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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58

Cassandra’s words successfully sparked Benjamin’s rage.

He pointed at Cassandra’s nose and bellowed, “You’re so rebellious! You even wished for

my death. I should never have brought you back. I should leave you to fend for yourself in

the countryside!”

Cassandra narrowed her eyes, her expression darkening. After all, she disliked it when

people pointed at her.

She had previously pretended to be weak for the sake of so–called familial ties, but she

could no longer stand being pointed at with a finger.

Suddenly, Cassandra made a move, gripping Benjamin’s finger and twisting it. “Keep in

mind that I despise it when people point fingers at me. I used to tolerate pleasing you all,

but you no longer deserve to teach me a lesson! Your foolish daughter, Yulissa, has

already done enough havoc. If you can’t see the truth, stop showing up in front of me. It is

truly revolting!”

“Argh!” Benjamin let out a miserable cry.

Even when confronted with the undeniable truth, all of them continued to believe Yulissa

was innocent. There was nothing else Cassandra could do.

Getting people to change their minds was one of the hardest things.

“What a treacherous daughter! I’m your father. How dare you hit me? You must

immediately apologize to me and repent of your action!” Benjamin’s face flushed as he

felt the pain get worse. He believed Cassandra had broken his finger.

‘She’s too ruthless! First, she broke Ray’s hand, and now she broke my finger. A daughter

like this should be disciplined!‘ he remarked inwardly.

“Father? Who’s my father? Didn’t you already make your choice? If I recall correctly, you

issued a statement severing ties with me. Now you are talking about being my father? Mr.

Yates, are you trying to humiliate yourself?” Cassandra kindly reminded him.


she had

She felt that she had been too gentle recently. Despite wanting revenge, subconsciously

avoided getting involved with them. However, they took her concessions for granted.

She had finally realized that, rather than being a good citizen and being bullied, she would

rather be an outlaw who punished others.

Besides, she had the ability to defend herself.


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Chapter 58

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When she saw them causing havoc, she remembered how she died in her previous life.


“Get lost! If you don’t want your hand to end up like Raymond’s, then scram. Don’t even

think about slandering me. I have plenty of evidence to prove that Yulissa’s claims are

false. If you don’t care about embarrassing yourselves, and if you want Yates Group’s

stocks to plummet further, go ahead and try!” Cassandra yelled.

There were surveillance cameras in every corner of the Yates residence. She could recover

any existing footage or traces on the internet, even if they were corrupted or deleted.

“Scarlett, inform the security team. Take immediate action if they see anyone from the

Yates family coming again in the future!” Cassandra ordered.

“Understood,” replied Scarlett.

“Mr. Yates, I’ve never seen anyone as shameless as you. Yates Group’s stock will plunge if

you do not leave now.” Jeremiah felt incredibly generous as he spoke.

After all, to remind Benjamin in such dire circumstances was extremely kind of him.

“Jeremiah, let’s go,” Cassandra said.

The security team would take over the situation.

As Cassandra walked toward her office, she heard an irritating voice calling out,

“Cassandra, stop right there!”

It was Leonardo.

When Leonardo saw Benjamin’s face flushed with rage while covering his hand in pain, he

knew things were not going well.

He looked at Cassandra and asked sternly, “Are you the one who did it?”

Hearing that, Cassandra impatiently turned to look at him. “Mr. Leonardo Yates, do you

want to avenge your father?”

“Why are you being so aggressive toward us? Wasn’t it you who couldn’t tolerate Lisa in

the past?” They were just trying to discipline their younger sister for being disobedient,

and he could not understand why she was fighting back.

When someone in a family did something wrong, their family should correct them.

Cassandra shook her head sarcastically and piped up coldly, “Mr. Leonardo Yates, do you

still believe it was I who could not tolerate Yulissa?”




Chapter 38

She couldn’t help but find what he said ridiculous.

Leonardo was rendered speechless. Indeed, he had always assumed that Cassandra was

the one who could not stand Yulissa, which resulted in their constant disagreements.

However, all of the social media content suggested that Yulissa was the one who could not

stand Cassandra.

‘But Yulissa is still young, and she’s probably more sensitive because she isn’t the Yates

family’s biological daughter. Meanwhile, Cassandra should be taught more strictly because

she’s a member of the Yates family. Why does she have to treat us this way?‘ he


“So, what do you want? We won’t ask you to treat Lisa well or return to the Yates family,

but at least don’t be so hostile toward us. After all, we are family, aren’t we?”

Leonardo tried to sway Cassandra with familial sentiments because he knew Cassandra

was most concerned with their opinions and attitudes toward her.

During that period of time, he had thought a lot. Despite the fact that Yulissa was not

entirely innocent, he could understand her actions. It was natural for her to express her

displeasure with an outsider.

Nevertheless, because Cassandra was innocent, he desired to make amends. Even if she

never returned to the Yates family, he wanted their relationship to be less strained.

“Can I do whatever I want?” Cassandra asked.

His words piqued her interest.

Unexpectedly and ironically, the first person to show goodwill toward her was Leonardo.

“Yes, I will do my best to make it up to you,” Leonardo replied.

When Benjamin heard that, he could not care less about his pain. “Leo, what nonsense are

you saying? She isn’t worth your time and effort to make amends with. She should be the

one apologizing to Lisa!”

“Dad, she’s your biological daughter!” Leonardo said coldly, then turned to Cassandra, his

gaze softening. “Tell me what you want.”

“Previously, I heard Yulissa say that you wanted to send me to Desert Island. Since you

want to make amends, I will give you two options. Either you go to Desert Island and live

there for a month, or Yulissa goes and lives there for a week. What do you think? I’m being

quite reasonable, right? You can withstand it more because you are a tough man.

Regarding Yulissa, I have been gracious enough to request that she only have to live there

for a week. Now, make your decision!”


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Chapter 58



Desert Island was a desolate island teeming with wild beasts. There were no humans living

on the island. It was a place where going in meant risking one’s life. Few people could

survive for three days there.

Because of that, Leonardo was unable to agree to any of the options she gave.

The next moment, his expression darkened.

“How can you be so vicious? Do you want us to die so badly?”

‘It’s nearly impossible to survive on Desert Island for even three days, much less a month.

I have no idea she’s so evil,’ he mused.

“That’s right. Didn’t you want me dead in the first place? Trying to make amends now

means you should be the one to die!”

After saying that, Cassandra ignored them and said to Scarlett, “Scarlett, escort them



In the office, Cassandra asked Hugo, “Hugo, have you finalized everything regarding my

school leave?“_

“Yes, it’s been taken care of. You won’t need to go to school from now on,” Hugo replied.

In response, Cassandra nodded and stated, “Book a flight for me to Spaunia. I’ll fly there.

the day after tomorrow.”

Camille International Music Competition was in its final stages.

Suddenly, she received a message on WhatsApp.

The message read: [Ms. Jenkins, when are you coming over? We really need your help!]

It was the chairman of the music association in Spaunia who sent her the message.

[The day after tomorrow.]

The chairman was overjoyed when he received a definite response.

‘Finally, I can meet Samantha again. I have not heard her play in a long time. Whatever

instrument played by her seems to come alive!‘ he remarked inwardly.






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