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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 116 28.3 - Good Natured
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Chapter 116 Chapter 28.3 - Good Natured

If one asked what kind of person Astron Natusalune was, Maya would answer a closed individual.

He was a closed and reserved individual who liked to live in his own world without meddling with the affairs of other people.

That was how she would answer, and it was also something that she admired quite well.

The fact that this boy had the ability to simply ignore what other people were saying about himself, the fact that he never leaned on someone or took someone's favor for granted.

Even though Maya wasn't aware of how she looked or how many boys viewed her, at the very least, she knew how humans could be.

When they were in front of a person with high standing, they would always seek favors, and when their relationship slightly developed, they would start asking things.

She knew that since she lived her life in such a manner.

When she was just a child, and she had awakened her talent, most of the time, people came to her and wanted her 'help'.

And she didn't have the ability to say no to things since that was how she was taught, and even now, she was having a hard time doing that.

That was the reason why she also took it for granted for others to accept her help.

When she wanted to give snacks, she thought it was a help. And she always assumed that nobody would refuse it.

"Next up, we have Astron Natusalune. Astron, whenever you're ready." As her friend, Amelia, spoke, she gestured to the boy sitting in the farthest position.

If one looked at him for the first time, one would say he is a gloomy, quiet kid who stutters when he is in front of many people. His clothes and the hood covering his face gave that impression.

However, as Astron stood up, his demeanor was stoic and composed, devoid of emotion, that would have changed.

He had an air of confidence about him different from the impression he gave at first glance, like someone well-versed in the subject of presenting.

"Thank you, Senior Amelia," he acknowledged with a nod, "and thank you all for having me today. My name is Astron Natusalune, and I will discuss the topic of the art of combat and its transformation due to mana."

His voice was clear, without any ounce of awkwardness. His purple eyes swept through the small crowd. Even though almost everyone here was looking at him with squinting gazes, he didn't avert his eyes and responded back.

Maya also knew the rumors surrounding him. After all, quite a lot of people in her class were talking about that. It was a little strange, considering a normal freshman became a topic of the sophomore cadets' attention. After all, they had their own difficulties in school.

But in any case, she knew about the rumors, though she didn't believe them. It was because it didn't make any sense at all.

"In ancient times, fighting was viewed as a means of survival or conquest. With the discovery and harnessing of mana, the essence of combat changed. Mana, a fundamental force of our magical world, intertwines with the practice of fighting, altering it into an art form."

As she listened to his speech, her thoughts continued.

If this boy was such a person, he would be like others, always trying to take advantage of her. However, he didn't.

Rather than receiving her help like it was granted, he asked all the time.

He questioned.

He asked why.

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The way he looked at her with eyes saying he couldn't understand at all. And that was one of the things that drew her to him a little.


She also asked this question to herself while listening to his presentation with half attention.

'Why do I want to help him? Why do I want to help others?'

'Do I even want to help them?'

She didn't know the answer herself.

Why did she give him the Feywild Dreamplum?

"Mana adds complexity to movements, allowing practitioners to incorporate the unseen forces surrounding us. It offers fighters the ability to cast spells, channel energy, and create visually impressive displays of power. Each movement, each strike becomes a calculated expression on the canvas of battle. The practitioner manipulates their environment and skills, following a structured pattern."

Was it because she wanted to see him in the future? Was it because she was looking forward to his reaction?

What was the reason?

'I don't know.'

Astron's eyes remained steady as he continued.

"The control of mana infuses style into combat. Similar to an artist choosing a palette, a warrior selects spells and techniques, creating a structured display of skill and power. The flow of mana through a fighter's being guides their movements, adding a rhythmic pattern to the chaos of battle."

At that exact moment, his words reminded her of the time when she was teaching him how to use mana. It was an exciting experience for her since she felt like she was giving shape to a raw material that hadn't been processed before.

And it was a

'Thrilling experience.'

That time, she was not doing something because it was asked of her. Even if at first it started because of the same reason, now it was different.

"In conclusion," Astron stated, "with the appearance of mana, now even swinging the sword with the intent to harm something can become an art itself. The aesthetic sense that mana can add to it makes it an art, and the one who harnesses the mana becomes an artist."

He paused momentarily, allowing the weight of his words to resonate. Then, he nodded slightly, signaling the end of his presentation.

"Thank you for your attention."


At first, there was a silence as if to protest him. Nobody even moved their hand. Maya also didn't notice that was happening since she was lost in her thoughts.


Then, a first clap sound echoed. It was Sylvie, looking at everyone with a clearly annoyed and angry gaze.


And then, everyone started clapping, and Maya did the same.

'I see now.' Maya thought while her hands were hitting each other.

'I want to understand why he is this closed.'

Her eyes followed around the young man returning to his own sitting place.

