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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 70 17.5 - Normal Life
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Chapter 70 Chapter 17.5 - Normal Life

"There is no such person left."

Looking at him leaving, those words echoed in Ethan's head. His lonely figure and the emotions in his eyes at that moment remained on his head.

A mix of frustration and concern swirled within him. He knew Astron had his reasons for being closed off, for keeping his emotions hidden behind that stoic facade. But his response to that question... was a glimpse into something more.

'To be honest, I didn't even ask that question expecting an answer.'

Remembering that his niece was about to lose her life at that time, Ethan was slightly anxious. He had never felt the loss of someone he held dear, so he was scared of that feeling.

He wanted to be with his niece all the time, and he was sure her aunt felt the same.

'Is that what Astron feels? Has he lost someone dear to him?'

The thought lingered in his mind as he replayed their conversation in his head. There was a vulnerability in Astron's response, a rawness that hinted at a pain he was unwilling to share.

Why was he so guarded? What had happened to him? And what had prompted him to such a blunt and sad response to his question?


He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a mix of frustration and determination.

"Astron is right about one thing – we were not close. Sigh….What a complicated fella."

Ethan sighed, his steps slow as he made his way back to the training area. He realized that he couldn't force Astron to open up, just as he couldn't force his own emotions to settle.

The fear of losing someone you care about was a heavy burden, one that he was only just beginning to understand.

He didn't even think that his assumptions might be wrong for a second, but at the same time, he was not wrong either.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, a familiar voice called out to him. "Ethan! Hey, Ethan!"

Turning, he saw Lucas and Julia approaching with their characteristic eagerness. The twins, with their matching smiles, were at it again.

"It seems you're lost in your world again. We called your name four times already," Lucas said, a playful grin on his face.

Ethan smiled apologetically. "Sorry, guys. I guess I was lost in thought."

Julia raised an eyebrow. "About what? You've been acting a bit strange lately."

Ethan hesitated for a moment, then decided to share a bit. "Well…"

Lucas chimed in with an understanding tone. "I see. It's about Jane, isn't it? Is she okay?"

Ethan nodded, a mixture of relief and worry in his expression. "Kind of. She said she's fine, but I'm still worried."

Julia sighed dramatically, shaking her head. "Sigh… Being a worrywart won't work. You're not helping her by worrying like that."

"I know," Ethan admitted with a sheepish grin.

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A familiar rough hand smacked his back once again. The sting was familiar, but this time Ethan refrained from retorting.

"Let's grab something to eat. The meal's on me today," Julia declared, her voice cheerful. Her intentions were clear, and Ethan appreciated the gesture. "Maybe you can even talk about him, you know? That edgy mister?"

Ethan simply smiled at Julia's playful teasing and chose not to correct her. This camaraderie, the light-hearted banter, was exactly what he needed right now. He was content to let her think whatever she wanted.

And so, the trio headed off, leaving the training grounds behind. As they walked together, Ethan felt a sense of warmth, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this world.


"There is no such person left."

The one that heard those words was not Ethan only. There was another person who was there listening to the conversation Ethan and Astron were having.

'Is it related to his emotions?'

She was just leaving; since she was a healer, most of the time, her combat training ended before others since her 'body' couldn't keep up.

Just as she was about to leave, she couldn't help but hear the conversation, and her interest got piqued. Because the boy who always shone brightly was now looking slightly troubled, his emotions were a mess too.

It was intriguing because she had never seen Ethan this worried before. But the following words were something she didn't expect.

'There is no such person left, huh?' When she heard those words, she could see the emotions boiling inside Astron. The emotions that were eating him alive momentarily went past his barrier of indifference; she could see it.

'Something must have happened in the past.' She wondered what it was.

But at that moment, she heard a voice.

"Hey, Sylvie. What are you doing today?" Her friend asked, looking at him with a smile. "If you are free, want to hang out after the classes end?"

Looking at the offer, it didn't seem so bad, to be honest. For the past week, she was busy with her clubs and her assignments, so she didn't have much chance to hang out.

She was slowly getting tired, and she wanted to relieve her stress. "That sounds nice," Sylvie replied with a small smile, already feeling her fatigue catching up to her. "I could use a break."

However, the words that followed were something she didn't want to hear.

Her friend's eyes twinkled with excitement as she continued, "Great! You know, there's a mixer happening in the academy today. It's being hosted by the food club, and I heard they've prepared some amazing dishes. Plus, there will be some handsome seniors attending."

Sylvie didn't even hesitate for a moment. The thought of hanging out and unwinding was tempting, but the prospect of mingling with a group that included the boys wasn't exactly her idea of relaxation.

As a girl with a fairly good face and beauty, she was, of course, offered by some boys for a date. However, being a person that could see what others were feeling underneath, she could feel the hideous emotions underneath.

Rather, saying hideous would be wrong, but it was not her cup of tea. She knew the carnal desire those people hid, and she rather preferred a more romantic approach.

