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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 337 78.4 - Crossing Tables
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As Julia and Ethan retreated, their figures blending into the distance, the atmosphere around Maya and Astron subtly shifted, now stripped of its earlier tension and curiosity. Maya glanced around, ensuring they were indeed alone, before her gaze settled back on Astron. She noticed how the departure of the others seemed to bring a more serene calm to their surroundings, a private bubble in the vastness of the campus.

"What are your plans?" Maya asked, her voice pondering.

"I am planning to resmy training."

"I see…."

Taking a small step forward, reducing the physical gap between them, Maya ventured, "Junior, if you don't mind... would you like to train together?" Her voice was a mix of hopeful and uncertain, an unusual tone for someone who usually exuded confidence.

Astron looked surprised for a moment, raising his eyebrows, but his expression quickly smoothed. "I don't mind at all, Senior Maya. It would be my pleasure." His response, delivered with genuine amiability, hid none of the respect he felt for her. "But….No, never mind…"

Just as Astron was about to ask her if she was going to be okay since she was a mage, he remembered that Maya was also a vampire. Her physical attributes were no longer something that could be measured by a human standard.

Maya felt a wave of relief wash over her, accompanied by a flutter of happiness. The prospect of spending twith Astron, without the distractions of others, made her heart light.

She had always found his presence comforting, and the opportunity to share a simple activity like running seemed suddenly invaluable. It was a chance to reconnect, to understand how the days had stretched into months since they last spoke earnestly.

"Then, let's start?" Maya suggested, already moving towards the track, that her posture be relaxed. Astron nodded, falling into step beside her.

As they began their run, the rhythm of their footsteps beca sort of quiet conversation. The early discomfort that had hovered around Maya dissipated with each stride, replaced by a growing sense of ease.

There was a lot she wanted to ask, to say, but for the moment, the shared silence was comfortable, speaking volumes of their mutual respect and understanding.

Astron matched her pace effortlessly, his presence a steady constant by her side. Maya found herself glancing at him occasionally, appreciating the way he seemed genuinely content to be there with her.

'It makesfeel somehow nostalgic.'

It reminded her of their earlier days, the simplicity of their interactions, and how much she had missed this. It hadn't even been half a year, but she still remembered the times when she had taught Astron how to control mana.

'He doesn't seem to have any intention of hiding it.'

Initially, she thought Astron would hide what he had learned from her, as not knowing how to control mana itself was an abnormality. But on the contrary, he didn't. Whether it was because he didn't care or he trusted the two, she wasn't sure.

'Or maybe he wants to show it, like me? No, no, no…That is not the case, right?'

However, as they ran, the silence started bothering her. At first, it was fine, but even for her, such silence was bound to be uncomfortable, especially for her heart, which had started beating a lot faster for sreason now.

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"Cough…." She was about to open her mouth to start a conversation, but suddenly, she felt her saliva stuck in her throat, making her reflexively cough. "Cough, cough, cough…." And, somehow, she wasn't even able to fix it immediately.



Seeing her struggling, Astron stopped in his tracks as well, and he slightly approached her and gently tapped her neck.

"Hick." With a hiccup, Maya felt the obstacle returning to its desired place once again.

Embarrassment washed over Maya in waves, her cheeks burning hotter than the exertion from their run could account for.

The simple act of Astron tapping her neck to alleviate her discomfort felt intensely personal, leaving her flustered in a way she hadn't anticipated.

His concern, however natural, pierced through the casual facade she tried to maintain, highlighting a moment of vulnerability she wasn't prepared to show.


It also ignited something; the hunger she was trying to suppress appeared more and more.

Astron, noticing her struggle, suggested, "We can take a breather if you want," his eyes flicked briefly to her mouth, which was salivating more now.

'It had been a while, hadn't it?'

He also realized the reason for Maya's situation.

Maya, desperately trying to regain her composure, shook her head, the redness of her cheeks betraying her embarrassment. "No, no, it's fine. We can continue," she managed to say, her voice steadier than she felt.

She didn't want to seem fragile or weak in front of Astron, so she forced herself to snap out of it and keep going.

Eager to divert the conversation away from her embarrassing hiccup incident, Maya found herself grasping for a topic that would put sdistance between her current state and their conversation. "So, I heard something unusual happened in the recent mine exploration. Were you affected?" she asked, her curiosity genuine.

The mine explorations were not common, as, in general, they were hard to access. Thus, abnormally, when the freshmen went there, she naturally heard about it. It was mainly because of Amelia, who had been attending more meetings.

Maya knew she had rejected Amelia, but she always wanted to be honest about such things.

Astron nodded, a flash of memory crossing his face as he recalled the event. "Yes, an evil spirit appeared, and sof the tunnels collapsed. But it wasn't much; the situation was dealt with easily," he explained, his tone casual, as if recounting a minor inconvenience rather than a potentially life-threatening scenario.

Maya couldn't help but smile at his response, her embarrassment momentarily forgotten. The pride she felt for Astron swelled within her, reinforcing her belief in his capabilities. "Of course, for you, such a thing shouldn't be hard," she said, her tone laced with pride.

In her mind, Astron was exceptional, someone who could handle any challenge thrown his way since he had been hiding his power.