'What made him approach like that? Then, I can answer these questions in my head.'


As the presentations concluded and applause filled the air, the club members began to gather, exchanging thoughts and compliments on each other's topics.

Among them were Mason and Sylvie, who found themselves at the center of attention.

It was especially Sylvie, since just like many others, she was also having a hard time speaking in front of people, but she was rather on the shy side.

Amelia, the vice president of the club and a dedicated appreciator of Yuri art, chimed in with an encouraging smile. "Great presentations, everyone. This club is truly flourishing with diverse insights and knowledge."

With her words finished, she subtly raised her glasses with her middle finger and flashed a sly smile. Not every presentation was as enlightening, but she acknowledged that this platform was a slow preparation for the club members to develop their social skills.

'But it's not enough.'

As an art club, they had grander plans. Many artistic pursuits were waiting, and to achieve them, each member needed to master the necessary skills.

'They're not ready for the real artistic journey yet.'

"Now, everyone, please lend an ear for a moment."

As she gathered everyone's attention, she glanced at the plan they had devised.

"Next time, we're delving into ancient civilizations and lost languages after the day of Nexus Convergence. However, rather than fixate on the academic aspect, we'll explore how art evolved and what artistic movements were prominent during that era. We've arranged a special guest for that session, so make sure to mark your calendars and attend."

Amelia scanned the place, noting the nods of approval from the club members. It was a good sign, a sign of the collective excitement for the upcoming exploration of art through the lens of history.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm," Amelia continued her glasses back in their rightful place.

As the club members exchanged glances, absorbing the importance of their next venture, Amelia wrapped up the meeting.

"That's all for today. Feel free to linger, discuss ideas, or simply enjoy each other's company. Let's reconvene for our next meeting with fresh perspectives and a thirst for artistic knowledge. Goodbye for now!"

With her words, the members began to disperse; some of them were chatting about the presentations, while others were simply talking about what they were going to do.

Mason was also one of them as he took a step closer to Sylvie, his friendly smile evident.

"Hey, Sylvie," he started, "a few of us are planning to gather later and study in the library. Would you like to join us?"

Sylvie pondered for a moment, considering the offer. She was always a bit hesitant about such gatherings, but then some of the other girls chimed in with encouraging comments.

"Sylvie, it's a great opportunity to bond with everyone. And we also want to know you better, you know, you are the only healer in this club," one said.

"And Mason's quite the helper when it comes to studies," another added.

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Feeling a bit more at ease, Sylvie smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'd love to. Thank you for inviting me."

Mason grinned, pleased with her acceptance. "Awesome! We'll be in the library around four. Looking forward to seeing you there."

With his words finished, Mason left the place, and Sylvie also started gathering her things. Since it was her first presentation today, she brought quite a lot of materials with her, though she forgot to use them.

With Mason gone and Sylvie starting to gather her things, she noticed the persistent gaze from the figure with purple eyes. They were like icy crystals, devoid of emotion yet carrying a tinge of annoyance.

'Why is he looking at me again?' Sylvie wondered, feeling a bit self-conscious under that unwavering scrutiny, as if to remind her of the words of her friend.

The thought made her blush slightly. Thanks to her friend's words, she couldn't help but ponder about that a little.

"What is the matter?" she ventured, her voice betraying a hint of shyness.

Astron, maintaining his aloof demeanor, responded with another question, "Should there be something?"

"You don't look at someone without any reason, right?" Sylvie asked, trying to understand the attention.

"It depends," he replied curtly.

"How?" Sylvie pressed further.

"Sometimes, you just want to look at them," he answered.

Sylvie misinterpreted his words, her face now a shade redder, assuming a meaning beyond his intention. Her heart fluttered momentarily, thinking perhaps he was expressing an interest.

"Ah, well..." Sylvie stumbled over her words, attempting to regain her composure. "I-I thought... I mean, maybe the person you're looking at is uncomfortable with your gaze?"

Astron blinked, still unable to grasp her implication. "Uncomfortable?"

'Did I stare too much?' He thought in his head. Thanks to Mason, he was a bit annoyed, and even his intent was a bit leaking.

Sylvie could feel her face growing hotter with every passing second. "Y-yes, like, uneasy or... bothered?"

Astron's brows furrowed as he processed what she was saying. "Bothered by a gaze?"

Sylvie nodded, feeling her embarrassment mount. "Y-yes, some people don't like being stared at."

He considered this for a moment. "I see." And nodded his head. "I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable, but if my gaze bothered you, then I will be more careful in the future."

He didn't say anything else and simply grabbed his belongings. He also used quite a lot of visual materials for his presentation, but different from her, he used them well.

"See you later."

And just like that, he disappeared.

Leaving a flustered and weirded Sylvie.

"I really don't understand you at all…."


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