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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

“Didn’t Keith say what’s the matter?” Cassandra’s tone made it seem as if she had

forgotten she even had a manager.

“No, but he asked you to call him back. If you’re free, do it,” replied Jeremiah.

Hearing that, Cassandra nodded.

Cassandra was kind of a solitary person. Keith usually managed singers, and theoretically

speaking, lyricists didn’t need a manager. But when that entertainment company found

Cassandra online, it meant that there would be a manager responsible for managing

Cassandra’s work in the future.

That was why she had this manager. However, she didn’t want to be bothered by many

things at that time.

Therefore, she left Jeremiah’s phone number to Keith and also told the latter to contact her

online as much as possible. She thought, ‘It seems that there is something urgent. Could it

be that he’s urging me to write the lyrics for a song? However, he didn’t give me any

music score that needed lyrics to be written!”

Cassandra asked for Keith’s number and called him.

“Hello, I’m Keith.” The voice on the other end, while not particularly magnetic, could be

considered somewhat crisp.

“I’m Samantha.”

“Darling Samantha, you’re finally willing to call me!” The other end began to cry and

complain directly.

Keith thought, ‘It’s not easy! Ms. Jenkins finally stopped ignoring me!”

“Is anything the matter?” Cassandra went straight to the point and didn’t want to talk


“I have a variety show here. The production team wants to invite you to participate in it.

Do you have time?”

Keith was ready to be rejected.

However, he still didn’t want to give up and wanted to lobby a few more times.

He had even figured out what to say to persuade her.


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13:00 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 117


“I don’t have time. I won’t go!” Cassandra bluntly refused. She thought, ‘Participating in a

variety show, huh? That’s the most troublesome thing.‘

“But this variety show is a slow–living variety show, which is to portray real life. It’s not too

complicated. Ms. Jenkins, I think you can participate in it. Besides, the appearance fee is

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not low…”

He thought, I’m not sure if Ms. Jenkins will even be interested in those appearance fees! I

really want her to show up more!

I’ve watched Cassandra’s appearance in the competition at Spaunia. Her looks can easily

defeat all other female celebrities in the entertainment industry!

Therefore, I don’t want Ms. Jenkins to only be behind the scenes!

‘Of course, this depends on her opinion!”

“How much?” Cassandra asked.


“How much is the appearance fee?” Cassandra thought she could take a listen.

She thought, ‘If it’s convenient to make money, maybe I can go.”

“10 million dollars…” He thought, ‘I guess that’s not low, right?”

“Well, who are the guests?”

“Diva Amelia Coleman, divo Thomas Larson, best actor Frederick, and two other guests

who have not been identified yet!”

Hearing that, Cassandra raised her eyebrow and thought, ‘Frederick is participating, too? I

was still worried about how to teach him a lesson. Well, here he is!

I’m sure Frederick would be happy to do such a humiliating thing in front of the whole


That’s it. Because of this, I’ll definitely join the show!”

“I’ll join. What’s the name of this show?” she asked.

“Hello, Life, answered Keith.

“Send me the details and time. I’m using this phone number on WhatsApp as well. Please

add me.”


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13:00 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 117



Cassandra hung up the phone directly after saying that.

Jeremiah was a little curious and thought, ‘Why did Cassie, who had just been refusing to

join the show, suddenly agree at once? This doesn’t make sense!”

He asked. “Did you just say yes to recording a show?”

“Yeah,” she replied.

“It seems that I heard it right!‘ he thought before saying, “Aren’t you the most afraid of

trouble? Why did you still agree to join the show?”

He then thought, ‘You even handed over my phone number to your manager. And now,

you’ve changed your mind?”

“Because Frederick will be on the show. Of course, I’m going!” she responded.

She thought, ‘If his many press releases and shootings didn’t cause him to be away from

Drieso often, making me unable to find him, I wouldn’t have to bother wasting my energy

to record the show!

‘But this is good, too. No matter in my past life or this life, he had thrown me into the

vortex of public opinion. So, I’ll let him have a taste of being crushed by public opinion

as well.

Back then, many people stopped being his fans when he brainlessly defended Yulissa.

However, under his company’s operation, he disappeared for a period of time and went to

do some charity, which made him win the favor of passers–by again.

Moreover, his new action drama had been aired, and he had gotten some new fans.

For him, it didn’t affect him much.

After all, the netizens would easily forget everything.

So, this time, Cassandra took the initiative to appear before him.

Their endings weren’t miserable enough. Although Yohannes hadn’t done anything to

Cassandra in her previous life, she didn’t like the look in his eyes.

Leonardo was still so high and mighty, and it was all because everything from the Yates.

family would certainly be handed over to him in the future.

But Cassandra wondered what would happen if Leonardo knew that the Yates Family had

lost everything.

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Chapter 117

Cassandra believed it would be utterly interesting.

“So, are you just doing that to get back at Frederick?” Jeremiah was a little confused by

Cassandra’s action. He thought, ‘Why is that so?”

Cassandra didn’t say anything and acquiesced directly.

“All right, then. Do you need me to accompany you?” Jeremiah didn’t ask why. He just

asked if she needed him to accompany her when recording the show.

“No need. Take good care of these properties!” Cassandra thought of something and said,

“Give me some membership cards for The Urban.”

“What floor? How many?”

“For the third floor. I need 11 cards. I’ll give you the identity information of these. people.

Their expenses should all get a 35% discount.”

Jeremiah was shocked. “That’s way too cheap!”

To obtain the third floor’s membership card, one required a spending of 4 million. dollars.

Besides, even if there was a discount, it was only 5% off.

Jeremiah thought, “This is just great! These people get a 35% discount! If they came to

eat every day, I would suffer a huge loss!

‘I also paid for the meal yesterday! At the normal price, they ate a few hundred thousand

dollars worth of a meal…

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Jeremiah suddenly felt that he had made a terrible friend.

“So, will you give them to me or not?” she asked and thought, ‘If you don’t, I’ll destroy

The Urban!”

“Of course, I’ll give them to you!”

“Ask someone to prepare the cards now and send them over to me in two hours!”

Jeremiah was rendered speechless and had the urge to jump off the second floor.

Two hours later, Cassandra got the membership cards contentedly.

Just then, those people from the information security department gathered at the airport

to see their comrades from other towns off.

Cassandra definitely couldn’t be left out.

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13:01 Wed, 21 Feb 0

Chapter 117

Hence, she rode her Harley and went to the airport as fast as she could, as it was the

evening rush hour at this time.

If she drove a car at this time, she would be stuck in a traffic jam.

When Cassandra arrived at the airport, the others had been waiting for a long time in the

airport waiting room.

All 11 people were present.

Cassandra handed The Urban’s membership cards to each of them according to their


“This is the membership card for The Urban’s third flood. Consider it a meeting gift from

me. These 11 cards are all registered under your real name. You’ll get a 35% discount if

you go there in person!”

She doesn’t have anything to give them. Since she watched them eat the food at The

Urban yesterday and enjoyed it very much, she just decided to give them a membership


“Wow! Emery, you’re so generous! A 35%-discount membership card is equivalent to a

free meal!” Thunder was extremely shocked.

After all, he was someone who owned a membership card for the third floor. To be exact,

his family owned it.

Thunder thought, ‘My family spent a solid 4 million dollars to obtain the membership card.

Besides, they could only get a 5% discount. But this? What a gift!”

The 11 people put the cards away carefully, as if they had never seen a membership card

before. After all, it was a treasure.

“Emery, we also have gifts for you. But we don’t know your home address. We will send

them to Thunder’s house by then. Remember to collect them.”

“Okay. Thank you!”


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