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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64



The host passed the script taken out by Yohannes to Marcus. Marcus glanced at it, and the

rage on his face became even harder to suppress.

‘He doesn’t even know how to cheat properly. How dare he participate in the competition

directly with Cassie’s music score! Is he dumb or what?’ he mulled.

This was an ordinary music score. Unless someone was familiar with Samantha, they

wouldn’t grasp her signature.

After all, this score was a flawed, unfinished draft.

Marcus just didn’t expect it would end up in the hands of Yohannes.

“Yohannes, you cheated without a shred of self-awareness, and now you’re unabashedly

claiming this is your original work.” Marcus raised the music score in his hand. “Do you

know that based on this alone, I’ll be able to take legal action against you!”

“No, it is my original work. How could I cheat?” Yohannes refused to believe Marcus’ one-

sided statement.

He felt that Yulissa would never mean harm to him; this music score, as she explained,

was a gift she had prepared for her idol for an entire year.

However, because Yohannes was gearing up for the competition and faced a creative

block, Yulissa decided she might as well let him use it.

The paper even had an imitation of Samantha’s signature next to a hand-drawn sunflower.

It bore her calligraphic style and a large letter S.

Yulissa explained she had intentionally imitated it, so it was just a way of her paying

homage to her idol.

Samantha’s signature only consisted of the last name “Jenkins” in calligraphic style.

Hence, Yohannes understood Yulissa’s explanation and believed his sister.

“It’s just a tribute to Ms. Jenkins that’s intentionally imitated. You can verify it; the

handwriting is different from Ms. Jenkins”.”

Marcus snorted dismissively, thinking, ‘Of course, it’s different! This was written by

Cassandra when she was 13. But why is this discarded draft suddenly showing up here?’

Yohannes’ elucidation was not at all convincing.


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12:40 Tue, 20 Feb aj

Chapter 64

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“Cassandra, say something. Don’t you know whose work this is?” demanded Yohannes.

Everyone in the family knew that Yulissa had given Yohannes a piece, and Cassandra was

no exception. Yet, she hadn’t said anything thus far.

“What do you want me to say?”

Yohannes was frustrated. “You can’t just label Lisa’s work as plagiarism just because you

dislike her!”


On the stage, Cassandra rolled her eyes. “Are you ignorant or seriously dumb? Did Yulissa

drug you all, making you obediently follow her every word? As if whatever she says goes!

Didn’t you take a closer look at the peculiarities of that music score? Look at the signature

and sunflower. Did you not suspect them at all? Don’t tell me you’re going to say this is

just a coincidence!”

It was beyond Cassandra’s expectations that Yulissa would actually hand over the former’s

discarded draft straight to Yohannes. Cassandra scoffed inwardly. She was waiting to

humiliate Yohannes, but as it turned out, he beat her to it, humiliating himself.

Yohannes was caught off guard by her question and left dumbstruck. He had personally

made a copy because he couldn’t bring himself to use the gift from his sister. Therefore,

he had kept the original preserved all this time.

“Cassandra, you are just doing this on purpose because you’re jealous of Lisa!”

His words had long fueled suspicions among everyone present, for Cassandra and

Yohannes sounded as though they were siblings.

‘Could it be that Yohannes pulled some strings behind the scenes?

‘But based on the current situation, it seems like his original work is a plagiarism of

Samantha’s piece,’ were their thoughts.

“Since you won’t admit it, I’ll make you concede.” Cassandra turned to Marcus and said,

“Mr. Sullivan, please have the music association send over the score they’ve preserved for

this piece.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve already arranged it. It’ll be delivered shortly.”

“Cassandra, must you do this? You’ll ruin Yohan,” said Yulissa.

‘Why can’t she just shut up?’ thought Cassandra in annoyance.


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12:40 Tue, 20 Feb

Chapter 64

She couldn’t recall whether the Yates family attended the concert in the previous life or


Nonetheless, it was good that they’d come, as she could deal with them all at once.

As for Yulissa, she only came because Leonardo thought that too many things had

happened back home and felt sorry for everything she had gone through. Hence, he

contacted Yohannes and told their mother to bring Yulissa along for a change of scenery

and to watch the competition.

Little did they expect such a turn of events.

Cassandra confronted Yulissa with an air of superiority, meeting the latter’s eyes head- on.

“You’re the one who’s gonna ruin him, not me. You gave him this music score, right? Then,

is this piece your original work?”

For some reason, Yulissa felt a hint of panic.

“Of course, I wrote it. Who else could it be?”

Yulissa had found this music score after rummaging through Cassandra’s storeroom. After

doing thorough searches to confirm that there were no other backups, she took it, studied

it extensively, and altered the signature before giving it to Yohannes.

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine Cassandra would show up at his competition


What if this music score is written by that damned Cassandra?’ Yulissa brooded.

The paper of the original music score had yellowed. Had she presented a new one to

Yohannes, suspicions would certainly arise, for it wouldn’t align with her explanation that

she’d meticulously prepared it for a year.

“Yulissa, did you really think no one would notice that you sneaked into my room while I

was out and took the music score? At that time, I let it go, thinking you wanted it for

Yohannes. Now, however, I’ve regretted it. I’m not even part of the Yates family; why

should I cover for a plagiarist?”

Yulissa’s entire body trembled with fury when she heard the word “plagiarist.”

‘What the hell is this darn Cassandra talking about!’ she fumed internally.

“Don’t tell me you’re gonna say you composed this piece? Even if it were your creation,

what’s wrong with giving it to your own brother?” Yulissa didn’t see it as a big deal at all.


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12:41 Tue, 20 Feb

Chapter 64



Moreover, she even put Cassandra on the spot, implying that since they were all biological

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siblings, Cassandra shouldn’t be so ungenerous with a mere music score.

This would make Cassandra look like she was making a mountain out of a molehill.

“You took someone else’s hard work, Yulissa Yates! Even if it’s a draft that’s thrown away,

it still belongs to someone else. You people are truly as shameless as ever!” sneered


“Watch your words, Cassandra! Apologize to your sister!” Miranda couldn’t sit still

anymore. Now that the blame was being shifted onto Yulissa, she had to step in.

“Security, escort her out!” Marcus ordered for people to take Miranda away.

‘What a shrew!’ he remarked on the inside.

“Cassandra, are you really just going to stand there and watch our mom get mistreated?”

Yulissa asked in disbelief.

“Just to clarify, that’s your and Yohannes’ mom, not mine. I, Cassandra Yates, do not have

a mother. All I have is a grandma named Blossom Yates!”

Cassandra naturally couldn’t be bothered about whether Miranda would be taken away or

how Miranda would be treated. After all, she wasn’t done dealing with Yohannes’

matter yet.

“Why do you always have to compete with me? If you like this piece, I’ll gladly compose a

special one just for you. Why must you fight with me over who created it and fight Yohan

for the score? Don’t you know how important this is to him?”

Yulissa burst into tears, giving everyone the sense that she was heartbroken, incapable of

persuading a stubborn, rebellious person.

“Yulissa, when you gave away my music score, did you ever consider that you and your

brother won’t just be suspected of plagiarism but also outright theft?”

“Cassandra, enough with your slander! This piece was composed by Lisa. How did it

suddenly become yours? Don’t tell me you’re going to claim to be Samantha next! Hurry

up and get lost from Samantha’s seat. You’re not worthy of sitting there!” yelled


“You got it right this time.” Cassandra paused before declaring, “I. Am. Samantha.




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Chapter 64






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