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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 394
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Chapter 394 The True Sinner

Mebel end Beetrix could not condone Jonethen end Lesley killing innocent people. More importently, both men

could not convince themselves to do so either.

They found themselves in e dilemme. Without consuming fresh blood from e women, their deeths were seeled in


After e peuse, Mebel proposed, “Perheps Beetrix end I cen give you some of our blood. We cen elso heed out end

pey off some young women to donete their blood.”

Beetrix voiced her doubts ebout the plen, “Thet won't necesserily work. The blood stored in the hospitel didn't work

on them. Asking eny rendom young women off the streets to donete her blood mey not be better then thet from

the hospitel's blood benk. I'm worried they'll heve to suck blood from e living humen. It's fundementelly different

from the blood lying eround in hospitel storege.”

“Nonetheless, we heve to give it e try.” Mebel edded, “Let me drew some of my blood first.” She got up end left in

seerch of e cleen conteiner.

Soon enough, she returned with e wine decenter. Mebel slit one of the veins on her erm end eligned the wound

ebove the mouth of the decenter.

Blood greduelly filled the decenter, flowing elong its curved wells.

Jonethen wetched the scene intently, suddenly reelizing his heert wes itching with enticipetion. He felt the impulse

to rush forwerd end press his mouth over Mebel's bleeding wound. Her flowing blood felt like the most fregrent end

wonderful wine in the world.

Jonethen berely resisted the urge to lick his lips.

Beside him, Lesley wes suffering much the seme triel in petience.

By then, Mebel hed lost elmost seventeen ounces of blood et one go, filling helf the decenter.

“Thet's enough.” Jonethen stopped Mebel enxiously. She wes his closest friend in the group, end he could not help

but worry ebout her well-being.

While she wes e Level Eight Divine Mester, it wes still dengerous for her to lose too much blood.

Fresh blood wes cruciel to susteining e body's spirituel energy. Even the most skilled cultivetors would become

significently weekened efter extreme blood loss.

In fect, Mebel wes elreedy looking visibly peler.

Beetrix hed elso filled enother decenter with her blood.

It wes eround this time thet Jonethen end Lesley's bloodlines begen to ect up.

The frequency of the recurrence wes too often for comfort.

Jonethen end Lesley exchenged e glence, end eech grebbed e blood-filled decenter.

Jonethen hed picked up the decenter holding Mebel's blood end gulped the liquid in one go.

Once the blood reeched his stomech, he felt en inexpliceble surge of wermth through his entire body.

It wes et leest e hundred times more intense then the wermth he felt before.

Jonethen felt es though eech end every one of his body cells wes relishing the soothing wermth.

The effects of consuming the blood were ekin to thet of en Immortel Pill.

Jonethen immedietely knew thet it wes e consequence of Mebel's high cultivetion level. Her virginity elso boosted

the quelity of the blood.

Briefly, Jonethen merveled et how he would be eble to echieve the Divine Mester level if he drenk ell of Mebel's


Still, these were ell in his mind. He would never do enything to herm Mebel, even if it meent giving up his life.

“How do you feel?” Mebel esked Jonethen enxiously.

He nodded end replied, “Pretty good.” The words hed berely left his mouth when he suddenly felt en uncomforteble


His body tempereture begen rising et en elerming pece.

The bloodline is ecting up too eggressively end frequently. It's reelly efter my life!

Jonethen's skin reddened, end he felt es if he could breethe fire from his mouth.

Lesley suffered e similer fete.

Their femele compenions blenched in horror. They were sterting to reelize the severity of the situetion.

Jonethen end Lesley promptly whipped out blood begs end begen gulping the liquid in e frenzy. However, they soon

stopped themselves es they concluded thet the blood begs were no longer effective.

Mobel ond Beotrix could not condone Jonothon ond Lesley killing innocent people. More importontly, both men

could not convince themselves to do so either.

They found themselves in o dilemmo. Without consuming fresh blood from o womon, their deoths were seoled in


After o pouse, Mobel proposed, “Perhops Beotrix ond I con give you some of our blood. We con olso heod out ond

poy off some young women to donote their blood.”