Of course, Astron also knew about this perception Maya had over him, and she wasn't particularly wrong either especially since she had witnessed his prowess firsthand.

As they resumed their run, Maya felt a sense of satisfaction. The hiccup incident had passed, and they were back to sharing a moment of connection, albeit through a conversation about their experiences.

The conversation flowed more easily now, the awkward silence banished by their exchange. Maya listened intently as Astron shared more details about the mine exploration, the strategies he employed, and his thoughts on how to improve safety for future expeditions.

Her heart swelled with pride with each word, affirming her belief that her junior, Astron, was indeed someone amazing.

"But, Junior. It seems you have made sfriends?"


Seeing Astron raising his eyebrows, Maya also got curious.

"Weren't they your friends?"

After all, she had never seen Astron with other students. He never hung out. Whenever she saw her, he was either training or studying.

"Those two…."Astron mumbled. "I wouldn't say friends." For him, Julia and Ethan were people from the main cast, someone he needed to look out for.

The world revolved around them; in a way, they were blessed. They all were future pillars of the world and, in the end, were people who would undoubtedly play a part in his revenge.

He wasn't delusional enough to think that he could erase all the demons on his own. He would need manpower eventually.

And they were such people.

Maya nodded, a faint "I see" escaping her lips as she processed Astron's words. A part of her, one she didn't fully acknowledge, hummed with quiet happiness at the thought of him not having close connections with others as he did with her.

This unique bond they shared was something she treasured more than she let on, a beacon of light in the often competitive and solitary environment of their academy.

As they completed their final lap and approached the academy's training grounds, an unexpected sensation overtook Maya.

'Huh?' The scent of Astron, a mix of sweat from their run and his unique personal fragrance, enveloped her senses like a spell. She found herself inexplicably drawn to him, her heart racing as she looked into his eyes. The world around her seemed to blur, her focus narrowing to the man before her.


Her breathing beclabored, and a dizzy spell caused her to stagger slightly. Maya's vision tinged with crimson, a sign she recognized all too well—her vampiric nature coming to the fore, urged on by her heightened emotions and the allure of Astron's presence.

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Instinctively, her fangs elongated, a reaction she couldn't control.

With a soft thud, she found herself leaning heavily into Astron's arms, seeking support as she struggled to contain the surge of her vampiric instincts.

Her head buried in the crook of his arm, she took deep, shuddering breaths, trying to calm the storm within her.

Astron, ever observant, quickly scanned their surroundings. The training grounds were sparsely populated, with about ten other individuals deeply engrossed in their own routines. None seemed to pay them any heed, wrapped up in their training.

Yet, Astron knew better than to take chances, especially with Maya in such a vulnerable state.

"We shouldn't do this here," he mumbled a note of urgency in his voice. Turning to Maya, he said, "Can you conjure a barrier? Just to cover the CCTV."

Maya, despite her compromised state, nodded slightly and mustered the concentration required to weave a magical barrier. With a flicker of mana, an imperceptible shield enveloped them, obscuring the view of any prying eyes or surveillance equipment.

Once assured of their privacy, Astron activated his [Umbral Leap], a skill that allowed him to bend the shadows to his will, creating a portal of sorts. In the blink of an eye, they were transported from the training grounds to the seclusion of the nearby forest.

The forest offered them a sanctuary, a place away from the judgmental eyes of the world where Maya could regain control without fear.

"Haaah….I can't hold it in any longer…"

"It is fine now." Grabbing the hem of his shirt, Astron pulled it over, opening his neck. At that moment, Maya could see the bulging veins underneath his skin. It was as if she had a vision specifically showing the blood underneath.

"Then…." With her gasping breaths, Maya looked over him and then stabbed her fangs into his long white neck.

In the secluded embrace of the forest, shielded from the prying eyes of the world, Maya succumbed to the overwhelming urge that had been building within her. With Astron's consent, she leaned in, her fangs piercing the soft skin of his neck.

The contact sent a jolt through them both, a connection far deeper than the physical act it entailed.

Astron, though accustomed to this exchange by now, couldn't suppress a moan that escaped his lips as Maya drank deeply. The sound was a testament to the strange blend of pain and pleasure, a sensation uniquely tied to their bond.

Maya, intoxicated by the taste and warmth of his blood, found herself biting deeper, her embrace tightening as she sought solace in the closeness of their bodies.

Astron's blood was invigorating, richer, and more potent than she remembered. It coursed through her, a wave of warmth that pushed back the cold edge of her vampiric nature.

Each gulp was like a balm to her frayed senses, a grounding force that pulled her back from the brink.

As she drank, Maya's hands roamed involuntarily over Astron's chest, feeling the contours of his muscles under her fingertips. His skin was smooth, the heat emanating from him enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

Her fingers traced the lines of his arms, exploring the strength and vulnerability of the person who had becher anchor in a tumultuous world.

Eventually, Maya pulled back, gasping for air. Her thirst was sated, but her heart was full. The act, though born of necessity, had been a reaffirmation of their trust and reliance on each other.

"Senior Maya, I have a gift for you."

At that moment, his voice echoed in her ears….

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