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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67

Looking at the lovely fans before her, Cassandra felt once again that her mistakes in her

previous life were ridiculous and stupid.

Even possessing a high IQ, she wondered why she could be blinded by family affection,

losing the direction of her future.

“Ms. Jenkins, when will you release your new song? We haven’t updated our favorite list of

your songs for a long time!”

Cassandra could not help laughing as her fans urged her for new work.

With her stunning beauty, her smile captivated the fans in the front row.

They screamed internally, ‘How can Samantha be this cute? She’s still a little girl. She

looks just like a little sister to us!‘

“I will make new songs soon. I won’t keep you all waiting for too long,” Cassandra replied.

She seemed to get an inspiration, and she thought it was a good idea to gift her song

dedicated to her fans. With the greeting from the fans just now, she felt that besides the

few people around her, there were unexpectedly such cute people in the world.

Upon hearing the reply, the fans were so happy that many of them kept spinning on the

spot in excitement.

“No matter how long it takes, we will wait for you!” they shouted.

Cassandra took a few steps back and bowed deeply to her fans, expressing her gratitude.

It turned out that in addition to family affection, there were many unspoken feelings in this

world, such as friendship with the fans.

Cassandra turned around and left for Modern Beacon Synergy, having some matters to be


Back at the scene of the competition, Yohannes tried to negotiate with Marcus.

“Mr. Sullivan, this is not what you think. Can you please let me explain?” he thought he

could not be defined as a plagiarist just like that.

If that happened, his future career would be ruined.


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Chapter 67

20 Feb


1. 64%

Yulissa also stood up for Yohannes. Since Cassandra had left, as long as they could

persuade Marcus not to pursue the matter, the situation could be solved much easier.

She said, “Mr. Sullivan, please don’t misunderstand my brother. He’s really an

excellent musician and has won many awards, so he will not commit plagiarism.”

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Yulissa looked troubled and hesitated to say certain words. “Mr. Sullivan, to tell you the

truth, this music score was written by my elder sister, Cassandra, and she asked me to

give it to Yohan. She said she wrote the score herself, but she was worried that Yohan

wouldn’t accept it, so I reluctantly kept it a secret for her.”

She then continued, “Please don’t blame Cassandra for this. She’s still young and

doesn’t understand copyright consciousness, but Yohan is indeed innocent in this

matter. Please let him off the hook and lift the ban on him.”

Yohannes looked at Yulissa gratefully and thought, ‘As expected, Yulissa is the most

considerate after being raised by my side since childhood, knowing to stand by my

side. Unlike Cassandra, that stupid brat! She even dared to do such a dirty thing…

When we get home, I must teach her a lesson!‘

Marcus could not help but laugh out of frustration. He did not expect the Yates family

to have such a demeanor.

Just then, Miranda also came in after having a long quarrel with the security guard

outside, behaving like a shrew.

She asked the siblings, “Lisa, Yohan, are you two all right? How did you explain it just


She then said to Marcus, “Mr. Sullivan, Cassandra is my daughter. I can call the shots

on her business. She won’t pursue this matter further. Sorry for the trouble!”

Miranda was Cassandra’s mother. To her, even if Cassandra were Samantha, nothing

would change.

Marcus‘ assistant, who was standing aside, could not stand it anymore and thought,

‘What a weird family!‘

Marcus replied, “Madam, I don’t know how you define plagiarism or infringement, but.

unfortunately, your son has committed both, and Cassie hasn’t started pursuing the

matter further yet. Otherwise, you can have a taste of the famous lawyer, Mr.

Jonathan Youngblood’s vicious means.”

Miranda retorted, “I don’t care. Cassandra gave us this music score. If you want to

hold someone accountable, you should seek her instead of going against Yulissa and


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12:41 Tue, 20 Feb

Chapter 67


Marcus slammed his hand on the table.


7. 7.



