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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 137
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Chapter 137

Here was the scoop. This dude’s name was George, and along with his full backg round, there was a report on his plastic surgery!

The guy went for a full facelift.

Evadne remembered what George looked like before the surgery. Just like Arnol d showed her before, he was Acacia’s gym trainer boyfriend from overseas!

“That’s him! That’s him! The guy who groped Acacia!”

Evadne got so worked up that she couldn’t help but blurt it out.

After all, the photo of Acacia getting groped left a deep impression on her.

Ca**ius coughed lightly and said with a bitter smile, “Evadne, watch your language.”

“I knew it.” Evadne scoffed. “This is so Acacia!”

Ca**ius’s gaze turned icy, and it was filled with anger, “Before, I thought that wo man was just playing some petty tricks. I underestimated her.”

“But I find it weird. Why did this man have to get plastic surgery, and so thoroug h at that?”

Evadne sneered, “Could it be that he had to get surgery to become Acacia’s man?”

“Keep reading.” Ca**ius gently reminded her.

Evadne read a bit more and saw a gambling debt contract.

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“Turns out he’s a gambler, and he owes half a million.”

Ca**ius calmly said, “He’s in debt. Casinos, banks, loan sharks, they’re all after h im. He got plastic surgery to dodge his debt.”

Evadne instantly understood everything. “This man ran out of money. He was at his wit’s end, so he went to Acacia to squeeze some money out of her, given that Acacia is now the future Mrs. CEO and she’s loaded.”

“Then, Acacia exploited this man’s greed and proposed a condition.”

Ca**ius’s breath suddenly became heavy. He held Evadne in his arms, anger fias hed in his eyes, “The condition was to hurt you.”

“I guess these two haven’t settled on a deal. If Acacia knew that the man was going to lay his hands on me tonight, she would have chosen another time t o off herself.”

Evadne looked at Ca**ius with admiration, “But, it’s only been a few hours since the incident and you’ve already figured everything out. You even found the man’s gambling debt contract. Are you an angel in disgu ise?”

“Coincidence.” Ca**ius gently patted Evadne’s head. “The casino he frequents w as once under my control. The people there are still my guys, just one word and I can find out anything.”

Evadne’s mouth dropped open in shock.

Ca**ius was so cool!


Acacia’s suicide attempt deeply hurt Thaddeus. Frederic urgently blocked all n ews, determined not to tarnish the Abernathy family’s image again.

In the study, the father and son were at odds again.

“Thaddeus, things have reached this point. The only solution is for you to marry Acacia as soon as possible!” Frederic commanded, “Isn’t that what you want too? If there’s not enough time for a wedding, then have an engagement party, but do it soon. Don’t let things get more complicate d. Don’t create more trouble!”

“I’ll try to help her overcome her depression,” Thaddeus said with determinatio n, “But, I can’t marry her.”

“What did you say?” Frederic stood up in anger, “Weren’t you the one who insisted on marrying her, even secretly divorcing Ms. Evadne, eager to make her your wife? Now you’ve dumped your ex–wife, and your current fiancée tried to kill herself because of you. What the hell are you thinking? You’re so fick le. You don’t seem sincere at all. Are you really my son?” Frederic reprimanded.

Thaddeus gave a cold smile, which pained Frederic’s heart.

“What are you laughing at? Do you think what I said is funny?” Frederic asked an grily.


“Thaddeus, you’re out of line!” Frederic’s face turned red with anger, he banged the table.

“If you’d told me to marry her for the sake of the company’s image, I would have commended your honesty. But you’re using morality to pressure me, all I can say is, I learned that from you.” Th addeus looked resolute, exposing the truth without hesitation.

He wore a bitter smile. It was unclear whether he was mocking Frederic or himself.

“What did you say?” Frederic was taken aback, his eyes twitching uncontrollably .

“Acacia has changed and she is no longer the woman I want to marry. Now, I can’t convince myself to marry her.” Thaddeus lowered his head, his eyes filled with sadness, “But she did save my life. If not for her, I might not be alive now. I’ll do everything I can to help her. When she recovers, I’ll formally break up with her.”

“You want to break up with Acacia?” Frederic thought he heard wrong, so he con firmed again.

“Yes,” Thaddeus replied decisively.

“Acacia has serious depression. She tried to kill herself because the wedding w as postponed! If you break up with her, isn’t that like asking her to die? She’s sic k, and how can she handle such a shock?” Frederic was so anxious he couldn’t ev en speak clearly.

“That’s why I won’t break up with her now. I’ll wait till she recovers, then I’ll for mally break up with her.” Thaddeus’s gaze was cold, his mind made up.

Frederic was so shocked he just stared, slowly sitting back down, he looked at T haddeus with a probing gaze, “Are you breaking up with Acacia because you’ve f allen for Evadne?”

Thaddeus’s heart tightened, but he immediately denied it, “I don’t like her.”

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“Even though you didn’t grow up with me, you’re my child. A father knows his chi ld best!”



Frederic’s eyes turned sharp and he sneered, “After your grandpa’s birthday bas h that night, when Emeric took Evadne home, you were full of reluctance. I hear d you even took her home that day. You embarra**ed Acacia in front of her. Thaddeus, you’ve never been one to hesitate. You were always lik e this when you were a kid. If you don’t want something, you’d drop it without a second thought, without any lingering feelings! But why are you being so soft towards Evadne, giving in again and again? And you’re still saying you do n’t like her.”

“I’ll say it again. My break up with Acacia has nothing to do with Evadne.”

Thaddeus suddenly stood up, anger fiashing in his eyes. The veins in his neck we re prominent against his pale skin. “Even if it weren’t Evadne, Acacia had no rig ht to stir up trouble and frame others.”

“It’s all because she loves you! If she didn’t care about you and was only interested in your status and power, why would she bother messing with Evadne ? Women are easy to get jealous, and they’re more likely to lose control over the ones they care about the most. Plus, Evadne is your ex– wife. Isn’t it reasonable for her not to accept this?”

Frederic said this and suddenly thought of Elspeth.

Back then, Elspeth was just like Acacia. She loved to cry and throw tantrums, act ing all sweet and cuddly, making him fall head over heels in love, unable to extr icate himself.

In his eyes, this was a sign of love. He believed Acacia must be deeply in love wi th Thaddeus. She disregarded everything just to keep his heart, just like Elspeth did for Frederic. “Evadne used to love me.”

The moment the words left his mouth. Thaddeus felt a pang of sadness. “In the t hree years we were married, she never hurt anyone. When did love become a reason to hurt and slander others at will?”

He didn’t want to say more to Frederic and turned to leave.

“Thaddeus! Are you going to let the Abernathy Group fall into trouble?”

“Don’t worry, even if I don’t marry Acacia, I won’t let the Abernathy Group fall int o trouble.”