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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 17
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Chapter 17

On the computer screen, bold letters suddenly appeared, screaming for attention,

“Consider this a warning. If you dare to mistreat the lady again, I'll be back for you! Watch your back, Mr.


The staff at the Bradford Group had their eyes glued to the monitors. Then, as if forgetting that they were in a

working place, the office erupted into a frenzy of speculation and gossip.

“Holy smokes, this isn’t just sglitch-it’s a deliberate hack! Who on earth could crack the Bradford Group's


“And they had the nerve to call out Mr. Bradford directly!”

“He said... he also said Mr. Bradford was bullying syoung lady!”

Inside the CEO's office, Tarquin’s icy gaze fixed on his own screen. His lips were a thin line, his complexion dark

as a storm cloud.

Lowell felt the tension in the room like a ticking tbomb. Gathering his courage, Lowell attempted to defuse

the situation, “Sir, please, calm down. This accusation about bullying a young lady got to be groundless!

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Everyone knows your character. You...”

re is that woman from yesterday?!” Tarquin’s voice was a cold blade.

Lowell, momentarily confused, realized he was referring to Elysia. He replied hastily, “We... we haven't located

her yet.”

“You rubbish!” Tarquin’s roar was ground shaking.

Lowell was sweating bullets and trembling like a leaf.

The saying ‘uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’ had never felt more apt.

Tarquin’s eyes never left the screen. He was determined to find Elysia because he was convinced that the young

lady’ mentioned was her.

He knew he was no saint, but he was not one to bully people, especially not women. The only woman he ever

truly cared for was Elijah’s birth mother. Beyond that, his interactions with the opposite sex were minimal.

But yesterday, he had not only crossed paths with that woman but also detained her.

His team of elite hackers, sof the best in the business, rarely failed him. Yet they had failed twice in the

span of one day.

The rival who was stealing his business deals remained in the shadows. And the woman named Elysia was also

nowhere to be found.

He couldn't shake the feeling that these were connected, that someone was targeting him.


Gritting his teeth, Tarquin commanded with an icy tone, “Find her no matter what it takes!”

“Yes, sir.” Lowell couldn't exit the CEO's office fast enough. He really didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news,

but as soon as he'd relayed Tarquin’s orders, a new crisis emerged.

His phone rang with the news that Tarquin’s estranged wife had returned and was currently at the gates of Royal

Community, demanding a divorce.

Royal Community was the upscale neighborhood where Tarquin’s grandfather had set up a hfor his wife

before he passed away. It was their marital residence.

Lowell was taken aback, “Are you sure it's her?”

“Yeah, who else would dare show up and tell such a lie to the boss's face? It’s her, no mistake.”

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Lowell pondered the situation briefly before braving a return to the lion's den-Tarquin’s office.

“Sir, Mrs. Bradford has returned. She’s waiting at Royal Community right now.”



...Your wife, sir. The one you're married to in name.”


Tarquin a moment to remember he had a wife he'd never met, “What does she want?” “She's asking for a


Tarquin was silent. That wayward woman hadn’t made contact in six years, and now she suddenly wanted a


He had no fond feelings for her, but if he divorced her, what excuse would he have to fend off Nola?

“Tell her I'm on a business trip. | can’t divorce her now. If she wants a divorce, she’ll have to wait until | return. As

for when that will be, it's undecided.”

If she had been a decent woman, he might have felt a twinge of guilt using her. But she wasn’t. Tarquin felt no

remorse at all by utilizing her.