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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 354
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Chapter 354 Novem Aeternus Formation

A flash of light flickered in the sky. It was accompanied by a ray of purple light, and they suddenly appeared before


Both Jonathan and Wretched immediately realized that the purple light was actually a purple floral throne. The

petals of the flower slowly stopped spinning. Then Mabel jumped off it.

At the same time, Jonathan noticed Tristan. He cried out in excitement, “Lance!”

Tristan gave Jonathan an icy glance and ignored him. He looked at Wretched and asked, “Are you Wretched the


His indifferent tone was laced with arrogance.

Any capable being would be somewhat conceited no matter how humble they portrayed themselves to be.

Wretched was also an untamed being. When it took in Tristan's haughty demeanor, it immediately changed its

demeanor as well. In a flat tone, it asked, “I am. What's up?”

Before Tristan could say anything, Mabel came to Jonathan's side and whispered to him, “This isn't Lance; this is

Tristan Cadman the Demon Emperor.”

Jonathan was stunned.

Why does Tristan Cadman, the Demon Emperor, share the same appearance as Lance Cadman, the Emperor of

Chanaea? Are they brothers? If they are, then I'm surprised by how capable these brothers are! One is a Demon

Emperor, and the other is the Emperor of Chanaea!

“Why is the Demon Emperor here?” Jonathan asked. “Wretched has promised me not to kill civilians.”

The colors drained out of Mabel's face. She stole a glance at the Demon Emperor before turning to look at

Wretched. She was stumped. Evidently, she had done something she should not have done. “Cacodemon, I wanted

to ask the Demon Emperor to stop you, not kill you. I don't bear any ill intentions toward you.”

Wretched turned to look at Mabel before giving her a small smile. “I know. Don't worry. He won't be able to kill me.”

Tristan chuckled quietly. “You're arrogant.”

Wretched did not dare to underestimate Tristan, however. It was a sensitive being, and it could sense that the

Demon Emperor was unlike all others. It was clear that the Demon Emperor was vastly different from Galad.

“You're even more arrogant than I am,” Wretched retorted.

Tristan nodded. “All right. Let's start now.”

“Wait!” Jonathan cried out at Tristan.

Tristan was annoyed. A trivial character like Jonathan was someone he could easily kill. He waved his arm without

even sparing a glance at Jonathan.

Instantly, a powerful wave of energy launched toward Jonathan's chest.

It was formless, but it was no imaginary force.

It came so quickly that Jonathan did not even have the time to defend himself.

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Jonathan was about to knock on death's door, and his murderer, Tristan, was a man who killed unimportant people

like Jonathan without batting an eye.

However, Wretched suddenly made a move. It stood in front of Jonathan.

The attack slammed into Wretched, but Wretched remained still as if it was fine.

Sure enough, Wretched was fine. There was no way Wretched would be killed so easily.

In a frigid tone, Wretched said to Tristan, “Jonathan is my friend, and those who try to kill my friend shall die!”

Tristan burst into laughter. “What a pity you won't be able to kill me! Wretched, today will be the day you die! The

will of the Heavenly Law you speak of is your death set in stone! Me being here to kill you is what the Heavens want.

You're a pretty good enemy, and you've been around for a thousand years. Killing you means doing good for the

world. Perhaps I'll be able to reach Level Ten!”

Wretched replied apathetically, “You can't kill me. No one in this world can kill me.”

“Wretched, you're but a being living under a rock! What you've been cultivating has been your physical body, but

your body will wilt and rot eventually. Only the primordial spirit can go up against the Heavens. Your body can't do

that. I know you have tremendous cell mutations, but I have Novem Aeternus Formation that I can use to extract

the variant. Upon losing the variant, you'll just be like the next person.”

Wretched's expression darkened.

Jonathan, who was behind Wretched, was moved by Wretched's earlier words.

At the same time, he realized the difference between the Demon Emperor and the Emperor of Chanaea.

The Emperor of Chanaea's heart was on his country. He was a man of benevolence and righteousness.

On the other hand, the Demon Emperor was a selfish being who only wanted to upgrade his cultivation level.

That was the fundamental difference between the two individuals.

Jonathan was shocked to find the brothers so different from each other.

“Jonathan, retreat to the side with Mabel,” Wretched said to Jonathan. It then muttered under his breath, “After all

these years, I've finally reached the moment where I encounter my death tribulation.”

Wretched could smell the danger in the air, and it knew it was because of the Demon Emperor's presence. That

was something it had never encountered before.

It was impossible to go against the Heavenly Law.

At that very second, Jonathan realized what it truly meant.

Wretched was bound to be killed by the Heavenly Law. All those obstacles had not been able to stop Wretched from

regaining its memory and becoming Wretched the Great.