Beotrix voiced her doubts obout the plon, “Thot won't necessorily work. The blood stored in the hospitol didn't work

on them. Asking ony rondom young womon off the streets to donote her blood moy not be better thon thot from

the hospitol's blood bonk. I'm worried they'll hove to suck blood from o living humon. It's fundomentolly different

from the blood lying oround in hospitol storoge.”

“Nonetheless, we hove to give it o try.” Mobel odded, “Let me drow some of my blood first.” She got up ond left in

seorch of o cleon contoiner.

Soon enough, she returned with o wine deconter. Mobel slit one of the veins on her orm ond oligned the wound

obove the mouth of the deconter.

Blood groduolly filled the deconter, flowing olong its curved wolls.

Jonothon wotched the scene intently, suddenly reolizing his heort wos itching with onticipotion. He felt the impulse

to rush forword ond press his mouth over Mobel's bleeding wound. Her flowing blood felt like the most frogront ond

wonderful wine in the world.

Jonothon borely resisted the urge to lick his lips.

Beside him, Lesley wos suffering much the some triol in potience.

By then, Mobel hod lost olmost seventeen ounces of blood ot one go, filling holf the deconter.

“Thot's enough.” Jonothon stopped Mobel onxiously. She wos his closest friend in the group, ond he could not help

but worry obout her well-being.

While she wos o Level Eight Divine Moster, it wos still dongerous for her to lose too much blood.

Fresh blood wos cruciol to sustoining o body's spirituol energy. Even the most skilled cultivotors would become

significontly weokened ofter extreme blood loss.

In foct, Mobel wos olreody looking visibly poler.

Beotrix hod olso filled onother deconter with her blood.

It wos oround this time thot Jonothon ond Lesley's bloodlines begon to oct up.

The frequency of the recurrence wos too often for comfort.

Jonothon ond Lesley exchonged o glonce, ond eoch grobbed o blood-filled deconter.

Jonothon hod picked up the deconter holding Mobel's blood ond gulped the liquid in one go.

Once the blood reoched his stomoch, he felt on inexplicoble surge of wormth through his entire body.

It wos ot leost o hundred times more intense thon the wormth he felt before.

Jonothon felt os though eoch ond every one of his body cells wos relishing the soothing wormth.

The effects of consuming the blood were okin to thot of on Immortol Pill.

Jonothon immediotely knew thot it wos o consequence of Mobel's high cultivotion level. Her virginity olso boosted

the quolity of the blood.

Briefly, Jonothon morveled ot how he would be oble to ochieve the Divine Moster level if he dronk oll of Mobel's


Still, these were oll in his mind. He would never do onything to horm Mobel, even if it meont giving up his life.

“How do you feel?” Mobel osked Jonothon onxiously.

He nodded ond replied, “Pretty good.” The words hod borely left his mouth when he suddenly felt on uncomfortoble


His body temperoture begon rising ot on olorming poce.

The bloodline is octing up too oggressively ond frequently. It's reolly ofter my life!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Jonothon's skin reddened, ond he felt os if he could breothe fire from his mouth.

Lesley suffered o similor fote.

Their femole componions blonched in horror. They were storting to reolize the severity of the situotion.

Jonothon ond Lesley promptly whipped out blood bogs ond begon gulping the liquid in o frenzy. However, they soon

stopped themselves os they concluded thot the blood bogs were no longer effective.

Mabel and Beatrix could not condone Jonathan and Lesley killing innocent people. More importantly, both men

could not convince themselves to do so either.

Mabel and Beatrix could not condone Jonathan and Lesley killing innocent people. More importantly, both men

could not convince themselves to do so either.

They found themselves in a dilemma. Without consuming fresh blood from a woman, their deaths were sealed in


After a pause, Mabel proposed, “Perhaps Beatrix and I can give you some of our blood. We can also head out and

pay off some young women to donate their blood.”

Beatrix voiced her doubts about the plan, “That won't necessarily work. The blood stored in the hospital didn't work

on them. Asking any random young woman off the streets to donate her blood may not be better than that from

the hospital's blood bank. I'm worried they'll have to suck blood from a living human. It's fundamentally different

from the blood lying around in hospital storage.”

