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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73



“I don’t think we have a chance as those people were in Clusia now, but I’ll tell find

anything.” Kenneth smiled wickedly.


if I

He felt that Cassandra was not as innocent as she seemed and had many secrets hidden

in her mind.

He mused, ‘Those who keep many secrets must have suffered a lot of difficulties. I don’t

think there’s a need for the Yates family’s existence. It’s disrespectful to Cassie to leave

them an extra penny.’

“Cassie, what will you do with the Yates family?” Kenneth changed the topic without

further discussing the kidnappers.

He wanted to know Cassandra’s stance toward the Yates family.

Cassandra frowned, and her eyebrows twitched unconsciously.

She wondered, ‘Did he just call me Cassie?‘

“It’ll lack the fun if the prey dies too easily,” Cassandra replied.

She wanted to take her revenge slowly.

She wanted the Yates family to get a taste of losing their last hope and panic after they

were pushed to the edge of the cliff.

By that time, they would try anything in a desperate plight out of anxiety.

She wanted to make them feel hopeless on the verge of collapse.

Just like their seemingly vague “kinship” that gave her hope but forced her into the abyss

in the end.

She swore inwardly, ‘They have to experience it.

“So you do have an idea?” Kenneth asked with interest.

“Sort of. You’ll see.” Cassandra smiled evilly and met Kenneth’s shimmering eyes.

Soon, she averted her gaze from Kenneth’s.

There was a moment’s silence in the room. Suddenly, Cassandra said, “Mr. Zelinski, have

we met each other before?”


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Chapter 73

There was no inexplicable kindness out of nowhere, so no one had the duty to be nice. to


Cassandra was not a blockhead and could sense that Kenneth was kind to her.

However, she could not figure out how and where they knew each other.

“I’ll tell you about it in the future,” Kenneth replied.

He added inwardly, ‘Come to me when you recognize me.’

“So, does that mean we do know each other?” Cassandra was a little curious about when

she met him.

“I’m not telling,” Kenneth retorted.

Cassandra was rendered speechless.

She thought, ‘Well, I guess we can’t keep the conversation going

“Get lost! Get out of here! I don’t want to see any of you!” Yohannes shouted.

In the condominium, Yohannes was venting his anger. On the brink of collapse, he felt that

his future was forlorn.

“Yohan, don’t be like that. There might still be a favorable turn,” Miranda comforted.

She mused, ‘He’s exaggerating. It’s no big deal to be unable to perform and participate in

the competition.’”

“It’s all Yulissa and your fault. Would it end up like that if you were nice and respected

Cassandra? Would she let the music association ban me?” Yohannes asked.

When he woke up in the afternoon and read all the notices on the internet, he nearly

passed out from anger as he felt his vision turn dark, knowing his future was forlorn.

“Yohan, how can you blame me? Because of you, Yulissa and I were also criticized by

Cassandra,” Miranda said with displeasure.

However, she did not say something rude to Yohannes. After all, he was her biological


Miranda resented Cassandra internally. She scolded inwardly, ‘What a cruel brat!‘

Yohannes did not listen to Miranda and continued ironically, “Cassandra is right. I was in a

bottleneck back then, but now there is no room for people with plagiarism and


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12:43 Tue, 20 Febr

Chapter 73

infringement in this society. And I can’t believe Yulissa stole someone else’s thing to

pretend to be original. Now I lost everything and have even been banned!”

He added, “Should I even have to be grateful to her now? When Cassandra returned, you

were so eager to knock through her room with Yulissa’s, causing her to sleep in a

storeroom. Now, it’s us to ask for her forgiveness, but you’re still overbearing. What a

good mother and sister after you acted all elderly to scold her while Yulissa was adding

fuel to the fire at the side. Are you happy now that I’m ruined?”

When Cassandra hadn’t returned to the Yates residence, although Yohannes was

unconcerned with Cassandra, who had been found, he still intended to get along with her

peacefully even if they were not close. After all, she was his biological younger


However, when practicing his musical instrument at home, Yohannes heard Yulissa want to

extend her bedroom, saying that there was no room for her clothes and bags.

Without a second thought, Miranda agreed and knocked through the room Leonardo had

prepared for Cassandra with Yulissa’s, renovating into the latter’s. Yulissa also took the

opportunity to prepare another room for Cassandra.

It turned out to be a storeroom.

At that time, Yohannes was unconcerned with Cassandra, so he was not against it.

However, with hindsight, he realized Yulissa had ulterior motives when he recalled it at

the moment.

Yohannes cursed inwardly, ‘How vicious of her! Yulissa deceived me with her teary eyes

and aggrievance expression, making me believe her wholeheartedly with her innocent

face. But what do I get in return? Banned by the music association. I’m only 22 years old.

There are still decades for me to go through in the future. Could it be that I’m going to be

blacklisted forever? It’s fated that I have no luck with music for the rest of my life.

“Yohan, how can you blame me for that? I did it for you. You were in a bottleneck back

then and couldn’t do anything. I just wanted to help you, but… You can’t blame me for

that!” Yulissa argued.

Yulissa was very panicked internally. She wondered, ‘How did he know everything? But

why didn’t he expose it?‘

“How high–sounding of you. You even blame others for your own mistakes.” Yohannes

subconsciously snorted and added, “Ha! We’re the same. We all assumed that it was all



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Chapter 73


Cassandra’s fault instead of ours, but we didn’t know that we were the ones who made a

big mistake.”

The moment Yohannes fell to the ground, he somehow became clear–headed over


However, he still could not accept the fact of the music association’s verdict.

“Mom, Yulissa, please go back. I don’t want to see you for now.”

Yohannes admitted that he stayed for a reason.

Some thoughts, once confirmed, he would regret and want to make up for.

He wanted to make up for Cassandra, his biological younger sister, not just because he

wanted to please her due to her identity as Samantha, but because it was his sister who

he wished to make up for.

Miranda looked incredulous and disappointed. “Are you going to kick us out?”

She thought, ‘What an ingrate. Lisa and I came all the way here just for him, and now he

wants to drive us away.

‘Such a heartless son. How disappointing.

“Mhm. I’ve bought you return flight tickets. You guys return first. Yulissa has school to

attend,” Yohannes said.

He mused, ‘They can go anywhere they want as long as they don’t stay here!’

“You heartless son. Who do you think Yulissa and I came all the way here for? We went so

far here as to watch your competition. Now, you want to drive us away. I’ll tell Benjamin

and let him teach you a lesson,” Miranda said disappointedly but was more furious that

Yohannes had arranged flight tickets to send them away.

“For me? Mom, can you stop making it up? Although I have no time to browse the trending

topics of Yulissa in Clusia, that doesn’t mean I’m disconnected from the internet. I can

read it as long as I browse through them. Leo told me that he asked her to come here for

relaxation, not for me. So, stop saying it’s for my sake.”

Yohannes mercilessly exposed Miranda. Apparently, he didn’t care about them



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