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His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293 Trophy Wife


Inside the grandiose ballroom of the restaurant, with its dimly lit chandeliers and expensive- looking

wall hangings, Logan began mingling. A sudden sense of isolation swept over me as I clung to his arm,

the only anchor amidst a sea of unknown faces.

“Do you think this is how Moana feels at the events with Edrick?” Ema asked, feeling just as cautious

as I did. I imperceptibly shook my head. “No. My dad always cares for her at their events, and it’s not

nearly as dangerous. Although, I do remember her telling me how people looked down on her back

before she was the Golden Wolf. So maybe this is a little like how she felt back that.. But just a little.”

As we approached groups of men in tailored suits, discussing what I presumed were deals and

underworld business, Logan would pause to introduce me. “This is Dahlia,” he would say smoothly,

each time keeping his promise to use my pseudonym.

As we continued to navigate through the crowd, my senses became more acute to the conversations

around us. While most were: banal or superficial exchanges about the evening or general pleasantries,

one particular conversation drew me in. I felt Ema attune her hearing so that I could hear better.

Two men, standing off to the side, were engaged in a heated discussion. Their body language and

hushed tones suggested a level of secrecy.

“…I’m telling you, the profits from the ‘W’ trade are skyrocketing,” one of them-a tall, well-built man with

a scar tracing his jawline-asserted, glancing around nervously.

His companion, a man with a shifty gaze and slicked-back hair, nodded. “Investing in it was the best

decision we ever made. No one saw it coming. But you’ve tried it yourself, right? To see what the fuss

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is all about?”

The scarred man chuckled, shaking his head. “Not me, but I’ve seen the effects. Those who have taken

it-they’re different. Their wolves, man, they’re… enhanced. Stronger, faster, more dominant.”

The slicked-back haired man raised an eyebrow. “So it’s true, then? The rumors?” “Seems like it. But

I’d be careful. Once you’re on ‘W’, there’s no going back.”

I felt a chill run down my spine. The term ‘W’ resonated in my mind. As Logan and I moved past the

pair, I leaned closer to him, my voice barely above a whisper. “Logan, what’s ‘W’?”

Logan glanced back at the two men, then sighed. “It’s a drug, or so they say. Rumors have been

swirling around for some time about ‘W’- how it enhances the wolf in those of our kind. But I don’t know

much about it, to be honest.”

I furrowed my brows. “Enhances? How?”

He exhaled slowly. “The stories vary. Some say it brings out the wolf’s most primal instincts, magnifying

their strengths. Others claim it creates an even more unbreakable bond between man and wolf,

causing the two to merge into a single entity. All I know is, it’s dangerous. Highly addictive, and has

already caused more than its fair share of chaos.”

I glanced back at the two men, an unnerving curiosity gnawing at me. “Why would anyone want to use

such a thing?”

Logan tilted his head, pondering my question. “Power, mostly. Imagine having your wolf’s strength,

agility, and senses amplified… all of the time, even in human form. It would be intoxicating. But there’s

a cost-a heavy one. The body and mind aren’t meant to handle that kind of constant surge. Many

who’ve been rumored to take it end up… broken.”

Feeling a shiver, I wrapped my arms around myself. “And those two?” I motioned discreetly towards the

men discussing the trade.

Logan’s face darkened, “Involved in its distribution, most likely. The ‘W’ trade has been lucrative for

those willing to take the risk.”

“I can’t believe it..” I muttered, my mind racing. Logan grabbed my arm gently, guiding me away. “Best

to stay clear of people discussing that sort of thing. Trust me, Ella. Nothing good can come from

delving into that world.”

His words made sense. The world I’d stepped into that evening was already layered with threats and

secrets, and ‘W’ was just another shadow lurking in its corners. Yet, despite the clear danger, I couldn’t

help but wonder. What was ‘W’? What did it truly do? How many had fallen under its spell?

The evening continued, but the knowledge of ‘W’ was like a stone in my shoe, uncomfortable and

impossible to ignore. Every now and then, my gaze would drift back to the two men, wondering how

deep they were in this dark. trade and what other secrets they held.

In the end, I realized it was not just about ‘W’ but about the entire world that Logan was a part of a

world where power struggles were a daily affair, and where lines between right and wrong were blurred.

It made me reevaluate my own position in all of this and whether I was ready to learn more about the

shadows that lurked beneath the surface.

As we continued making our rounds, I observed the men as they spoke, finding their discussions

simultaneously riveting and intimidating. Yet, one thing stood out to me: not many of them would bother

to address me directly.

Their glances towards me were fleeting, often dismissive, as if they were seeing right past me. At first,

it felt as if they regarded the women at their side in a similar light- accessories, no more significant than

the expensive watches they wore.

However, my patience began to wane when a burly man with a cigar, presumably a higher-up in the

Mafia ranks, eyed me up and down in a disturbingly overt manner.

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“Looks like you’ve picked a good one this time, Logan,” he commented, a lecherous smirk tugging at

the corners of his lips. “Much better than the last one. She was too skinny and frail, but this one looks…

healthy. Muscular.”

Ema growled inside of me. “Crush him,” she snarled. “What a disgusting pig.” Unable to restrain myself,

I retorted, “How about you shove that opinion where the sun. doesn’t shine?”

Instead of looking affronted, the man erupted into boisterous laughter, the sound echoing. throughout

the vicinity. Logan’s grip on my arm tightened, and he swiftly interjected, steering me away from the

group. “Let’s not make a scene here, Dahlia,” he murmured, but I could sense the tension in his voice.

Once we were out of earshot, I jerked my arm free from his grasp, my eyes flaring with anger. “Logan, if

you surround yourself with these misogynists, how different are you from them?”

He sighed, running a hand through his raven- black hair. “Believe me, Ella,” he began, using my real

name for a brief moment, “that’s one of the main reasons why I want to distance myself from all this.

But for tonight, I need you to bear it.”

My breathing was shallow, a mixture of frustration and anger swirling inside me. “If anyone tries that

again, I’ll knock them out.”

Logan chuckled, the sound deep and soothing. “I won’t lie, the fiery side of you? It’s kind of sexy.” He

winked. “But promise me you’ll keep that as a last resort?”

“Last resort? I’ll give them the last punch they’ll ever remember,” I spat defiantly. “Male chauvinist pigs.”

Logan smirked.

“What?” I growled.

“Oh, nothing,” he said. Feeling the need to drown my frustrations, I downed the remaining champagne

from my glass and held the empty glass out towards him. “I need another.”

His amused expression softened as he took my glass, setting it on a waiter’s tray and grabbing a fresh

one for me. Handing the new glass to me, he smiled.

“That’s my girl,” he said, his voice low but playful as his blue eyes bore into mine. At his words, I felt an

undeniable heat creep up into my cheeks.