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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back!

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 Curtis emerged from the bathroom with the soft sound of his footsteps padding across the carpet toward the other side of the bed. The mattress dipped as he slipped beneath the covers, a corner of the duvet lifting.

Leanne caught a whiff of a subtly cold fragrance, a crisp, penetrating scent that seemed to seep into her bones, the woody notes mixed with his body heat, with a hint of tobacco lingering in the background.- It was Curtis' signature scent.

The dim glow from the nightlight barely reached the bed, and the night was so still that their even breaths were the only sounds breaking the silence.

Each occupied half of the bed, setting a cold, invisible barrier between them.

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After lying quietly for a while, Leanne gazed in Curtis' direction. Maybe it was the darkness, but his features seemed more chiseled and distant.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" she ventured.

Curtis' weary, slightly irritable voice broke the silence of the dark, "Keep it down." Leanne touched the pendant around her neck and then turned her back to him.

When Leanne woke up the next day, Curtis was already up.

She got up, freshened up, and when she walked into the living room, she saw Curtis neatly dressed, sitting at the dining table, browsing the real-tstock quotes on his tablet.

He looked up briefly when he heard her. "Where's Laura?" Leanne opened the fridge. "I let her go." Curtis frowned but didn't comment further.

Leanne quickly whipped up a couple of eggs, thought better of it, and added slices of ham, lettuce, and cheese to make two sandwiches she brought to the dining area.

Curtis glanced at them. "Is this what you usually eat?" That was already a step up from Leanne's usual fare. Rushing to work in the mornings, she often settled for just a few slices of toast.

Internally, she retorted, "Take it or leave it." A cat's meow sounded behind the sofa, and Leanne turned to see a timid feline head. poking out.

1/2 11:13 Chapter 3 She found a litter of strays huddled by the hospital during a downpour weeks ago. The newborn kittens were trembling, soaked to the bone, and the mother cat was a bag of bones.

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Her heart softened, and she brought them home, planning to foster them until they were old enough to be adopted. She hadn't expected Curtis to return from his year-long stay in Emberland Country.

Curtis had never allowed Leanne to keep cats. During his taway, she had rescued a stray and wanted to bring it home. When she asked for his opinion over the phone, he replied with just two words, "No way." Leanne had kept the cat confined to a spare room, but somehow, it had been clever enough to escape. Unsurprisingly, Curtis' brow furrowed. "Where did this stray cfrom?" His tone dripped with disdain which made Leanne uncomfortable. She went to pick up the cat, muttering, "From me." Curtis scoffed lightly. "Then you should apply for a Nobel Prize." After putting the cat back in the room, Leanne returned to find Curtis donning his coat and the untouched sandwiches on the table.

He was adjusting his tie in the mirror and sentenced the cat to exile without looking back. "Get rid of it before I cback." Leanne didn't engage.

The mansion was huge, more than capable of housing a few kittens. Why must Curtis b so ruthless to creatures struggling to survive? He was wealthy, yet his heart seemed so callous.

Curtis caught her expression in the mirror. "What are you silently accusingof now?" "Who dares to accuse you?" Leanne retorted. “Il ensure they're confined and won't escape again. I'll disinfect the house daily, and once I get someone to adopt them, they'll be gone." She hurried to work, packing her sandwiches in a zip-lock bag to eat on the way.

"Feel free to stay somewhere else if you can't stand it. After all, you'ren quite the globetrotter. The world is En your home."

Curtis chuckled. "Gone for six months and I cback to find you've got quite the temper, kickingout the En moment I get back." Leanne remained silent, bending down to change her shoes, She dressed for comfort at work, her loose sweater paired with skinny jeans that hugged 11:13 her shapely legs attractivelly fer As she bent to slip on her shoes, the core her waist to her high was alluring Buttoning up his et jacket, Curtis fed his gate letting it casually drift over her "What did you want to say fast night?? Leanne didn't have tfor chit chat this thim in a nish to work. We can talk when i get back

After checking the house, Leanne spare the attire manning in the sphthalmology clinic. It was a busy day it was almost 2 pm when she finished seeing patients. The cafeteria didn't have much left on the grabbed a quick simple meal X