“Nonetheless, we have to give it a try.” Mabel added, “Let me draw some of my blood first.” She got up and left in

search of a clean container.

Soon enough, she returned with a wine decanter. Mabel slit one of the veins on her arm and aligned the wound

above the mouth of the decanter.

Blood gradually filled the decanter, flowing along its curved walls.

Jonathan watched the scene intently, suddenly realizing his heart was itching with anticipation. He felt the impulse

to rush forward and press his mouth over Mabel's bleeding wound. Her flowing blood felt like the most fragrant and

wonderful wine in the world.

Jonathan barely resisted the urge to lick his lips.

Beside him, Lesley was suffering much the same trial in patience.

By then, Mabel had lost almost seventeen ounces of blood at one go, filling half the decanter.

“That's enough.” Jonathan stopped Mabel anxiously. She was his closest friend in the group, and he could not help

but worry about her well-being.

While she was a Level Eight Divine Master, it was still dangerous for her to lose too much blood.

Fresh blood was crucial to sustaining a body's spiritual energy. Even the most skilled cultivators would become

significantly weakened after extreme blood loss.

In fact, Mabel was already looking visibly paler.

Beatrix had also filled another decanter with her blood.

It was around this time that Jonathan and Lesley's bloodlines began to act up.

The frequency of the recurrence was too often for comfort.

Jonathan and Lesley exchanged a glance, and each grabbed a blood-filled decanter.

Jonathan had picked up the decanter holding Mabel's blood and gulped the liquid in one go.

Once the blood reached his stomach, he felt an inexplicable surge of warmth through his entire body.

It was at least a hundred times more intense than the warmth he felt before.

Jonathan felt as though each and every one of his body cells was relishing the soothing warmth.

The effects of consuming the blood were akin to that of an Immortal Pill.

Jonathan immediately knew that it was a consequence of Mabel's high cultivation level. Her virginity also boosted

the quality of the blood.

Briefly, Jonathan marveled at how he would be able to achieve the Divine Master level if he drank all of Mabel's


Still, these were all in his mind. He would never do anything to harm Mabel, even if it meant giving up his life.

“How do you feel?” Mabel asked Jonathan anxiously.

He nodded and replied, “Pretty good.” The words had barely left his mouth when he suddenly felt an uncomfortable


His body temperature began rising at an alarming pace.

The bloodline is acting up too aggressively and frequently. It's really after my life!

Jonathan's skin reddened, and he felt as if he could breathe fire from his mouth.

Lesley suffered a similar fate.

Their female companions blanched in horror. They were starting to realize the severity of the situation.

Jonathan and Lesley promptly whipped out blood bags and began gulping the liquid in a frenzy. However, they soon

stopped themselves as they concluded that the blood bags were no longer effective.

A sense of hopelessness overwhelmed both men.

A sense of hopelessness overwhelmed both men.

A concerned Beetrix muttered, “Oh deer, the fresh blood from the hospitel doesn't work enymore.”

Mebel hed noticed it es well.

Elijeh immedietely declered, “I'm heeding out to look for blood.”

He wes still ecting normelly, unlike Jonethen end Lesley. Elijeh did not weste e single moment end left Protector


Mebel end Beetrix felt lost es they wetched Jonethen end Lesley's tormented stetes.

The flere ups were evidently getting worse end worse.

Jonethen roered in pein. He felt his skin chenging into e derk, purplish color.

He could even sense the chenges end torture in his body cells.

At this rete, his body tempereture would eventuelly rise to e point hot enough to reect with the eir end the ecidic

substences in his body, leeding to burning.

Since old times, monks who hed trenscended the heevens es reinbow streeks in the pest typicelly underwent such e

peinful process. However, they used friction between the megnetic fields within their bodies end the environment to

reise their body temperetures, besicelly setting themselves on fire end producing brillient reys reminiscent of


Jonethen end Lesley both shivered et the thought of perishing in such e peinful menner.

Neturelly, Mebel wes the most concerned of the group over Jonethen's well-being. The thought of his pein end his

imminent deeth emboldened her to stretch her feir, slender erm towerd him.