He shouted, “Why are you all so disgusting? Didn’t your family announce the

renunciation of your relationship with Cassie? What are you even trying to imply now?

Mother? Elder brother? Where are you when Cassie needs you most? You’re having a

good life with your adopted daughter. Why do you care about the life or death of your

biological daughter?”

He continued, “Cassie sacrificed so much to get back to your family, but all of you

treated her like a useless country bumpkin. After severing the relationship with her, all

you want is for her to solve this issue after knowing that she’s Samantha, but I can tell

you very clearly about this. Yes, Samantha can turn back her words with me, but how

you persuade her is up to you. If I can hear Samantha’s forgiveness by this hour

tomorrow, everything will be negotiable. On the other hand, if there’s no response

from her, nothing you say will work!”

He thought that these assholes should apologize to Cassandra, feeling angry that the

family had lived way too comfortably without any punishments.

He could ban Yohannes directly, but the punishment was too merciful for the family.

Their malicious behavior should be known to everyone, causing outrage from the


Marcus decided to give them a day to have them realize their own mistakes. He would

then push them into the abyss.

After all, he only promised to negotiate with them, and it did not mean that he would

agree to let them off the hook.

Back on the 46th floor of Modern Beacon Synergy, Cassandra sat in the chair of the

CEO’s seat. “What do you want to talk about?”

After Cassandra asked, Timothy began to act miserably. “Ms. Yates, you can’t just

focus on your own brand. You also have to take care of us, right? Although every piece

of clothing in the clothing sector will be a hit, they look too ordinary and cannot leave

an impression on the consumer’s memory. Modern Beacon Synergy’s clothing sector

doesn’t have loyal fans, which is a big disadvantage to the company!”

Timothy thought life was too difficult for him. All the other sectors were continuing to

thrive, having memorable impressions or logos, but only the clothing market was

forgotten by everyone.


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Tue, 20 Feb 5




Chapter 67

Cassandra remained silent.

She asked, “Don’t we have chief designers? Why can’t they design what you want?”

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Although the current market was dominated by young people, not only did the

company have veteran designers who could stabilize the market, but there were also

young designers with emerging talent among the chief designers. If Cassandra

remembered correctly, the chief designer of the clothing sector was poached from

Dowsome Design, so she could not believe that the designer could not give out

satisfying works.

Timothy replied, “The design is also very fashionable, but according to our market

research, it’s just an ordinary piece of clothing. People will buy it as a momentary

ty. Yet, the clothes will be stored away after being worn less than twice, which

will not help the brand’s reputation!”

He thought, ‘Why would I come to her otherwise if not for this matter?‘

Cassandra tapped her fingers on the table, pondering.

Timothy said, “Elaine, this is also your company. You can’t leave it alone.”

Cassandra replied hesitantly, “I… I still have to take the SAT.”

Timothy turned utterly confused as he thought, ‘What did I hear? What did she say?

SAT? Did you buy those certificates you owned?‘

He said, “You… You want to take the SAT?”

He screamed in his mind, ‘Are you kidding me?‘

“Yeah,” replied Cassandra.

Timothy was getting triggered by that reply. ‘She’s a big shot! Why waste her time on

such a thing?‘

He asked in disbelief, “Why are you wasting your time on this? You’re a big shot, and

you want to go back to take the SAT?”

Cassandra shrugged indifferently. “I have my own reasons, so even if you want me to

come up with some designs, you have to wait until after the SAT ends.”

Some of the shareholders in Modern Beacon Synergy were locals in Spaunia, so they

did not know much about the meaning of Clusia’s SAT.


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12:41 Tue, 20 Feb

Chapter 67



“How long will it take? Six months? Or a year?” one of the shareholders asked directly.

“The SAT will be held in June. So I will give you the designs in August,” Cassandra


She thought, ‘Oh, I should have set the date before the school starts.’

It did not matter whether Cassandra went to attend university. However, it was worth

looking forward to seeing Yulissa have a breakdown.


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