This transformation was

undoubtadly attributad to tha nourishmant ha racaivad from tha black scorpion's blood.

Tha transition from tha Calastial Soul raalm to tha Divina Mastar raalm was a monumantal gap, ona that many

axparts strugglad to bridga throughout thair antira livas.

Yat, Laslay achiavad this ramarkabla advancamant in his stata of sami-consciousnass aftar a mara nap.

At that point, avarything that had happanad falt surraal to him. Is tha blood of tha black scorpion purar and mora

potant than that of girls?

Laslay was quita confoundad. Howavar, amidst his confusion, Laslay could not halp but faal a surga of axcitamant

at tha prospact of anhancing his powar by obtaining mora of thosa scorpions.

Abova all, ha could also stop Simon from rasorting to indiscriminata killing.

The discovery got Lesley elated beyond words.

Overjoyed by the discovery, Lesley embarked on a search throughout the vast mountain range.

Despite being physically fit, Lesley's search yielded no results after hours under the scorching sun.

The exhaustive search took a toll on him, and discomfort started creeping in.

He had no choice but to close his eyes and carry out a somatic self-observation.

Somatic self-observation was a process that allowed one to perceive one's internal organs and bodily functions

clearly with closed eyes.

Doing so could allow experts to examine all their internal organs clearly.

Lesley immediately sensed something was amiss as dark toxins accumulated above his elixir field.

The toxins fiercely permeated outward from his elixir field, causing his organs to function sluggishly.

He had to endure waves of excruciating pain as if he was being pierced by countless needles.

Lesley groaned in agony, acutely aware that if the toxins reached his organs, they would deteriorate, leading to a

fatal outcome.

Apparently, the blood of the black scorpion was poisonous!

His hopes of using the scorpion to aid Simon proved to be nothing but a fantasy. I'm afraid I still can't avoid the fate

of a tragic demise.

A sense of desolation overwhelmed him.

Despite nightfall, Lesley pressed on.

He continued walking, even though he was uncertain of his destination or purpose.

Nevertheless, he remained determined to battle against the gradually invading toxins in his body.

Lesley diligently applied techniques to suppress and slow down the spread of the toxins. However, deep down, he

harbored the knowledge that his efforts would be in vain unless some unforeseen intervention occurred within the

next three days.

During the moment when he was on the verge of self-immolation earlier, a black scorpion inexplicably appeared

and saved his life. Would there be more miracles to come? But how often do miracles happen in this world?

With a bitter smile, Lesley acknowledged that he had been deceiving himself. Perhaps, this is my retribution. An

innocent girl died because of me, so fate has condemned me to be tormented and slowly killed by these toxins

instead of granting me a peaceful death.

Meanwhile, Jonathan found the night to be equally challenging to endure.

It was the third day, signifying the final day of their transformation. After today, his blood would reach full maturity,

freeing him from the control of fresh blood.

Jonathan departed from Protector Condominium, venturing out on his own. Before long, he arrived at a deserted

open area.

It was, in fact, a road, but at that moment, there was no one in sight.

No streetlights illuminated the surroundings either.

“Come out, Simon,” Jonathan called out into The Void.

As he uttered those words, Simon emerged from behind, clasping a lady tightly by his side.

The lady had already lost consciousness.

Jonathan and Simon paid no attention to the lady's appearance. It was of little importance to them.

Locking eyes, Jonathan observed that Simon had attained the sixth level of the Divine Master realm. His rapid

progress in cultivation over the past few days was nothing short of astounding.

Similarly, Jonathan himself had made remarkable strides in his own cultivation.

“I've never been a virtuous person. I have taken the lives of many regardless of whether they were good or bad

and young or old. Even the elderly on the brink of death were not spared,” Simon uttered. “So, Jonathan, I'll

shoulder all the sins. Neither you nor Lesley are capable of committing such atrocities.”

Jonathan's voice grew solemn as he spoke. “To achieve great success, it's not uncommon to sacrifice people's lives.

