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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

Could anyone believe that Glynnis could be so heartless to her own sister, Marilla? Did she have no

shred of humanity left in her?!

“Alva, I get it. But you’ve got to understand that I’m no longer Mr. Thaddeus’s wife, I’m just an outsider.

I can’t get involved too much in their family matters,” Evadne was fuming but felt helpless at the same


“I know, but who else can I turn to? Who else can I tell?” Alva was sobbing uncontrollably.

“Alva, don’t be upset.”

Seeing Alva so heartbroken, Evadne was also deeply affected. She softly comforted. “I’ll handle this.

You just need to take good care of Marilla. If I find an opportunity, I’ll do whatever I can to help her.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Abernathy!” Alva was profoundly grateful. After hanging up, she still couldn’t let go.

Evadne stared at the dark screen, sighing deeply.

“Is that Alva you’ve often mentioned?” Cas sius asked over a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, she’s the family ser vant who took care of Thaddeus since he was a kid. She’s simple and kind-

hearted. She was really nice to me when I was with the Abernathy family.” That was always Evadne’s

way. She would forever remember those who were good to her; those who crossed her, she’d make

sure to get even.

“Considering Alva reached out to you, she must be in really hot water.”

“It’s about Marilla from the Abernathy family,” Evadne thought of Marilla’s innocent face and felt a pang

in her heart, “The girl has autism and is very introverted. Although she’s the Abernathy family’s

daughter, she doesn’t get any attention from her parents and lives a careful life. When I was with the

Abernathy family, I could protect her. Glynnis had some restraint out of respect for me. Now that I’m

gone, Glynnis has become increasingly reckless.”

“Even if the girl’s situation sounds pitiful, it’s still the Abernathy family’s internal affairs,” Cas sius sighed

helplessly, his eyes filled with worry, “You have divorced Thaddeus. It’s better to stay out of his family’s


“I know, I’ll control myself. Speaking of which, weren’t you at the company? What brings you here?

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Missing me?” Evadne walked behind Cas sius and put her arms around his neck naturally.

“Of course, I miss you. But I came here because I got this in the morning. I thought I should discuss it

with you.”

Cas sius smirked and took out an invitation from his pocket.

“This is?” Evadne was surprised.

“Mr. Hamiltion’s birthday invitation. It was personally delivered to me by Mr. Frederic’s secretary,” Cas

sius was smiling, but his tone had a deep meaning.

“Okay, they finally dragged you into it,” Evadne sneered, seeing through the plot behind the scenes

instantly, “The Abernathy group and the Ashbourne group have always been known competitors in the

business world. They had never interacted for years, why would they suddenly send you an invitation to

Mr. Hamiltion’s birthday?”

“So, this clearly isn’t Frederic Abernathy’s idea. This invitation must’ve come from someone around


Cas sius stroked his chin, contemplating, “Evadne, the other side is inscrutable. I’m afraid Mr.

Hamiltion’s birthday party won’t be that easy to deal with.”

“No matter what their plan is, I’m not afraid. I’m not even afraid of Thaddeus, why should I be afraid of

Elspeth, a washed-up third-tier actress?” Evadne sat next to Cas sius, her red lips curling in a cold

smile, “Everyone has their tricks, the key is whether to play them or not. If Elspeth wants to compete

with me, then I’ll play along.”

“I’ve handled the invitation for you, you can pretend you never saw it and ignore it.”

“No, I have already decided to go,” Cas sius said firmly.


“Evadne, the Ashbourne family has never been afraid of trouble. We should be unyielding and forge

ahead.” Cas sius looked at her with tender eyes, his hand on her shoulder, “I didn’t know you were

wronged before and I couldn’t protect you. Now that you’re back with us, I won’t let you be wronged


“Thank you.” Evadne’s eyes welled up with tears, deeply moved.

Cas sius sighed and pulled Evadne into his arms as he continued, “There might be unexpected

situations at Mr. Hamiltion’s birthday party, you might get bullied by the Abernathy family if you were

there alone. I don’t want you to face such a situation again.”

