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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 327 77.4 - Mine
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After recounting everything to Astron, Carl looked at him, checking his response. This fellow before him was regarded as quite highly in his mind and in their circle.

He was especially known to be logical and observant. This was what he had heard from Irina, and in their spar, he was able to conclude this was the case.

With the tools given to them, the tunnel was being illuminated now. The reason why he attacked Astron initially was because he wasn't able to sense him before Astron entered the lethal range.

Astron didn't make any sounds, and his presence was concealed. He wasn't using the light in the darkness either, so Carl then made the assumption that he was an enemy. But then, after he had missed the first attack, he noticed that the enemy didn't have a clear killing intent different from the monster they had encountered.

This made him stop his consecutive attacks, and it was the right choice.

Astron listened intently as Carl recounted the events that had transpired in the tunnel. His mind processed the information, piecing together the sequence of events and the decisions Carl had made in the heat of the moment.

"So that is what happened," Astron mumbled, acknowledging Carl's explanation.

Sensing a question forming in Astron's mind, Carl waited for him to speak. Sure enough, Astron soon broke the silence with a thoughtful inquiry.

"The 'thing' you have encountered was able to take the form of your teammates, correct?" Astron asked, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

Carl nodded in confirmation, but he raised an eyebrow at the choice of words. "Yes, that's correct," he replied. "But why do you refer to it as a 'thing'? It was not a monster?"

Astron paused, considering his words carefully before responding. "I suppose 'thing' is a more neutral term," he explained. "It's difficult to categorize something that can mimic human form and intelligence, and it is always important to choose the words that you use as those words limit one's own subconsciousness. If you use the word 'monster,' it generally implies the life forms coming out of dungeons, but this case may not necessarily stem from a dungeon. This may affect your thought process in general, making it hard for you to be open to a new perspective."

Hearing his words, Carl nodded, impressed. This guy certainly was not normal; aside from combat, his thought process and analyses were extraordinary. "Impressive."

With a nod, Astron received the compliment. "You do suspect that it was that monster that had caused this tunnel to collapse, right?"

"That's right."  Carl thought back to the chilling words the creature had left echoing in the aftermath of their encounter. "Before it disappeared, the 'thing' left us with a haunting message," Carl began, his voice tinged with unease. "It said, 'Hope you will like my present. After all, it won't be the end.'"

Astron's brow furrowed in thought as he processed Carl's words. "That's quite ominous," he remarked, his tone serious. "It suggests that whatever this creature has planned, it's far from over. We need to be prepared for whatever comes next."

Carl nodded in agreement, the weight of the creature's words settling heavily on his shoulders. They were facing a formidable adversary, one capable of deception and destruction on a grand scale.

"Do you have something in your mind?" But looking at Astron, who somehow looked relaxed and composed, he got the feeling that he had an idea.

"What makes you think so?"

"I had seen a lot of soldiers." He didn't elaborate on it any further.

"I see." Astron realized that, even though he had complete control over his body and mimics, there would always be oddballs like Carl who could somehow 'sense' what the person before him thought. This couldn't be tied to a clear logic, either.

"Well, I do have something in my mind," Astron said, channeling his mana to the tip of his finger, creating a small mana blade. And then, he started drawing on the ground.

As Astron channeled his mana and began drawing on the ground, Carl watched intently, curious about what thoughts were running through his companion's mind.

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After a moment of silence, Astron spoke, his voice measured and thoughtful. "We know that this 'thing' has the ability to transform its body, taking the form of other people," he began, tracing intricate patterns with his mana blade. "It can mimic their voice clearly enough to deceive even those closest to them."

Carl nodded in agreement.

"But," Astron continued, his expression grave, "this 'thing' also has the ability to cause quakes, and from how it seems, it knows these tunnels well."

Again, Carl nodded, his brow furrowing with concern. The creature's ability to manipulate the earth itself added another layer of danger to their already perilous situation.

"Though all these traits are not common," Astron said, his voice trailing off slightly, "there is one 'thing' that fits this explanation."

Carl's eyes widened in realization as Astron's words sank in. "An Earth Spirit." He then realized why, even at the start, Astron didn't use the words monster. Because an Earth Spirit was not a monster but something rather different.

'Did he know even at the start?' Carl asked himself, feeling a little bit terrified of this guy now.

"I suspect it is a mutated one." Astron nodded, standing. He had already started influencing the academy and the other main cast, so he was becoming more active.

"Mutated one…."

"Yes. Though, in general, the spirits can change forms, they dislike taking other people's forms since it goes against their self-identity. However, this spirit seems to like it, and it also has a different goal. And, it is rather dangerous."

"….." Carl didn't answer but understood what Astron implied. The parting words of the spirit and the quake made it clear that its intentions weren't good. "Then we should move." Following that, he instantly stood up.