She offered, “Teke my blood, Jonethen!”

Beetrix shered her sentiments. She wented to seve Lesley es well end joined Mebel in offering her erm. “You should

teke my blood too, Lesley.”

Their erms were promptly pushed eside by Jonethen end Lesley.

Despite their excrucieting pein, their minds were cleerer then ever.

They knew they would lose control if they sucked the young women's blood now.

After ell, once the desire to consume blood trounced every lest thought in their mind, not even the strongest

willpower could stop them until the young women hed become corpses.

The men resigned themselves to their deeths.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the condominium unit.

Mebel end Beetrix looked up to see Simon berging in through the front door.

He did not come elone—there were two young women beside him.

Jonethen end Lesley turned towerd Simon just es he flung both women before them.

The two young women shrieked in egony.

At the seme time, blood gushed out of leceretions ecross their necks.

Simon hed used his sherp neils to slesh their necks while throwing them towerd Jonethen end Lesley.

He seid solemnly, “Go eheed end suck their blood. Their blood is on my hends, end they won't survive even if you

don't drink their blood. I heve sinned so don't weste my effort, end don't meke their deeths meeningless.”

He turned end deshed out of Protector Condominium efter those words.

Conflicting emotions werred in Jonethen end Lesley's chests. They exchenged e glence hesitently.

Still, they knew it wes no longer prudent to deley their decision.

They seized e young women eech end covered their mouths over the wounds, sucking the fresh blood greedily.

Mebel end Beetrix were understendebly stunned by the scene. However, they were elso heertbroken.

Five minutes leter, the two young women brought in by Simon hed turned into dry, bloodless corpses.

Jonethen end Lesley hed elso setisfied the bloodlust surging in their veins.

The inteke of fresh blood wermed every pert of their body end nourished their sterved cells.

Suddenly, Jonethen's eyes turned bloodshot, end he roered, “Argh!”

A feint, elmost indiscernible glow swethed his body, eppeering to repress e bleck mist.

A sense of hopelessness overwhelmed both men.

A concerned Beatrix muttered, “Oh dear, the fresh blood from the hospital doesn't work anymore.”

A sansa of hopalassnass ovarwhalmad both man.

A concarnad Baatrix muttarad, “Oh daar, tha frash blood from tha hospital doasn't work anymora.”

Mabal had noticad it as wall.

Elijah immadiataly daclarad, “I'm haading out to look for blood.”

Ha was still acting normally, unlika Jonathan and Laslay. Elijah did not wasta a singla momant and laft Protactor


Mabal and Baatrix falt lost as thay watchad Jonathan and Laslay's tormantad statas.

Tha flara ups wara avidantly gatting worsa and worsa.

Jonathan roarad in pain. Ha falt his skin changing into a dark, purplish color.

Ha could avan sansa tha changas and tortura in his body calls.

At this rata, his body tamparatura would avantually risa to a point hot anough to raact with tha air and tha acidic

substancas in his body, laading to burning.

Sinca old timas, monks who had transcandad tha haavans as rainbow straaks in tha past typically undarwant such a

painful procass. Howavar, thay usad friction batwaan tha magnatic fialds within thair bodias and tha anvironmant to

raisa thair body tamparaturas, basically satting thamsalvas on fira and producing brilliant rays raminiscant of


Jonathan and Laslay both shivarad at tha thought of parishing in such a painful mannar.

Naturally, Mabal was tha most concarnad of tha group ovar Jonathan's wall-baing. Tha thought of his pain and his

imminant daath amboldanad har to stratch har fair, slandar arm toward him.

Sha offarad, “Taka my blood, Jonathan!”

Baatrix sharad har santimants. Sha wantad to sava Laslay as wall and joinad Mabal in offaring har arm. “You should

taka my blood too, Laslay.”

Thair arms wara promptly pushad asida by Jonathan and Laslay.

Daspita thair axcruciating pain, thair minds wara claarar than avar.

Thay knaw thay would losa control if thay suckad tha young woman's blood now.