Evadne wiped her eyes, feeling warm inside.

Her world was never short of love.

She was just too obsessed with making Thaddeus fall in love with her and ended up in such a mess.

If one wanted to be liked by someone, then they must take the risk of being hurt.

She had been hurt by Thaddeus before, it was time to let go of him.

Time went by, and before they knew it, it was Hamiltion’s birthday.

The Abernathy family took this birthday party very seriously.

Frederic not only spent a fortune buying a traditional-style mansion as a birthday gift for Mr. Hamiltion

but also held the party there, just to celebrate the occasion.

That day, those who came to congratulate Hamiltion were all prominent figures in society, including

wealthy businessmen, financial tycoons, and some old friends of Mr. Hamiltion, each an influential artist

in the country.

For that day’s birthday party, Acacia and Glynnis started picking out dresses, getting facials, and

getting their nails done a week in advance.

That didn’t look like a birthday party, more like they were gearing up for their own weddings, hoping to

be the brightest star among all women attending the party.

Unfortunately, they didn’t expect the party venue to be a traditional villa, making their fashionable

dresses look out of place. They couldn’t even find a decent spot to take pictures!

“Glynnis, what did you get for Mr. Hamiltion?” Acacia asked curiously.

“I got him an antique vase. Mr. Hamiltion loves antiques, he’s going to love my gift!” Glynnis said,

flaunting her new pink diamond ring.

“Oh, how old is the vase?”



Chapter 93

“Over three hundred years!”

“Wow, is a gift that old really suitable for Mr. Hamiltion?” Acacia blinked her meticulously painted eyes

in feigned ignorance. “I heard Thaddeus bought a five-hundred-year-old antique at a charity auction for

four million! He said he was going to give it to Mr. Hamiltion. Doesn’t that make your gift seem, well,

less impressive?”

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Feeling belittled, Glynnis glared, “Thaddeus is the CEO of the Abernathy group. Of course, his gift has

to be top-notch, it’s representing the company’s image.” “You’re right, Thad is so incredible!” Acacia

said proudly.

“Besides, I’m Mr. Hamiltion’s favorite granddaughter. He’ll appreciate anything I give him,” Glynnis

snapped. “Enough about me, what did you get for Mr. Hamiltion?”

“I got a rarity, bought it at an auction for over a million. You’ll see soon enough,” Acacia grinned,

keeping the suspense.

She actually had that much money to spare?! Didn’t Elspeth say that Acacia’s family was nearly


So, marrying Thaddeus could instantly change one’s fate, and Acacia, even before officially joining the

family, was already splurging the Abernathy family’s money?

The more Glynnis thought about it, the more upset she became, and mocked, “I’m genuinely worried

for you. Ilana should be arriving soon, right? After all, Mr. Hamiltion used to adore her. He’s bound to

invite her. Won’t it be awkward when you see her?”

“Why should I feel awkward? I’m Thaddeus’s fiancee! She’s the one who should feel awkward!”

Acacia’s eyes reddened a bit, clearly agitated by her words.

“But Ilana hasn’t officially divorced Thaddeus yet. Though it’s only a matter of time, she still holds a

higher status than you do today,” Glynnis secretly chuckled, finding Acacia’s anxious reaction

satisfying, “What if Mr. Hamiltion introduces Ilana as Mrs. Abernathy? What will you do then?”

Acacia turned pale, full of resentment.

“Relax, Acacia.”

Glynnis jumped at the sudden voice, turning to see Elspeth walking over with a gla** of red wine.

Acacia quickly latched onto Elspeth’s arm, leaning on her shoulder.

Glynnis never found Acacia annoying before, but that day, she was just intolerable!

Elspeth was her mother, not Acacia’s! Acting as if they were mother and daughter, the nerve!

Elspeth patted Acacia’s arm, her eyes cold, “Acacia, don’t worry, I’ve got your back. As for Ilana, she

better not start any drama!”


