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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30

Elysia’s cheeks were still blazing hot at the thought of the bold move she had just made. Kissing someone first?

That was something she never imagined she’d do in her entire life.

Back in college, her friends Blossom Blythe and Winona Newsom had pegged her as the poster girl for the

conservative crowd.

She snorted, recalling the predatory look on that guy's face. It was as if she was trying to get a free ride or

something. If it hadn't been to shut him up, why on earth would she have kissed him? And she had lost $250 in

the process-enough to buy three sets of cozy fall clothes for

the kids!

Just as she was stewing in her misfortune, a sleek luxury car suddenly cut in front of them, performing an

elegant yet aggressive maneuver that blocked their way.

The cab driver slammed on the brakes, his heart racing with fright and anger. He rolled down the window, ready

to unleash a tirade.

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“What kind of driving is that? Do you even know how to drive? You...”

But his anger deflated like a punctured balloon when he saw two men in black suits step out of the car. He

clamped his mouth shut, not daring to make another peep.

Elysia peered out the window, curious. The window was knocked on, and a stern voice commanded, “Get out.”

Sensing trouble, Elysia scooted to the opposite door, asking, “Are you looking for me? Who are you?”

The man didn’t bother with pleasantries, yanking the door open and pulling her out of the car. As soon as her

feet hit the pavement, the cab sped off, anxious to avoid any involvement.

Elysia struggled to free herself from the man’s grip. “Who are you? Letgo! Letgo!”

She was dragged onto a bridge, where a chic convertible was parked.

The car door swung open, and a woman emerged. She strode toward Elysia, her footsteps echoing with the click-

clack of her stiletto heels. She carried an expensive designer handbag and had her arms folded across her chest.

Elysia couldn't shake off the feeling that she recognized this woman, but the mask and sunglasses obscured her



The woman struck Elysia across the face without warning.

Elysia was stunned. Held back by two bodyguards, she couldn't fight back and shouted, “Who are you? Why did

you hit me?”

“You slut, thinking you can seduce my man? | ought to teach you a lesson!”


Chapter 30

Elysia was confused. “Are you crazy? Who did | seduce?”

Nola, as if deaf to Elysia’s words, slapped her again, twice more. “Don’t think because you're pretty, you can

climb the social ladder. Lettell you, Tarquin is out of your league. He's mine! If you so much as look at him

again, I'll make you wish you hadn't!”

Turning to her bodyguards, Nola ordered, “Ruin that pretty face of hers. The sight of it disgusts me!”

Nola was determined not to allow any woman prettier than her to be near Tarquin. One of the bodyguards

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produced a gleaming dagger, its blade catching the light menacingly.

Elysia, panic-stricken, forgot to demand who Tarquin was and instead pleaded, “There must be smistake! |

don’t know you, and | certainly don’t know any Tarquin. Letgo!”

As Nola took the dagger, intending to do the deed herself, Elysia lashed out with a kick, sending Nola sprawling

backward. The high heels did her no favors; she fell, twisting her ankle, and the blade sliced her hand.

Nola’s scream pierced the air, “Ah! It hurts...”

e bodyguards rushed to her side, calling out, “Miss!”

Noticing that Elysia attempted to bolt, Nola cried with fury, “Kill that bitch! Ouch, ouch...”

Seeing the bodyguards in pursuit, Elysia took out the pepper spray her son had given to her, and she didn’t

hesitate to use it on the bodyguards. Of course, Evan's work had always been potent, and it left them writhing

on the ground.

She took off running, making a dash across the road to the opposite side in no tat all.

Left behind, Nola shouted in frustration, “Incompetents! Catch her, or it'll be your heads!”

Three more bodyguards appeared, giving chase to Elysia as she ran for her life.