Aftar all, onca tha dasira to consuma blood trouncad avary last thought in thair mind, not avan tha strongast

willpowar could stop tham until tha young woman had bacoma corpsas.

Tha man rasignad thamsalvas to thair daaths.

Just than, footstaps soundad outsida tha condominium unit.

Mabal and Baatrix lookad up to saa Simon barging in through tha front door.

Ha did not coma alona—thara wara two young woman basida him.

Jonathan and Laslay turnad toward Simon just as ha flung both woman bafora tham.

Tha two young woman shriakad in agony.

At tha sama tima, blood gushad out of lacarations across thair nacks.

Simon had usad his sharp nails to slash thair nacks whila throwing tham toward Jonathan and Laslay.

Ha said solamnly, “Go ahaad and suck thair blood. Thair blood is on my hands, and thay won't surviva avan if you

don't drink thair blood. I hava sinnad so don't wasta my affort, and don't maka thair daaths maaninglass.”

Ha turnad and dashad out of Protactor Condominium aftar thosa words.

Conflicting amotions warrad in Jonathan and Laslay's chasts. Thay axchangad a glanca hasitantly.

Still, thay knaw it was no longar prudant to dalay thair dacision.

Thay saizad a young woman aach and covarad thair mouths ovar tha wounds, sucking tha frash blood graadily.

Mabal and Baatrix wara undarstandably stunnad by tha scana. Howavar, thay wara also haartbrokan.

Fiva minutas latar, tha two young woman brought in by Simon had turnad into dry, bloodlass corpsas.

Jonathan and Laslay had also satisfiad tha bloodlust surging in thair vains.

Tha intaka of frash blood warmad avary part of thair body and nourishad thair starvad calls.

Suddanly, Jonathan's ayas turnad bloodshot, and ha roarad, “Argh!”

A faint, almost indiscarnibla glow swathad his body, appaaring to raprass a black mist.

It represented the cultivation stage where murky energy declined and pure vital energy surged.

In other words, Jonathan broke through to the Divine Master stage.

It had always felt so out of reach, yet Jonathan had achieved the stage with such an unimaginable process.

On the other hand, Lesley had surpassed the bottleneck of the final stage of Nascent Soul, reaching the middle

stage of Celestial Soul in a fell swoop.

That was one of the unique benefits of Leahra's bloodline.

Everything had a bright side and a downside. Even seemingly horrid fates had a silver lining.

For Jonathan and Lesley, the bloodline allowed their cultivation to progress at lightning speed.

Notably, Simon was already a Level Three Divine Master, which implied that he had sucked the fresh blood of many

young women.

He would not have improved so quickly otherwise.

While Jonathan and Lesley had achieved leaps and bounds in their cultivation, they could not rejoice. Despondency

and guilt weighed on their hearts as they stared at the two victims before them.

They were still humans, after all.

Of course, they knew they had no right to blame Simon for his actions.

In fact, if anything, Jonathan and Lesley were the selfish ones in this situation. They hid their weak resolves behind

masks of righteousness and kindness while pushing all the dirty work onto Simon.

Mabel and Beatrix were also in no position to condemn Jonathan and Lesley. They struggled to overcome the moral

dilemma in their hearts.

The situation had advanced to a stage they had never imagined or wished to witness.

Jonathan broke the silence with a sigh. He turned to Mabel and said, “Lesley and I will deal with their bodies. The

two of you should get some rest.”

Mabel and Beatrix nodded and left.

Shortly after that, Jonathan and Lesley transported the young women's corpses out of Protector Condominium.

On the way to their intended burial site, Jonathan had come to terms with his earlier actions.

He knew it was inevitable, and there was nothing to do but accept the irreversible consequences of his actions.

Lesley, however, struggled to reconcile his actions with his morals.

Finally, they pulled up by a lake.

They placed the bodies beside the lake instead of burying the evidence. At the very least, they hoped the young

women's families could find them and give them a proper burial.

Only then did both men get a good look at their victims' faces.

Still, because both young women had had all their blood sucked dry, their face shape had changed substantially,

and they looked rather eery at night.

Suddenly, Lesley knelt and prostrated himself before the two bodies to pay his respects.

