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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70

Why on earth does a guy as handsas him even have a mouth?

And his buddy over there, was he born mute? Can't he speak up?

“Quit playing dead, you talk!”

Tarquin flicked the ash off his cigarette and obediently uttered one word, “Scram!”

The crowd was absolutely bewildered.

Laughter in the private room cto an abrupt halt.

Elysia’s face flushed even more with embarrassment. She couldn’t stand the humiliation. Gritting her teeth, she

stormed out!

Counting on him to save her? No way! She'd rather go down swinging with Gage.

Ugh! That old lecher Gage wasn’t worth her risking her neck. She was capable enough to end his lineage today!

Gage had been pacing the hallway for ages, calling his bodyguards to check the surveillance, trying to find

where Elysia had hidden herself.

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Suddenly, he spotted her and chuckled,

“No need to check the cameras. I've found her!”

Elysia gritted her teeth and bolted, leading him toward a corner. She was worried that Blossom and the three

little ones would be scared if they saw this mess. She wanted to corner him and give him a couple of jabs. Do the

public a favor!

But just as she reached the corner, she was blocked by Gage’s bodyguards.

Panting, Gage caught up and grabbed Elysia by the hair, cursing, “You wench, trying to run?”

Elysia, in pain, kicked out. When she couldn't hit Gage, she stomped on his foot instead.

Gage let out a howl of pain and, in a fury, grabbed Elysia by the throat and slammed her against the wall, nearly

choking her.

The two bodyguards just stood by, watching coldly.

“Find an empty room. I'm gonna deal with her right here!”

The bodyguards nodded and left.

“You ungrateful bitch, being fancied byis a blessing! In Jindale City, there's nothing | want that | can’t get!

Let’s see how you'll run today!”

Elysia’s face turned beet red as she struggled to breathe.

“Scumbag! Your days are numbered!” She cursed inwardly.

Elysia was determined to rid the world of this vermin. She was about to unleash her secret weapon when she

suddenly heard a cold snort.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Following the sound, Elysia locked eyes with a familiar face.

It was Zane.

Zane rushed over. Seeing Elysia, he was surprised. “Elysia?”

Elysia slowly retracted her weapon and looked at him for help.

Zane forcefully pried Gage’s fingers off and shielded Elysia behind him. “Mr. Gage, what exactly are you doing?”

Gage, fuming, snapped back, “And who the hell are you?”

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“I'm the General Manager of the Newsom Group, Zane.”

“The Newsom Group? Oh, so you're the guy who married into the Newsom family, the ‘kept man.”

Zane frowned, and a hint of menace flashed in his eyes. He held back his anger and said, “You seem to have had

too much to drink. Doa favor and let her go. She’s my junior.”

Zane was Winona'’s husband and their senior,

“Do you a favor? Who do you think you are? Even if your father-in-law came, | wouldn't give him the tof day.

Beat it.” Gage tried to push Zane away but couldn't budge him and instead got his wrist caught.

Zane loomed over him by a good half a head and gripped his wrist tightly, his brow furrowed, his words

deliberate. “Mr. Gage, you might not give a damn about the Newsom

of family, but what about the Bradford family? This is the Jinpeach Restaurant, property the Bradford family.

You're making a scene on their turf, smearing their reputation. What do you think the Bradford family would do if

they found out?”

At that, Gage sobered up quite a bit. He fell silent for a moment, then darkly said to Zane, “You just wait!”

Then, he glared at Elysia. “And you, you wait too!”

With that, Gage stormed off, cursing under his breath.

Elysia clutched her throat, taking deep breaths to recover.