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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back!

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322 Until Curtis wrapped his arms around her and escorted her out of the hospital room, Leanne hadn't seen where Suzan was injured.

Curtis helped her into the car and noticed she was still distracted. "Shaken up?" he asked.

Leanne snapped back to reality. "I didn't even see what happened, how could I be shaken?" Curtis raised an eyebrow. "From the sound of it, you seem almost disappointed?" Disappointed wasn't quite the word, but when Curtis pulled her into his embrace, covering her ears, the sound of her heartbeat amplified.

Leanne changed the subject. "You were pretty assertive today. Aren't you worried about offending the Wright family?" "If they're offended, so be it," Curtis replied nonchalantly, a hint of recklessness in his tone. “I don't care." Curtis never really put anyone on a pedestal.

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"In this world, there's only one person I fear offending," he said with a half-smile. “Guess who?" Leanne, as if she had a signal jammer installed, deflected his flirtation. “Probably Jake, right?" Curtis chuckled slowly. "Yes, if I offend him, then he might driveoff a cliff.” Jake, caught between innocence and resignation, said, "I would never, sir.” Leanne's phone rang. It was Selina, bursting with news as soon as Leanne picked up. "Leanne, you won't believe it, I totally rocked today, nailed three business deals in one go!" "That's impressive," Leanne complimented, "Congrats on advancing three steps in your career." "Thanks, let's celebrate tonight. I'm treating! Joy just got off work and she'll be joining us.' "These past few days have been like living in a movie. They'll probably love to hear about it." "Just sendthe address of the diner," said Leanne.

Selina hesitated, then asked carefully, "My brother's pickingup, can I bring him along? Of course, if you're even 0.01% uncomfortable, I'll tell him to back off right away!" "No worries." Leanne wanted to thank Jeremy for his help last time.

Curtis, oblivious to the content of her call, offered kindly, "Where are we eating? I'll drive 1/2 09:13 you there." Leanne thought about it and decided against catching a cab midway. She gave Jake the address.

As the car pulled up to the restaurant, the delay at the hospital meant it was already dark outside.

Unlocking the car, Leanne was about to get out when her hand was caught.

Turning around, Curtis gently hooked her fingers, a dim light from the car casting a deep look in his eyes, seemingly affectionate.

"Should I cpick you up later?" His voice was low, slightly probing.

She hadn't discarded the safety charm. Was she willing to give him a chance?

Leanne's signal jammer wavered momentarily before stabilizing by will drivehome." She withdrew her hand and stepped out. Curtis was left touching air, a cool breeze passing through his fingers.

He leaned back in the leather seat, watching Leanne walk towards the diner's entrance.

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Jake, observant as ever, noted, "Mr.

Curtis, that car ahead looks like Mr. at car ahead Turner's Curtis' eyes narrowed slightly.

Just then, a head poked out from the diner door. Selina, with with herunconventional pink hair, grinned foolishly and waved at Leanne. Behind her, a tall figure loomed. It was none other than Jeremy.