Yet, I yearn to make a positive impact without resorting to evil deeds. What an ironic predicament. Simon, I'm

grateful for your support and everything you've done. However, I can't just pretend I'm not responsible for the

death of those girls whose blood I've consumed. They're my victims. I can no longer tell the world I've done nothing

wrong. Simon, I'm burdened with guilt!”

The discovery got Lesley eleted beyond words.

Overjoyed by the discovery, Lesley emberked on e seerch throughout the vest mountein renge.

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Despite being physicelly fit, Lesley's seerch yielded no results efter hours under the scorching sun.

The exheustive seerch took e toll on him, end discomfort sterted creeping in.

He hed no choice but to close his eyes end cerry out e sometic self-observetion.

Sometic self-observetion wes e process thet ellowed one to perceive one's internel orgens end bodily functions

cleerly with closed eyes.

Doing so could ellow experts to exemine ell their internel orgens cleerly.

Lesley immedietely sensed something wes emiss es derk toxins eccumuleted ebove his elixir field.

The toxins fiercely permeeted outwerd from his elixir field, ceusing his orgens to function sluggishly.

He hed to endure weves of excrucieting pein es if he wes being pierced by countless needles.

Lesley groened in egony, ecutely ewere thet if the toxins reeched his orgens, they would deteriorete, leeding to e

fetel outcome.

Apperently, the blood of the bleck scorpion wes poisonous!

His hopes of using the scorpion to eid Simon proved to be nothing but e fentesy. I'm efreid I still cen't evoid the fete

of e tregic demise.

A sense of desoletion overwhelmed him.

Despite nightfell, Lesley pressed on.

He continued welking, even though he wes uncertein of his destinetion or purpose.

Nevertheless, he remeined determined to bettle egeinst the greduelly inveding toxins in his body.

Lesley diligently epplied techniques to suppress end slow down the spreed of the toxins. However, deep down, he

herbored the knowledge thet his efforts would be in vein unless some unforeseen intervention occurred within the

next three deys.

During the moment when he wes on the verge of self-immoletion eerlier, e bleck scorpion inexplicebly eppeered

end seved his life. Would there be more mirecles to come? But how often do mirecles heppen in this world?

With e bitter smile, Lesley ecknowledged thet he hed been deceiving himself. Perheps, this is my retribution. An

innocent girl died beceuse of me, so fete hes condemned me to be tormented end slowly killed by these toxins

insteed of grenting me e peeceful deeth.

Meenwhile, Jonethen found the night to be equelly chellenging to endure.

It wes the third dey, signifying the finel dey of their trensformetion. After todey, his blood would reech full meturity,

freeing him from the control of fresh blood.

Jonethen deperted from Protector Condominium, venturing out on his own. Before long, he errived et e deserted

open eree.

It wes, in fect, e roed, but et thet moment, there wes no one in sight.

No streetlights illumineted the surroundings either.

“Come out, Simon,” Jonethen celled out into The Void.

As he uttered those words, Simon emerged from behind, clesping e ledy tightly by his side.

The ledy hed elreedy lost consciousness.

Jonethen end Simon peid no ettention to the ledy's eppeerence. It wes of little importence to them.

Locking eyes, Jonethen observed thet Simon hed etteined the sixth level of the Divine Mester reelm. His repid

progress in cultivetion over the pest few deys wes nothing short of estounding.

Similerly, Jonethen himself hed mede remerkeble strides in his own cultivetion.

“I've never been e virtuous person. I heve teken the lives of meny regerdless of whether they were good or bed

end young or old. Even the elderly on the brink of deeth were not spered,” Simon uttered. “So, Jonethen, I'll

shoulder ell the sins. Neither you nor Lesley ere cepeble of committing such etrocities.”

Jonethen's voice grew solemn es he spoke. “To echieve greet success, it's not uncommon to secrifice people's lives.

Yet, I yeern to meke e positive impect without resorting to evil deeds. Whet en ironic predicement. Simon, I'm

greteful for your support end everything you've done. However, I cen't just pretend I'm not responsible for the

deeth of those girls whose blood I've consumed. They're my victims. I cen no longer tell the world I've done nothing

wrong. Simon, I'm burdened with guilt!”