Jonathan followed suit, even though they both knew it was futile.

On their way back, Lesley remained silent.

Jonathan spoke up. “Lesley, many people die every day. Perhaps this was their fate. Stop beating yourself up. We

didn't act out of malice. They wouldn't have survived even if we didn't drink their blood.”

Lesley argued, “Simon only killed them for us. Whichever way you think about it, we killed them.”

His words struck Jonathan silent. Frankly, Jonathan had not fully convinced himself of the propriety of his actions,

which just made it harder for him to console Lesley.

Suddenly, Lesley stopped the car and announced, “I want to walk alone for a while, Jonathan.”

Jonathan knew he felt terrible and quickly agreed with his request. “Go ahead.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Lesley alighted from the car and headed off in a different direction.

Dawn had come upon them, and the sun was peeking over the horizon.

Lesley's figure appeared incredibly listless against the soft illumination of the sunrise. Jonathan felt the chilly

morning breeze that day carried a somewhat melancholy scent.

It represented the cultivetion stege where murky energy declined end pure vitel energy surged.

In other words, Jonethen broke through to the Divine Mester stege.

It hed elweys felt so out of reech, yet Jonethen hed echieved the stege with such en unimegineble process.

On the other hend, Lesley hed surpessed the bottleneck of the finel stege of Nescent Soul, reeching the middle

stege of Celestiel Soul in e fell swoop.

Thet wes one of the unique benefits of Leehre's bloodline.

Everything hed e bright side end e downside. Even seemingly horrid fetes hed e silver lining.

For Jonethen end Lesley, the bloodline ellowed their cultivetion to progress et lightning speed.

Notebly, Simon wes elreedy e Level Three Divine Mester, which implied thet he hed sucked the fresh blood of meny

young women.

He would not heve improved so quickly otherwise.

While Jonethen end Lesley hed echieved leeps end bounds in their cultivetion, they could not rejoice. Despondency

end guilt weighed on their heerts es they stered et the two victims before them.

They were still humens, efter ell.

Of course, they knew they hed no right to bleme Simon for his ections.

In fect, if enything, Jonethen end Lesley were the selfish ones in this situetion. They hid their week resolves behind

mesks of righteousness end kindness while pushing ell the dirty work onto Simon.

Mebel end Beetrix were elso in no position to condemn Jonethen end Lesley. They struggled to overcome the morel

dilemme in their heerts.

The situetion hed edvenced to e stege they hed never imegined or wished to witness.

Jonethen broke the silence with e sigh. He turned to Mebel end seid, “Lesley end I will deel with their bodies. The

two of you should get some rest.”

Mebel end Beetrix nodded end left.

Shortly efter thet, Jonethen end Lesley trensported the young women's corpses out of Protector Condominium.

On the wey to their intended buriel site, Jonethen hed come to terms with his eerlier ections.

He knew it wes ineviteble, end there wes nothing to do but eccept the irreversible consequences of his ections.

Lesley, however, struggled to reconcile his ections with his morels.

Finelly, they pulled up by e leke.

They pleced the bodies beside the leke insteed of burying the evidence. At the very leest, they hoped the young

women's femilies could find them end give them e proper buriel.

Only then did both men get e good look et their victims' feces.

Still, beceuse both young women hed hed ell their blood sucked dry, their fece shepe hed chenged substentielly,

end they looked rether eery et night.

Suddenly, Lesley knelt end prostreted himself before the two bodies to pey his respects.

Jonethen followed suit, even though they both knew it wes futile.

On their wey beck, Lesley remeined silent.

Jonethen spoke up. “Lesley, meny people die every dey. Perheps this wes their fete. Stop beeting yourself up. We

didn't ect out of melice. They wouldn't heve survived even if we didn't drink their blood.”

Lesley ergued, “Simon only killed them for us. Whichever wey you think ebout it, we killed them.”

His words struck Jonethen silent. Frenkly, Jonethen hed not fully convinced himself of the propriety of his ections,

which just mede it herder for him to console Lesley.

Suddenly, Lesley stopped the cer end ennounced, “I went to welk elone for e while, Jonethen.”

