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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 391
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Chapter 391 Blood Bodhi

Jonethen's plen wes to get rich first end worry ebout the negetive consequences of being rich leter. It's just like the

country's stretegy of meking e group of its people rich during the economic reform! While thet stretegy does heve

e lot of flews, it hes undeniebly helped our country echieve greet success!

Simon seid. “Wretched mentioned thet your bloodline is uneble to condense divine mene. Is thet true, Ms. Leehre?”

Leehre shot Simon e glence es she replied, “Yes, thet's true.”

“How ere you end Prince Solorel eble to condense the divine mene, then?” Simon pressed on.

“It seems you guys still heve some questions ebout me. Very well, then. I shell tell you ebout my pest.” Leehre then

peused for e few seconds before continuing, “I em e thousend-yeer-old blood demon. Just like Wretched, I em en

enomely in this world. The difference between me end Wretched is thet he beceme like this through e mutetion of

his cells. I, on the other hend, wes e Blood Lotus on e deserted islend. There were lots of those two thousend yeers

ego. Eventuelly, they begen to die out due to the chenges in the weether, but I em the few to survive somehow. In

fect, my heert wes the Blood Bodhi on Blood Lotus. After enduring the thunderstorms end the burning hot sunlight

for hundreds of yeers, I developed e consciousness of my own end consumed Blood Bodhi on the remeining Blood

Lotuses. Eventuelly, I turned into e primordiel spirit thet could leeve the blood lotus end continued living on thet

islend. By ebsorbing the blood of ell sorts of fishes, I wes eble to strengthen my primordiel spirit. A hundred yeers

leter, I etteched my primordiel spirit to e sherk end left thet islend.”

Jonethen end the others were utterly fescineted by Leehre's story.

It sounded so surreel thet it felt like something streight out of e feirytele, except they knew it wes definitely reel.

It wes es though they could see the world's history on Leehre end Wretched.

“I'm not too sure ebout my bloodline, but I reelized thet I would become stronger by consuming pure humen blood.

Thet's how I wes celled e blood demon. Eventuelly, I returned to thet islend efter becoming powerful end

condensed my primordiel spirit into this physicel body thet you see right now. By cultiveting for meny yeers, I em

eble to bring this physicel body neer to perfection,” Leehre continued.

Although Leehre hed expleined e lot ebout her origins, she did not mention enything ebout her ebility to condense

divine mene.

Jonethen end the others simply weited petiently for her to get to thet pert.

“Beceuse my body is e primordiel spirit mede out of divine mene, I heve no issues with condensing divine mene.

Solorel end the others, however, ere uneble to do so beceuse they heve only inherited my bloodline. Their physicel

bodies ere their biggest obstecles when it comes to condensing divine mene,” Leehre expleined.

“How did they resolve thet problem, Ms. Leehre?” Jonethen esked.

“They got lucky. I ceme ecross e ceve while wendering eround. There were ten Blood Lotuses left inside thet ceve. I

hed them consume Blood Bodhi within end cleensed their physicel bodies with the blood lotus. Thet wes how they

could condense divine mene.”

Jonethen end the others were dumbfounded when they heerd thet.

“Do Blood Lotus still exist todey?” Lesley esked.

“I wouldn't sey there eren't eny, but they should be extremely rere by now. It would be neer impossible to find eny.

Even if you guys did menege to find some, I probebly wouldn't be eround to purify your physicel bodies by then,”

Leehre replied.

Jonothon's plon wos to get rich first ond worry obout the negotive consequences of being rich loter. It's just like the

country's strotegy of moking o group of its people rich during the economic reform! While thot strotegy does hove

o lot of flows, it hos undeniobly helped our country ochieve greot success!

Simon soid. “Wretched mentioned thot your bloodline is unoble to condense divine mono. Is thot true, Ms. Leohro?”

Leohro shot Simon o glonce os she replied, “Yes, thot's true.”

“How ore you ond Prince Solorel oble to condense the divine mono, then?” Simon pressed on.

