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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

So, the ugly truth of these top executives talking behind the female president is all out in the open now.

“This is way too much! Missy is the only legitimate daughter of the Ashbourne family! What the hell

were they thinking?” Jason, the President’s secretary sitting in the pa**enger seat, was so angry that

his cheeks turned red.

“Ah, all that stuff about being the legitimate daughter, that’s all in the past now. I don’t care about It, yet

here you are still fussing over it.”

Evadne squinted her eyes, reached out, and pinched Jason’s cheek, turning it even redder.

“Evadne, you’re the future President K, can’t you act a bit more like a leader? Don’t treat Jason like

this.” Cas sius frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong? It’s okay for male bosses to flirt with female secretaries, but I can’t touch my male

secretary’s face?”

Evadne smirked, “Besides, he should be thanking me!”

Cas sius just shook his head, his eyes filled with a doting and gentle smile.


The executives gathered around Evadne and Cas sius as they walked into the hotel.

The vice president Keith Porter led them towards the elevator, but Evadne casually said, “I want to

have a look at the restaurant first.”

Well, okay! She started inspecting the moment she stepped in, without even saying hello!

Nervously, Keith led President Ashbourne and the others to the buffet restaurant.

Cas sius remained calm, just letting his sister do her thing.

It wasn’t lunchtime yet, so there were no customers in the restaurant, but the waitstaff had already

started setting up the food.

Evadne’s sharp eyes scanned the dishes, stopping abruptly at the seafood section.

She rolled up her sleeves, reached into the gla** tank, and accurately picked out a dead shrimp from



“Th-this shrimp isn’t dead…” Keith stammered.

“It’s not dead? Then how about you try it?” Evadne said, smiling.

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“President Ashbourne, as you can see, there are many shrimps, it’s normal if one is dead…”

“It’s normal for a shrimp to die, but if a customer ate it and got food poisoning, would you still think it’s


Evadne immediately dropped her smile, “Also, there are 356 shrimps in this tank, I quickly counted,

there are five dead shrimps and at least thirty barely alive. I don’t know how the customers would feel

when they find such things in their $30 meal, but my opinion is, I’ll never come to this hotel again!

Dispose of all seafood immediately and find a new supplier. If I see one dead shrimp in tomorrow’s

lunch, I’ll bring it back for you to taste.”

Keith was scared stiff, and the executives were stupefied.

Only Cas sius and Jason knew that Evadne had an amazing memory, she could remember a lot of

information at a glance. When she was young, she even helped the police solve a major crime case

with those eyes.

Counting a few shrimps was a piece of cake for her.

After arriving at the guest rooms, Evadne took a white handkerchief from Jason and gently wiped it on

the wall and picture frames.

“The cleaning is subpar, there’s dust, redo it.”

The executives were utterly hopeless.

“You must be thinking I’m being overly picky about these details, right?”

Evadne appeared calm, but her tone was serious, “But these minor issues could lead to the downfall of

a century-old hotel. If these problems were found by the star rating committee, we would lose our star


She gestured to Jason, who understood and ordered, “Open the door to this guest room.”

The head of the room department fumbled to open the door. In the past, when bosses came for

inspections, they would usually clean two sample rooms for them to check, just for show.

But President Ashbourne completely ignored the standard procedures!

Evadne entered the room, first inspecting the bathroom, then the bedroom, sitting on the bed.

Immediately, her face turned serious.

But she didn’t say anything, just ended the inspection and went to the General Manager’s office with

her brother.



Chapter 5

“How do you feel after the inspection? Cas sius asked with a smile.

“Heh, it’s a complete mess.”

Evadne collapsed onto the sofa, propping her elbow on the armrest and sighing. “Is Emeric testing me

or mocking me? This hotel is the pits! Is this really a property of the Ashbourne family?”

“Evadne, this hotel was founded by our grandfather. The Ashbourne group started with the hotel

industry and gradually expanded with hard work, that’s how we got the K Group today.

This hotel is not a disaster, but a place carrying the sentiments of three generations of the Ashbourne

group. But because we now have too many businesses, and indeed, the hotel industry has been in a

slump these past few years, we all have our own jobs, so… it was neglected.”

Cas sius sighed with self-blame and helplessness, “You’ll have to work harder.”

That’s when Evadne noticed the all-black plano in the corner.

She caught her breath.

“I had it put there. I remember you used to play the piano when you were feeling down, or you’d go to

the riding range and have a good horse


Cas sius blinked, “I think you’ll be busy these next two months, horse riding is not realistic, so when

you’re tired, play a few pieces. You play the piano very well, I remember…”

“Thank you. But I haven’t played the piano in a long time.”

Evadne’s throat was dry, an old wound in her heart that had taken so long to heal quietly opened again.

The blood flowing from her cold heart was still hot.

“What happened?” Cas sius was startled.

“I injured my hand while working as a Doctors Without Borders, rescuing casualties on the battlefield. I

ruptured the ligament in my little finger, it didn’t break, but it’s as good as useless, can’t play wide range

notes anymore, might as well.. stop playing.”

Evadne tried to sound as calm as possible when recounting the story.

Cas sius’ heart ached, he quickly held his sister’s hand.

“Was it… for Thaddeus?”

“Yes, and no.”

When Evadne heard that name, it still hurt like hell, but she managed to put on a radiant smile. “I got

injured for world peace, that’s something to be proud of.”

Five years ago, she bumped into Thaddeus, the man she had been missing, right on the battlefield of


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She was a field medic and he was a peacekeeper.

He fought for peace and she almost lost the function of her hand trying to get him, a severely wounded

soldier, back to safety.

Back then, she saw it as an honor. Now, every time she looked at her numb pinkie, all she felt was


But that was all in the past. Even if she had loved the wrong man, she wasn’t going to sob and regret it.

Just then, Jason hurriedly knocked on the door and walked in.

“Miss, I’ve found what you asked for. Our hotel’s bedding and some furniture are supplied by Vintage

Elegance. Mr. Keith was in charge of the


“Vintage Elegance, huh.”

Evadne elegantly crossed her legs, a dangerous glint in her eyes. “Tell the finance department to get

me the hotel’s account for the past two years. Then, contact a new bedding supplier and replace

Vintage Elegance entirely!”

*Such a big move? Cas sius raised an eyebrow.

“Vintage Elegance was founded by Thaddeus’ brother.”

“So, it’s a personal grudge.” Cas sius and Jason said simultaneously.

“No! It’s because Vintage Elegance’s products are subpar. They sold us cheap bedding for our Solanis

hotel, so I’m going to punish them,” Evadne emphasized.

Just the thought of that lousy mattress made her angry. Uncomfortable accommodations could affect

customer reviews, no wonder there were so many bad reviews online!

“There’s another thing…”

Jason hurriedly spoke again, “President Ashbourne asked me to keep an eye on the Abernathy family’s

situation. I just got word, Mr. Hamiltion had a stroke and is hospitalized, in our Ashbourne group’s




Chapter 5

“He’s in the hospital?!” Evadne immediately stood up, in a state of great anxiety.

At that moment, Cas sius’ phone rang.

He glanced down at the screen and smiled slightly.

“Evadne, it’s your ex-husband.”