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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

After Thaddeus spoke, even he was taken aback. He had no evidence, but he just a**umed that Ilana

was that kind of person. He even hoped Ilana was that kind of person, as if it would prove his

importance in llana’s heart.

“Thaddeus, are you perhaps a little too full of yourself?”

Evadne’s heart ached a little, as she chuckled. “Honestly, I’ve never thought about getting back at you.

Whether you’ve married Acacia, or even if you went all Emeric and married four, I wouldn’t care.

Because I think hating you is the most pointless thing in the world.”

Thaddeus felt as if he’d been su cker punched. “Ilana…you…”

“Camille’s orders are lined up till the end of next year, she’s always been a stickler for her principles.

Even if the leader’s wife came, she’d still have to wait her turn. Maybe she wanted to get some

payback for me, but I’m not so pathetic as to use a friend to get back at her. If I really wanted to, I

could’ve slapped her a few times, so why would I go through all that trouble? You really don’t

understand me at all, do you?” Evadne’s tone was somewhat teasing, a smile playing on her lips.

But Thaddeus thought her eyes looked dull and lifeless, devoid of any spark. It hurt him a little.

“Ilana!” As the two were at an impa**e, a familiar voice rang out.

It was Cas sius!

Evadne took the opportunity to break away from Thaddeus and almost jogged over to Cas sius. He

gently held her in his arms. “Sorry, I was held up. I’m late.”

“It’s okay.” Evadne sniffled, her eyes glistening.

“He…didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Cas sius looked worriedly at Thaddeus.

Evadne shook her head. “Let’s go home.”

Thaddeus stood there for a while, then quickly followed. Outside, by the Rolls-Royce, Jason was

waiting for them.

Tm tired of these heels, sneakers are so much better,” Evadne whined to Cas sius.

“Jason, get the shoes I brought for Evadne.”

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Jason quickly retrieved a pair of sneakers from the trunk and placed them at Evadne’s feet.

Just then, Thaddeus reached the door. He watched as Cas sius knelt down on one knee, took off his

ex-wife’s heels, and helped her into her sneakers, tying them for her. More caring than he would be to

his own daughter.

Evadne nonchalantly took a piece of chocolate from Jason’s jacket pocket, took a bite, and smiled

sweetly. “Let’s go. Let’s go home.”

Cas sius took her hand and helped her into the car, which quickly sped off.

Thaddeus felt a gaping hole in his chest, an unprecedented sense of loss filled his heart.

His ex-wife, who used to wait for him day in and day out in their empty house, was now being

pampered like a princess by Cas sius. Cas sius, the epitome of nobility, was willing to set aside his

status for her, and his eyes were filled with love.

True love was not even wanting her to bend over to tie her shoes.

Seeing her being cared for so tenderly made him uncomfortable.

That night, Acacia used visiting Elspeth and Mr. Frederic as an excuse to follow Thaddeus back to

Windermere Estate.

“Thaddeus, why did you suddenly disappear? You left me all alone. I was really nervous…”

They sat in the back seat, and Acacia wrapped her arms around Thaddeus, her head resting on his


“Acacia.” Thaddeus slowly removed his arm from her embrace, his voice cold. “In the future, when you

see Ilana again, and she doesn’t show any hostility towards you, don’t bother her, okay?”

“Thaddeus… do you think I’m bullying her?” Acacia’s eyes immediately reddened, her voice on the

verge of tears.

“Isn’t that the case?”


“She didn’t do anything to you today.”

Thaddeus cold gaze fell on Acacia’s pale face. “No matter how much you resent her, she and I are

divorced. After Grandpa’s birthday, when we officially get the divorce papers. we won’t have anything to

do with each other. I hope you stop making a scene, that’s all I ask.”

The rest of the way, Thaddeus didn’t say a word to Acacia until they reached Windermere Estate.

Acacia, bearing her fiancé’s coldness, harbored a growing resentment towards

I’m going upstairs to change.” With a gloomy expression, Thaddeus left.

Acacia gritted her teeth in frustration. She didn’t think she was in the wrong. Ilana had taken her

marriage and monopolized the man who should’ve been hers for three whole years. Even if Acacia

killed Illana, it wouldn’t be enough to quell the hatred in her heart, so what were a few mocking words?

Thaddeus, why did you always take her side? Why?

Half an hour later, Thaddeus, now changed, descended the stairs with Alva. Halfway down, he heard

the laughter of three women coming from the living room.

Glynnis said, “We really need to get a new chef. The food’s been horrible ever since Ilana left! That

country bumpkin was actually pretty good at cooking, and not completely useless,”

Acacia said, “Ilana had to cook for you guys every day?”

Glynnis replied, “Of course, it was the only good luck that allowed her to join the Abernathy family as a

country girl. She had to show her worth, right? You have no idea what the maids were saying about

her, calling her an upscale nanny.”

Thaddeus expression turned frosty, his fingers clenched into fists.

Elspeth said, “I thought she’d know when to quit, with Thaddeus being so cold to her and the family

looking down on her, I didn’t think she’d last a year before divorcing. I never thought she’d endure the

humiliation and work for three years before getting a divorce, honestly, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. She

really knows how to endure.”



Glynnis went. “Thank g od Acacia’s back. Otherwise, Ilana would’ve just kept mooching off us. So


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Thaddeus couldn’t bear it anymore. He snapped, “Have you guys had enough?”

The atmosphere downstairs changed instantly, like the temperature dropped to freezing.

“Thaddeus, actually we…” Acacia stood up quickly, trying to defuse the tension.

“Don’t you guys understand that you’re supposed to be grateful when someone helps you?” Thaddeus

cut Acacia off before she could finish, his stern tone scaring her.

Elspeth and Glynnis went pale. “Thaddeus, what are you talking about, we…”

“You guys have been enjoying Ilana’s help, not only ungrateful, but now even making fun of her. You

think I’d just sit back and take it?” Thaddeus’ eyes were so cold it was frightening.

Ilana? They hadn’t misheard, had they?

Throughout their three years of marriage. Thaddeus had always referred to her formally. This

indifference made the Abernathy family think Ilana was someone easily controlled. Now they were

divorced, but he mentioned Ilana frequently, as if they’d had a great relationship.

The three women went pale, and all the ser vants kept quiet.

“Even though Ilana and I are divorced, she was once my wife. I won’t allow anyone to disrespect her,

especially in the Abernathy family.” Thaddeus gritted his teeth, and his brows furrowed. “I suggest you

stop making yourselves a laughingstock.”

With that, he stormed upstairs, face flushed with anger.

The three he left behind were mortified and furious; especially Elspeth, her well-maintained face was

turning red.

“What are you looking at? Go do your work!” Glynnis yelled in anger, only able to vent to the ser vants.

Acacia hadn’t recovered from the shock. She never remembered Thaddeus losing his temper like this

at home.

“Look, Acacia, this is the man you’re marrying. You’re not even his wife yet, and he’s defending another

woman in front of you!” Elspeth mocked.

Acacia was too angry to speak. She tried to follow him upstairs, but was stopped by Alva. “I’m sorry,

Ms. Acacia, Mr. Thaddeus is not in the mood, and he won’t be down for dinner either. Make yourself at