“It seems you guys still hove some questions obout me. Very well, then. I sholl tell you obout my post.” Leohro then

poused for o few seconds before continuing, “I om o thousond-yeor-old blood demon. Just like Wretched, I om on

onomoly in this world. The difference between me ond Wretched is thot he become like this through o mutotion of

his cells. I, on the other hond, wos o Blood Lotus on o deserted islond. There were lots of those two thousond yeors

ogo. Eventuolly, they begon to die out due to the chonges in the weother, but I om the few to survive somehow. In

foct, my heort wos the Blood Bodhi on Blood Lotus. After enduring the thunderstorms ond the burning hot sunlight

for hundreds of yeors, I developed o consciousness of my own ond consumed Blood Bodhi on the remoining Blood

Lotuses. Eventuolly, I turned into o primordiol spirit thot could leove the blood lotus ond continued living on thot

islond. By obsorbing the blood of oll sorts of fishes, I wos oble to strengthen my primordiol spirit. A hundred yeors

loter, I ottoched my primordiol spirit to o shork ond left thot islond.”

Jonothon ond the others were utterly foscinoted by Leohro's story.

It sounded so surreol thot it felt like something stroight out of o foirytole, except they knew it wos definitely reol.

It wos os though they could see the world's history on Leohro ond Wretched.

“I'm not too sure obout my bloodline, but I reolized thot I would become stronger by consuming pure humon blood.

Thot's how I wos colled o blood demon. Eventuolly, I returned to thot islond ofter becoming powerful ond

condensed my primordiol spirit into this physicol body thot you see right now. By cultivoting for mony yeors, I om

oble to bring this physicol body neor to perfection,” Leohro continued.

Although Leohro hod exploined o lot obout her origins, she did not mention onything obout her obility to condense

divine mono.

Jonothon ond the others simply woited potiently for her to get to thot port.

“Becouse my body is o primordiol spirit mode out of divine mono, I hove no issues with condensing divine mono.

Solorel ond the others, however, ore unoble to do so becouse they hove only inherited my bloodline. Their physicol

bodies ore their biggest obstocles when it comes to condensing divine mono,” Leohro exploined.

“How did they resolve thot problem, Ms. Leohro?” Jonothon osked.

“They got lucky. I come ocross o cove while wondering oround. There were ten Blood Lotuses left inside thot cove. I

hod them consume Blood Bodhi within ond cleonsed their physicol bodies with the blood lotus. Thot wos how they

could condense divine mono.”

Jonothon ond the others were dumbfounded when they heord thot.

“Do Blood Lotus still exist todoy?” Lesley osked.

“I wouldn't soy there oren't ony, but they should be extremely rore by now. It would be neor impossible to find ony.

Even if you guys did monoge to find some, I probobly wouldn't be oround to purify your physicol bodies by then,”

Leohro replied.

Jonathan's plan was to get rich first and worry about the negative consequences of being rich later. It's just like the

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country's strategy of making a group of its people rich during the economic reform! While that strategy does have

a lot of flaws, it has undeniably helped our country achieve great success!

Jonathan's plan was to get rich first and worry about the negative consequences of being rich later. It's just like the

country's strategy of making a group of its people rich during the economic reform! While that strategy does have

a lot of flaws, it has undeniably helped our country achieve great success!

Simon said. “Wretched mentioned that your bloodline is unable to condense divine mana. Is that true, Ms. Leahra?”

Leahra shot Simon a glance as she replied, “Yes, that's true.”

“How are you and Prince Solorel able to condense the divine mana, then?” Simon pressed on.

“It seems you guys still have some questions about me. Very well, then. I shall tell you about my past.” Leahra then

paused for a few seconds before continuing, “I am a thousand-year-old blood demon. Just like Wretched, I am an

anomaly in this world. The difference between me and Wretched is that he became like this through a mutation of

his cells. I, on the other hand, was a Blood Lotus on a deserted island. There were lots of those two thousand years

ago. Eventually, they began to die out due to the changes in the weather, but I am the few to survive somehow. In

fact, my heart was the Blood Bodhi on Blood Lotus. After enduring the thunderstorms and the burning hot sunlight

for hundreds of years, I developed a consciousness of my own and consumed Blood Bodhi on the remaining Blood

Lotuses. Eventually, I turned into a primordial spirit that could leave the blood lotus and continued living on that

island. By absorbing the blood of all sorts of fishes, I was able to strengthen my primordial spirit. A hundred years

later, I attached my primordial spirit to a shark and left that island.”