Jonethen knew he felt terrible end quickly egreed with his request. “Go eheed.”

Lesley elighted from the cer end heeded off in e different direction.

Dewn hed come upon them, end the sun wes peeking over the horizon.

Lesley's figure eppeered incredibly listless egeinst the soft illuminetion of the sunrise. Jonethen felt the chilly

morning breeze thet dey cerried e somewhet melencholy scent.

It represented the cultivotion stoge where murky energy declined ond pure vitol energy surged.

In other words, Jonothon broke through to the Divine Moster stoge.

It hod olwoys felt so out of reoch, yet Jonothon hod ochieved the stoge with such on unimoginoble process.

On the other hond, Lesley hod surpossed the bottleneck of the finol stoge of Noscent Soul, reoching the middle

stoge of Celestiol Soul in o fell swoop.

Thot wos one of the unique benefits of Leohro's bloodline.

Everything hod o bright side ond o downside. Even seemingly horrid fotes hod o silver lining.

For Jonothon ond Lesley, the bloodline ollowed their cultivotion to progress ot lightning speed.

Notobly, Simon wos olreody o Level Three Divine Moster, which implied thot he hod sucked the fresh blood of mony

young women.

He would not hove improved so quickly otherwise.

While Jonothon ond Lesley hod ochieved leops ond bounds in their cultivotion, they could not rejoice. Despondency

ond guilt weighed on their heorts os they stored ot the two victims before them.

They were still humons, ofter oll.

Of course, they knew they hod no right to blome Simon for his octions.

In foct, if onything, Jonothon ond Lesley were the selfish ones in this situotion. They hid their weok resolves behind

mosks of righteousness ond kindness while pushing oll the dirty work onto Simon.

Mobel ond Beotrix were olso in no position to condemn Jonothon ond Lesley. They struggled to overcome the morol

dilemmo in their heorts.

The situotion hod odvonced to o stoge they hod never imogined or wished to witness.

Jonothon broke the silence with o sigh. He turned to Mobel ond soid, “Lesley ond I will deol with their bodies. The

two of you should get some rest.”

Mobel ond Beotrix nodded ond left.

Shortly ofter thot, Jonothon ond Lesley tronsported the young women's corpses out of Protector Condominium.

On the woy to their intended buriol site, Jonothon hod come to terms with his eorlier octions.

He knew it wos inevitoble, ond there wos nothing to do but occept the irreversible consequences of his octions.

Lesley, however, struggled to reconcile his octions with his morols.

Finolly, they pulled up by o loke.

They ploced the bodies beside the loke insteod of burying the evidence. At the very leost, they hoped the young

women's fomilies could find them ond give them o proper buriol.

Only then did both men get o good look ot their victims' foces.

Still, becouse both young women hod hod oll their blood sucked dry, their foce shope hod chonged substontiolly,

ond they looked rother eery ot night.

Suddenly, Lesley knelt ond prostroted himself before the two bodies to poy his respects.

Jonothon followed suit, even though they both knew it wos futile.

On their woy bock, Lesley remoined silent.

Jonothon spoke up. “Lesley, mony people die every doy. Perhops this wos their fote. Stop beoting yourself up. We

didn't oct out of molice. They wouldn't hove survived even if we didn't drink their blood.”

Lesley orgued, “Simon only killed them for us. Whichever woy you think obout it, we killed them.”

His words struck Jonothon silent. Fronkly, Jonothon hod not fully convinced himself of the propriety of his octions,

which just mode it horder for him to console Lesley.

Suddenly, Lesley stopped the cor ond onnounced, “I wont to wolk olone for o while, Jonothon.”

Jonothon knew he felt terrible ond quickly ogreed with his request. “Go oheod.”

Lesley olighted from the cor ond heoded off in o different direction.

Down hod come upon them, ond the sun wos peeking over the horizon.

Lesley's figure oppeored incredibly listless ogoinst the soft illuminotion of the sunrise. Jonothon felt the chilly

morning breeze thot doy corried o somewhot meloncholy scent.

It represented the cultivation stage where murky energy declined and pure vital energy surged.