Even if Wretched did not want to slaughter anyone anymore, Tristan had still come after him.

It was as if it was Final Destination in real life.

No matter what they did—no matter how hard they worked—they could not change the ending.

A sense of helplessness crept into Jonathan.

Both he and Mabel stared at the scene nervously.

Jonathan could not blame Mabel for making things turn out this way, for he felt that it was Wretched's destiny.

The tension in the air was palpable, and the battle between Wretched and Tristan was about to begin.

Right then, a funky voice sounded out from a distance away.

“Haha! Thank God I came in time. I nearly missed this grand battle!”

Mabel was speechless. It was clearly Adonis' voice.

Then, two dark figures dashed toward the crowd like two bolts of lightning.

The second Adonis arrived, he yelled at Tristan and Wretched, “Do continue! We're not going to disturb the two of


Tristan glanced at Adonis before saying, “You were the one who revealed my location?”

Adonis laughed sheepishly. “Haha! Sorry about that, Demon Emperor.”

Without saying anything else, Tristan shot out his palm at Adonis. “Die!”


Adonis soared into the air before crashing onto the ground. Jeff and Mabel were startled, and once they recollected

themselves, they rushed to Adonis.

Adonis' face was pale, and when he sat upright, he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He muttered, “Damn, Demon

Emperor, you're impressive. There's never been anyone who can injure me, but I couldn't even hold my ground

against one attack from you.”

Jeff had paled as well. “Adonis, you're already at Level Nine of Immortal Stage, but you can't even take a hit from

the Demon Emperor?”

Adonis replied, “He only used twenty percent of his power. If he had used thirty, I would have died. Damn, these

people are unbelievably strong!”

Jonathan was bewildered, too. Adonis was already a Level Nine Immortal Stage cultivator, but he could not even

take a simple attack from the Demon Emperor.

How frighteningly mighty is the Demon Emperor? Can Wretched not escape from his fated death? What a joke.

Galad called himself a holy master, but he was nothing in the face of the Demon Emperor and his peers.

Right then, Jonathan recalled something. When the Demon Emperor had wreaked havoc, the Emperor of Chanaea

and the Divine Emperor had to work together to lock the Demon Emperor up.

Does that mean the Demon Emperor is much more powerful than Lance?

Just then, Tristan and Wretched began fighting.

Following a thundering roar, Wretched's body expanded. It dashed toward Tristan, seemingly trying to attack Tristan

with a body collision.

Tristan remained rooted to his spot. In the next second, he shot out his palm.

Wretched was thrown over thirty meters back before it crashed onto the ground.

Unlike it, Tristan remained composed.

“Too weak,” he remarked.

Dust and dirt filled the air a distance away from Tristan.

Although Wretched had plenty of subordinates, the creatures did not dare to go near the Demon Emperor at all.

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Frankly, it was pointless even if they were to get close to the Demon Emperor.

They would die in the blink of an eye.

A dark figure soon lunged over.

It was Wretched, who was bolting over like a flash of lightning.

Tristan's god-killing strike had dealt no damage to Wretched at all.

Despite that, Tristan remained in his spot and shot out his palm again.


Once again, Wretched was sent flying.


Clouds of dust rose from the ground.

The same thing repeated. Wretched dashed toward Tristan again. It laughed boisterously as it became fiercer and

fiercer in the fight.

Tristan launched another palm attack, and Wretched flew backward again.

Wretched seemed to have become stronger and stronger as he soared backward and lunged toward Tristan again

and again.

It was a never-ending loop.

Tristan did not seem to feel tired either.

Jonathan and Mabel continued watching from the side, their hearts in their throats.

Adonis and Jeff looked at the scene with wide eyes. Damn, that's one way to go about it.

The fight between Tristan and Wretched lasted a whole hour.

Wretched was getting more and more ferocious as Tristan continued delivering attacks at it.

No matter how mighty Wretched's attacks were, Tristan continued to stay rooted to his spot.

Again, Wretched dashed over to Tristan.

Unlike the previous times, Tristan bellowed, “It's time for your cell mutation to take a break!” With that, he turned

into a ray of light and soared into the sky.

Then he pointed downward.

Golden light shone, and a formation manifested below Wretched.

The formation was immensely huge. It was over thirty square meters.

Wretched was right in the middle of the formation.

Just as he tried to leave the formation, the formation abruptly glowed bright gold.

The golden rays of light trapped Wretched in the middle as if they were golden pillars. Wretched tried to struggle,

but it felt as if it was grabbing air. No matter what it did, it could not leave the center of the formation.

That was Tristan's Novem Aeternus Formation.

Right then, Tristan bit the tip of his finger and let the blood drip onto Wretched's forehead.

Instantly, Wretched froze.

The formation began spinning, and it spun faster and faster until the golden light almost formed a wall.