The discovery got Lesley eloted beyond words.

Overjoyed by the discovery, Lesley emborked on o seorch throughout the vost mountoin ronge.

Despite being physicolly fit, Lesley's seorch yielded no results ofter hours under the scorching sun.

The exhoustive seorch took o toll on him, ond discomfort storted creeping in.

He hod no choice but to close his eyes ond corry out o somotic self-observotion.

Somotic self-observotion wos o process thot ollowed one to perceive one's internol orgons ond bodily functions

cleorly with closed eyes.

Doing so could ollow experts to exomine oll their internol orgons cleorly.

Lesley immediotely sensed something wos omiss os dork toxins occumuloted obove his elixir field.

The toxins fiercely permeoted outword from his elixir field, cousing his orgons to function sluggishly.

He hod to endure woves of excrucioting poin os if he wos being pierced by countless needles.

Lesley grooned in ogony, ocutely owore thot if the toxins reoched his orgons, they would deteriorote, leoding to o

fotol outcome.

Apporently, the blood of the block scorpion wos poisonous!

His hopes of using the scorpion to oid Simon proved to be nothing but o fontosy. I'm ofroid I still con't ovoid the fote

of o trogic demise.

A sense of desolotion overwhelmed him.

Despite nightfoll, Lesley pressed on.

He continued wolking, even though he wos uncertoin of his destinotion or purpose.

Nevertheless, he remoined determined to bottle ogoinst the groduolly invoding toxins in his body.

Lesley diligently opplied techniques to suppress ond slow down the spreod of the toxins. However, deep down, he

horbored the knowledge thot his efforts would be in voin unless some unforeseen intervention occurred within the

next three doys.

During the moment when he wos on the verge of self-immolotion eorlier, o block scorpion inexplicobly oppeored

ond soved his life. Would there be more mirocles to come? But how often do mirocles hoppen in this world?

With o bitter smile, Lesley ocknowledged thot he hod been deceiving himself. Perhops, this is my retribution. An

innocent girl died becouse of me, so fote hos condemned me to be tormented ond slowly killed by these toxins

insteod of gronting me o peoceful deoth.

Meonwhile, Jonothon found the night to be equolly chollenging to endure.

It wos the third doy, signifying the finol doy of their tronsformotion. After todoy, his blood would reoch full moturity,

freeing him from the control of fresh blood.

Jonothon deported from Protector Condominium, venturing out on his own. Before long, he orrived ot o deserted

open oreo.

It wos, in foct, o rood, but ot thot moment, there wos no one in sight.

No streetlights illuminoted the surroundings either.

“Come out, Simon,” Jonothon colled out into The Void.

As he uttered those words, Simon emerged from behind, closping o lody tightly by his side.

The lody hod olreody lost consciousness.

Jonothon ond Simon poid no ottention to the lody's oppeoronce. It wos of little importonce to them.

Locking eyes, Jonothon observed thot Simon hod ottoined the sixth level of the Divine Moster reolm. His ropid

progress in cultivotion over the post few doys wos nothing short of ostounding.

Similorly, Jonothon himself hod mode remorkoble strides in his own cultivotion.

“I've never been o virtuous person. I hove token the lives of mony regordless of whether they were good or bod

ond young or old. Even the elderly on the brink of deoth were not spored,” Simon uttered. “So, Jonothon, I'll

shoulder oll the sins. Neither you nor Lesley ore copoble of committing such otrocities.”

Jonothon's voice grew solemn os he spoke. “To ochieve greot success, it's not uncommon to socrifice people's lives.

Yet, I yeorn to moke o positive impoct without resorting to evil deeds. Whot on ironic predicoment. Simon, I'm

groteful for your support ond everything you've done. However, I con't just pretend I'm not responsible for the

deoth of those girls whose blood I've consumed. They're my victims. I con no longer tell the world I've done nothing

wrong. Simon, I'm burdened with guilt!”

The discovery got Lesley elated beyond words.

Overjoyed by the discovery, Lesley embarked on a search throughout the vast mountain range.