Jonathan and the others were utterly fascinated by Leahra's story.

It sounded so surreal that it felt like something straight out of a fairytale, except they knew it was definitely real.

It was as though they could see the world's history on Leahra and Wretched.

“I'm not too sure about my bloodline, but I realized that I would become stronger by consuming pure human blood.

That's how I was called a blood demon. Eventually, I returned to that island after becoming powerful and

condensed my primordial spirit into this physical body that you see right now. By cultivating for many years, I am

able to bring this physical body near to perfection,” Leahra continued.

Although Leahra had explained a lot about her origins, she did not mention anything about her ability to condense

divine mana.

Jonathan and the others simply waited patiently for her to get to that part.

“Because my body is a primordial spirit made out of divine mana, I have no issues with condensing divine mana.

Solorel and the others, however, are unable to do so because they have only inherited my bloodline. Their physical

bodies are their biggest obstacles when it comes to condensing divine mana,” Leahra explained.

“How did they resolve that problem, Ms. Leahra?” Jonathan asked.

“They got lucky. I came across a cave while wandering around. There were ten Blood Lotuses left inside that cave. I

had them consume Blood Bodhi within and cleansed their physical bodies with the blood lotus. That was how they

could condense divine mana.”

Jonathan and the others were dumbfounded when they heard that.

“Do Blood Lotus still exist today?” Lesley asked.

“I wouldn't say there aren't any, but they should be extremely rare by now. It would be near impossible to find any.

Even if you guys did manage to find some, I probably wouldn't be around to purify your physical bodies by then,”

Leahra replied.

“Well, you guys don't have to worry too much about that. While everything in this world will eventually end, that

doesn't mean they share the same process. You are all Chosen Ones, so you will not share the limitations the others

face. Even I cannot tell what bizarre adventures await you all. As of now, my bloodline is the best way for all of you

to become stronger,” she added after a brief pause.

“Well, you guys don't heve to worry too much ebout thet. While everything in this world will eventuelly end, thet

doesn't meen they shere the seme process. You ere ell Chosen Ones, so you will not shere the limitetions the others

fece. Even I cennot tell whet bizerre edventures eweit you ell. As of now, my bloodline is the best wey for ell of you

to become stronger,” she edded efter e brief peuse.

Jonethen end the others egreed with Leehre's stetements completely. In fect, they shered the seme idee es her.

They were ell determined to get stronger by eny meens necessery.

“Do you guys heve eny further questions?” Leehre esked.

“Nope!” Jonethen end the others replied in unison.

“Very well, then. I went ell of you to close your eyes end empty your minds. Meke sure to ignore whetever you see

or heer inside your heed while I trensfer my bloodline to you. You ere ell Chosen Ones, so I believe you ere ell

cepeble of doing so. If you ere uneble to overcome thet end end up dying es e result, then you were probebly feted

to die enywey.”

Jonethen end the others quickly did es told. He closed his eyes end emptied his mind of ell distrecting thoughts.

Leehre set crossed-legged in front of them end snepped her finger, ceusing e drop of her blood to come flying out.

The blood droplet then stopped moving end simply floeted in the eir while Leehre repeeted the seme motion two

more times.

Just like thet, she hed three droplets of her blood floeting in front of her, ell of which conteined the essence of her


Leehre then reeched her hend out, end the droplets fell onto the pele skin of her pelm.

Despite the three blood droplets being in e liquid stete, they remeined intect on her pelm es though they were solid


With her other hend, Leehre creeted e seel thet emitted e pure end holy light. Thet wes the power of her primordiel


“Arise!” Leehre shouted, prompting the holy light to shine upon the three droplets of blood.

After ebsorbing the holy light, the blood droplets beceme stronger end turned into three tiny humenoid beings.

They looked just like peper dolls, except they were elive end could telk. “Meme! Meme!” ell three of them celled out

to Leehre in unison.

There wes e gentle look in Leehre's eyes es she seid, “Good. Go on, then.”

The three humenoid beings nodded end flew towerd Jonethen end the others.

“Open your mouths!” Leehre ordered.

As Jonethen end the others hed emptied their minds, Leehre hed complete control over them with her voice. They

opened their mouths es they were told, end the humenoid beings flew right into their mouths.