And for some reason, when she heard the word mixer, someone's face appeared before her eyes, making her more uncomfortable.

"Thanks for the offer," Sylvie replied, her tone polite yet cautious. "But you know how I feel about mixers and all that. I'm just not really into that kind of scene."

Her friend's smile faltered slightly, but she remained undeterred. "Come on, Sylvie; it could be fun! Plus, there will be some handsome seniors there, and who knows, you might find someone interesting."

For some reason, Sylvie felt like she had seen a dark color in her friend's feelings, but that just passed after a second.

She shook her head, her expression resolute. "I appreciate it, really. But I'm not looking to date anyone right now. And mixers just aren't my thing."

Her friend let out a sigh, clearly disappointed but still hopeful. "Well, if you change your mind, just let me know. We're all about having a good time, and you're welcome to join us."

With the understanding that Sylvie wasn't going to budge on her stance, her friend changed the subject and shared some other plans for the day.

"Then, let's study until evening, after the classes, is that okay?"

"Fine, fine. Let's study again…."

As their conversation continued, Sylvie's thoughts shifted from the earlier overheard discussion to her own preferences and priorities. In the end, she too was left alone with her thoughts…


"Tch," I muttered in frustration, my brows furrowing as I surveyed the training grounds before me.

The atmosphere was littered with signs of battle — the aftermath of my rigorous training session.

Arrows scattered the area, the residual traces of my mana hung in the air, and the ground bore the impact of my relentless practice. Despite the evidence of my efforts, I couldn't help but feel unsatisfied.

"I need to figure out how to use my mana more effectively," I grumbled to myself, my frustration growing.

The image of that demon contractor still haunted my thoughts, a constant reminder of my shortcomings. Even the conversation with Ethan earlier had managed to worm its way into my mind, making me question my own reactions.

"Why did I respond like that? Am I becoming childish?" I questioned, allowing a rare moment of vulnerability to creep in. The thought of reacting so impulsively was unusual for me, and it unsettled me.


My fist collided with the wall, a sharp jolt of pain coursing through my hand. "What the hell? Now I'm enjoying meaningless conversations?" I muttered with frustration, berating myself for allowing such thoughts to occupy my mind.


Another punch, a release of pent-up frustration that had nothing to do with the wall itself. "I have no right to indulge in such trivial matters," I reprimanded myself, my voice firm as I scolded my own weaknesses.


And yet another punch, each blow an attempt to quell the strange emotions that had been stirring within me. "Stop it, you fool. Get back to work and remember why you're here. How will you look at her face when you meet her," I reminded myself; the pain in my hand became a grounding force.

As the pain surged through me, I forced myself to rise, my grip tightening around my bow. I knocked an arrow, the familiar weight of the weapon comforting in its familiarity.

With the feelings in my heart, I launched into another round of training, focusing solely on the mechanics of the shot.

Closing my eyes, I envisioned myself as the enigmatic figure from that recurring dream. Each movement was precise, each shot deliberate, and the image of the dream seemed closer than ever.

This time, I felt like I was getting closer as to how that figure moved. Slowly but surely, I was making improvements. The specs of my art I was comprehending it slowly.


Another arrow and another arrow. Today's training was not going to be solely focused on Archery, but rather, this time, I was going to try a more challenging type of combat.

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A type of combat where I would be fighting while switching weapons. Because my occupation is [Weapon Master], I can specialize in a lot of weapons, and I need to use them to the maximum.

Even though my body is not that strong when it comes to close combat, I should still be able to use weapons to perfection, even if my body supports it or not.

As I continued my training, my senses heightened, my awareness expanding to the world around me.

The training grounds seemed to come alive with simulated monsters, each one a creation of the training system. These constructs were strong opponents, designed to challenge every student of the academy.


Firing an arrow, I stabbed the bird-type monster in the back of its eye.


Then, immediately changing to my dagger, I slashed the Greyhounds.


As the two monsters fell to the ground, I looked at my performance.

'Using bow and dagger simultaneously is hard.'

It was hard. Thanks to the bow's unique structure, it was even harder to change it rapidly. If it was a gun, it was plausible, but a bow was hard.

'But still, I am improving.'

At the very least, this was training for me to prepare for future events.

Just like that, I shifted seamlessly from my bow to a short sword; my movements were not as fluid as I engaged with the monsters.

I was trying to make everything perfect like the figure did, and it was for sure hard.

Just like that, I trained until the very night, and when I was about to leave the training grounds, suddenly, I felt the presence of someone leaving the training grounds. Not one, but three people.

One with blue hair, one with red, and one with silver. I could see the main cast walking while smiling to themselves.

"Hey, come on. You are a lot better now, right?"

"Yeah, burning things must have been effective, haven't they?"

"Indeed. Thanks, guys."

"If you want to thank me, buy me the meal next time."

"Tch….Julia, you are stingy."

"I am not."

"Yes, yes."

Seeing them like that, I understood that Ethan was trying to relax himself.

'Not my job.'

Just like that, I returned to my room….