As a soldier and a member of the Braveheart Family, Carl knew it was his responsibility. It was the code of Bravehearts, 'don't ignore the misfortune that may befall others.'

And Astron, knowing Carl's character, didn't object to it. However, he had something different in his mind.

'If my theory is correct, then I will be able to make a really good haul from this.'

Inwardly, he thought and then started following Carl.


"Tch, what the hell is this?"

In the darkness, the short-white-haired girl looked around, clearing the debris from her clothes.

She didn't have any injuries, but she somehow had an annoyed face.

"Just know, everything was going well, but then sbastard decided to collapse the tunnel? If I find them, I will crush their bones."


At that moment, she heard a cracking sound coming from the side. In an instant, she took a combat stance, pulling her sword from her spatial ring.

"Tututututu…..Are you okay?"

But suddenly she heard the familiar voice of a young guy.

"I am fine. Thank you….."

Followed by the voice of a girl. The girl's voice didn't strike as unfamiliar, but it was also not that familiar. In a way, she felt like she heard this voice a lot, but she wasn't hearing it frequently.


Following that, smoke rose from the debris with a puffing sound. There, a capsule revealed itself, and from that, two people rose up.


Julia reacted first, as the guy getting out was someone just like she thought.

"Ah, Julia," Ethan revealed a smile. "You fell down as well." He was happy that his friend was safe.

"Yeah, I did." But, for Julia, she was rather embarrassed. This was because she forgot that she had a capsule given to them and rather went a troublesway to fall down without injuring herself.

"Umm…." Then, she noticed the person beside Ethan. Flowing chestnut hair and clear blue eyes. She remembered the person as the girl sitting on the right side of the classroom.

Emily Anderson.

"Ah, right…." Ethan released his arms as he supported her in standing up. Emily somehow had a red face, feeling embarrassed.

"Thank you." With a slight thanks, she widened the distance.

Julia glanced at Ethan with a puzzled expression. "So, you two fell down randomly too?" Ethan nodded, his expression serious.

"Yeah, it was unexpected. We were exploring the tunnel when we felt the tremors. We realized it was about to collapse, so we activated the emergency capsule."

"Quick thinking. Good thing you had that capsule with you."

"You didn't have?"

"I did. But I already close it."

The newly formed tcontinued to talk with them.


In the tunnel, Irina found herself in a rather troublessituation. It was because she was in front of someone that she didn't expect at all.

After falling down, thanks to the quake, she used a capsule and protected herself. Using fire in such closed spaces was definitely dangerous, as the smoke would make it hard to breathe.

But then, she met someone she didn't expect.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Where are you going?"

The current first-ranked student of the academy first-year. The guy had a cold and icy demeanor but was in the hearts of many.

The strongest person in the youngest generation.

"I am going to find the source of this quake."

As well as the heir of the owner of these mines.

Victor Blackthorn.

"Really? What will you do once you find it?" Irina asked, following him. Now, the situation somehow becdifferent from the supposed course; she didn't refuse.

She also disliked being alone in such darkness, but she would never say it, of course.

Victor paused for a moment, his piercing gaze fixed on Irina. After a beat, he spoke, his voice measured and deliberate, "I will do what is necessary."

"Is that so?" Irina shrugged, matching her steps with him. "Do you know how to find it?" she inquired, her tone casual as she glanced at Victor.

Victor's response was terse, his voice carrying a hint of annoyance. "I have my own methods."

"What kind of methods? Is there anything I can help with?" She asked naturally.

"My methods don't concern you. And I don't need your help."

His words hung in the air, conveying a sense of independence and self-assurance. Irina sensed the subtle shift in his demeanor, recognizing that he wasn't keen on engaging in conversation.

This was how Victor had been from the start—the sguy who gave the terse replies to everything she said and acted like a wall no matter what she did.

"I see."

Irina nodded, but her mind was pondering on something. In the past, whenever something like this happened, she would feel hurt and anger inside. She would feel that it was unfair. After all, she admired Victor and liked him for a long time.

'But, why don't I feel anything?'

Yet now, it was different. She neither felt annoyance nor felt disappointed. She felt nothing at all, as she just naturally accepted Victor's words.

'Is it because I am used to it? It must be because of that.'

She cto the conclusion, though she couldn't help but think about how things would be if he were there rather than Victor.

"It would be fun, wouldn't it?" she mumbled to herself, her words barely audible in the confines of the tunnel. The thought of a different scenawhere someone else was here lingered in her mind, though she quickly pushed it aside.

In the dim light, Victor glanced at Irina for a moment, his expression unreadable. But without a word, he continued walking forward, his pace unwavering.

His silence spoke volumes, and Irina couldn't help but feel a pang of understanding at the realization that swalls were meant to remain unbroken and speople meant to stay behind those walls.

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