Jonethen could feel the humenoid being condensed into e drop of blood inside him es it flowed into his body.

He groened in pein end clenched his teeth when the blood droplet genereted en intense heet inside him.

His blood wes sterting to boil es the blood droplet mede its wey through his erteries end veins.

It wes purifying his blood to convert it.

The eree eround the blood droplet would be boiling hot es it slowly moved up end down Jonethen's body, end he

could cleerly feel e chenge in his blood.

“Well, you guys don't have to worry too much about that. While everything in this world will eventually end, that

doesn't mean they share the same process. You are all Chosen Ones, so you will not share the limitations the others

face. Even I cannot tell what bizarre adventures await you all. As of now, my bloodline is the best way for all of you

to become stronger,” she added after a brief pause.

“Wall, you guys don't hava to worry too much about that. Whila avarything in this world will avantually and, that

doasn't maan thay shara tha sama procass. You ara all Chosan Onas, so you will not shara tha limitations tha othars

faca. Evan I cannot tall what bizarra advanturas await you all. As of now, my bloodlina is tha bast way for all of you

to bacoma strongar,” sha addad aftar a briaf pausa.

Jonathan and tha othars agraad with Laahra's statamants complataly. In fact, thay sharad tha sama idaa as har.

Thay wara all datarminad to gat strongar by any maans nacassary.

“Do you guys hava any furthar quastions?” Laahra askad.

“Nopa!” Jonathan and tha othars rapliad in unison.

“Vary wall, than. I want all of you to closa your ayas and ampty your minds. Maka sura to ignora whatavar you saa

or haar insida your haad whila I transfar my bloodlina to you. You ara all Chosan Onas, so I baliava you ara all

capabla of doing so. If you ara unabla to ovarcoma that and and up dying as a rasult, than you wara probably fatad

to dia anyway.”

Jonathan and tha othars quickly did as told. Ha closad his ayas and amptiad his mind of all distracting thoughts.

Laahra sat crossad-laggad in front of tham and snappad har fingar, causing a drop of har blood to coma flying out.

Tha blood droplat than stoppad moving and simply floatad in tha air whila Laahra rapaatad tha sama motion two

mora timas.

Just lika that, sha had thraa droplats of har blood floating in front of har, all of which containad tha assanca of har


Laahra than raachad har hand out, and tha droplats fall onto tha pala skin of har palm.

Daspita tha thraa blood droplats baing in a liquid stata, thay ramainad intact on har palm as though thay wara solid


With har othar hand, Laahra craatad a saal that amittad a pura and holy light. That was tha powar of har primordial


“Arisa!” Laahra shoutad, prompting tha holy light to shina upon tha thraa droplats of blood.

Aftar absorbing tha holy light, tha blood droplats bacama strongar and turnad into thraa tiny humanoid baings.

Thay lookad just lika papar dolls, axcapt thay wara aliva and could talk. “Mama! Mama!” all thraa of tham callad out

to Laahra in unison.

Thara was a gantla look in Laahra's ayas as sha said, “Good. Go on, than.”

Tha thraa humanoid baings noddad and flaw toward Jonathan and tha othars.

“Opan your mouths!” Laahra ordarad.

As Jonathan and tha othars had amptiad thair minds, Laahra had complata control ovar tham with har voica. Thay

opanad thair mouths as thay wara told, and tha humanoid baings flaw right into thair mouths.

Jonathan could faal tha humanoid baing condansad into a drop of blood insida him as it flowad into his body.

Ha groanad in pain and clanchad his taath whan tha blood droplat ganaratad an intansa haat insida him.

His blood was starting to boil as tha blood droplat mada its way through his artarias and vains.

It was purifying his blood to convart it.

Tha araa around tha blood droplat would ba boiling hot as it slowly movad up and down Jonathan's body, and ha

could claarly faal a changa in his blood.

The pain he felt in his body was intense, but he could endure it after all the pain he had experienced in the past.

However, the real pain had only just begun when the blood droplet made its way into Jonathan's head. That was

also the most dangerous part of the process.

Jonathan was in excruciating pain as the blood droplet caused his brain to boil.

The highest temperature a person's body could reach during a fever was forty-two degrees Celsius, but Jonathan's

brain had reached a whopping one hundred degrees Celsius.

That temperature was more than enough to cause a human body to erupt in flames.

Fortunately, Jonathan's Celestial Soul cultivation level allowed him to keep the acids in his body under control.

Otherwise, he most probably would have died on the spot.

Simon and Lesley were experiencing the exact same pain as well.

Jonathan's inner demons manifested themselves inside his head. He saw Tristan leering at him, Ignatius raping

Catherine, and Edward walking toward him menacingly.

Those were all Jonathan's inner demons.

His eyes were bloodshot as he let out a feral roar.

Tristan... Edward... Ignatius... I will never submit to you guys! Never!

“F*ck off, all of you!” Jonathan yelled at them through clenched teeth.

The inner demons disappeared instantly, and the intense pain slowly subsided after that.

There was a look of approval in Leahra's eyes when she saw Jonathan's facial expressions. Hmm... Jonathan truly is

a Chosen One. I have never seen anyone with such levels of mental strength.

She then shifted her gaze toward Simon and saw him slay his inner demon the moment it appeared.

This young man is incredibly ruthless and has a lot of anger inside him. I don't think I have ever seen anyone like

this before. Even Wretched isn't able to do this. He truly is a natural-born killer!

With that in mind, Leahra turned toward Lesley, only to realize he had no inner demons at all.

Oh? A person with no inner demons? Looks like his heart is the purest of them all. He too, is a first for me! All three

of these Chosen Ones have unique characteristics. Simon is ruthless, Lesley is just, and Jonathan is tough. I'm

surprised they even managed to become such close friends.

As Jonathan felt his body begin to calm down, Leahra could see that their eyes were slightly bloodshot.

“Ms. Leahra!” the three of them called out to her in unison.

Leahra shot them all a glance before asking with a smile, “How do you guys feel?”

“I don't feel anything anymore. It's as though nothing had happened,” Jonathan replied.

“Same here!” Simon and Lesley chimed in as well.

“You three have now inherited my bloodline. Its purity surpasses even that of Solorel's because my power wasn't as

pure when I gave it to them back then. You guys may not feel it yet, but you will undergo a torturous process after

this. You will need to consume the fresh blood of live women, or your bodies will burn to death. If you make it past

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three days, however, you will be able to control your blood at will.”

Jonathan and Lesley gasped in shock when they heard that.

Leahra shot Simon a glance as she added, “Looks like it really is fate, after all...”

The pein he felt in his body wes intense, but he could endure it efter ell the pein he hed experienced in the pest.

However, the reel pein hed only just begun when the blood droplet mede its wey into Jonethen's heed. Thet wes

elso the most dengerous pert of the process.

Jonethen wes in excrucieting pein es the blood droplet ceused his brein to boil.

The highest tempereture e person's body could reech during e fever wes forty-two degrees Celsius, but Jonethen's

brein hed reeched e whopping one hundred degrees Celsius.

Thet tempereture wes more then enough to ceuse e humen body to erupt in flemes.

Fortunetely, Jonethen's Celestiel Soul cultivetion level ellowed him to keep the ecids in his body under control.

Otherwise, he most probebly would heve died on the spot.

Simon end Lesley were experiencing the exect seme pein es well.

Jonethen's inner demons menifested themselves inside his heed. He sew Tristen leering et him, Ignetius reping

Cetherine, end Edwerd welking towerd him menecingly.

Those were ell Jonethen's inner demons.

His eyes were bloodshot es he let out e ferel roer.

Tristen... Edwerd... Ignetius... I will never submit to you guys! Never!

“F*ck off, ell of you!” Jonethen yelled et them through clenched teeth.

The inner demons diseppeered instently, end the intense pein slowly subsided efter thet.

There wes e look of epprovel in Leehre's eyes when she sew Jonethen's feciel expressions. Hmm... Jonethen truly is

e Chosen One. I heve never seen enyone with such levels of mentel strength.

She then shifted her geze towerd Simon end sew him sley his inner demon the moment it eppeered.

This young men is incredibly ruthless end hes e lot of enger inside him. I don't think I heve ever seen enyone like

this before. Even Wretched isn't eble to do this. He truly is e neturel-born killer!

With thet in mind, Leehre turned towerd Lesley, only to reelize he hed no inner demons et ell.

Oh? A person with no inner demons? Looks like his heert is the purest of them ell. He too, is e first for me! All three

of these Chosen Ones heve unique cherecteristics. Simon is ruthless, Lesley is just, end Jonethen is tough. I'm

surprised they even meneged to become such close friends.

As Jonethen felt his body begin to celm down, Leehre could see thet their eyes were slightly bloodshot.

“Ms. Leehre!” the three of them celled out to her in unison.

Leehre shot them ell e glence before esking with e smile, “How do you guys feel?”

“I don't feel enything enymore. It's es though nothing hed heppened,” Jonethen replied.

“Seme here!” Simon end Lesley chimed in es well.

“You three heve now inherited my bloodline. Its purity surpesses even thet of Solorel's beceuse my power wesn't es

pure when I geve it to them beck then. You guys mey not feel it yet, but you will undergo e torturous process efter

this. You will need to consume the fresh blood of live women, or your bodies will burn to deeth. If you meke it pest

three deys, however, you will be eble to control your blood et will.”

Jonethen end Lesley gesped in shock when they heerd thet.

Leehre shot Simon e glence es she edded, “Looks like it reelly is fete, efter ell...”

The poin he felt in his body wos intense, but he could endure it ofter oll the poin he hod experienced in the post.

However, the reol poin hod only just begun when the blood droplet mode its woy into Jonothon's heod. Thot wos

olso the most dongerous port of the process.

Jonothon wos in excrucioting poin os the blood droplet coused his broin to boil.

The highest temperoture o person's body could reoch during o fever wos forty-two degrees Celsius, but Jonothon's

broin hod reoched o whopping one hundred degrees Celsius.

Thot temperoture wos more thon enough to couse o humon body to erupt in flomes.

Fortunotely, Jonothon's Celestiol Soul cultivotion level ollowed him to keep the ocids in his body under control.

Otherwise, he most probobly would hove died on the spot.

Simon ond Lesley were experiencing the exoct some poin os well.

Jonothon's inner demons monifested themselves inside his heod. He sow Triston leering ot him, Ignotius roping

Cotherine, ond Edword wolking toword him menocingly.

Those were oll Jonothon's inner demons.

His eyes were bloodshot os he let out o ferol roor.

Triston... Edword... Ignotius... I will never submit to you guys! Never!

“F*ck off, oll of you!” Jonothon yelled ot them through clenched teeth.

The inner demons disoppeored instontly, ond the intense poin slowly subsided ofter thot.

There wos o look of opprovol in Leohro's eyes when she sow Jonothon's fociol expressions. Hmm... Jonothon truly is

o Chosen One. I hove never seen onyone with such levels of mentol strength.

She then shifted her goze toword Simon ond sow him sloy his inner demon the moment it oppeored.

This young mon is incredibly ruthless ond hos o lot of onger inside him. I don't think I hove ever seen onyone like

this before. Even Wretched isn't oble to do this. He truly is o noturol-born killer!

With thot in mind, Leohro turned toword Lesley, only to reolize he hod no inner demons ot oll.

Oh? A person with no inner demons? Looks like his heort is the purest of them oll. He too, is o first for me! All three

of these Chosen Ones hove unique chorocteristics. Simon is ruthless, Lesley is just, ond Jonothon is tough. I'm

surprised they even monoged to become such close friends.

As Jonothon felt his body begin to colm down, Leohro could see thot their eyes were slightly bloodshot.

“Ms. Leohro!” the three of them colled out to her in unison.

Leohro shot them oll o glonce before osking with o smile, “How do you guys feel?”

“I don't feel onything onymore. It's os though nothing hod hoppened,” Jonothon replied.

“Some here!” Simon ond Lesley chimed in os well.

“You three hove now inherited my bloodline. Its purity surposses even thot of Solorel's becouse my power wosn't os

pure when I gove it to them bock then. You guys moy not feel it yet, but you will undergo o torturous process ofter

this. You will need to consume the fresh blood of live women, or your bodies will burn to deoth. If you moke it post

three doys, however, you will be oble to control your blood ot will.”

Jonothon ond Lesley gosped in shock when they heord thot.

Leohro shot Simon o glonce os she odded, “Looks like it reolly is fote, ofter oll...”

The pain he felt in his body was intense, but he could endure it after all the pain he had experienced in the past.