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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105

Acacia’s words got Hamiltion all jittery. He asked nervously, “What’s up? Is Ilana alright?”

Thaddeus also got all worked up from this.

“Acacia, just spit it out. No strangers here.” Elspeth urged with a cool glint in her eyes.

“Well, I was just strolling around the villa and saw Ms. Ilana and President Ashbourne entering the

same room. President Ashbourne seemed a bit drunk, I guess Ms. Ilana was taking care of him.”

Acacia put on an innocent face. “I was a bit freaked out at first, but then I thought since President

Ashbourne and Ms. Ilana are officially an item, there shouldn’t be any problem with them being


Thaddeus was so shocked that he gripped his hand tightly.

Emeric was puzzled and stood up at once, “Who’s Cas sius with? Who’s Ilana?”

Acacia looked at Thaddeus in fright.

Thaddeus felt his head throbbing, and without saying a word, he walked out.

Acacia was secretly pleased.

This time, she was going to make Ilana lose face!

“You guys still haven’t told me! Who the hell was Ilana?” Emeric asked anxiously, his temples


Cas sius had always been his pride and joy, and there’s no way he would mess around with some


“Chairman Emeric, you didn’t know?” Elspeth feigned surprise, “Mr. Cas sius and Ms. Ilana just went

public with their relationship at the birthday party just now. I saw Suri and Ms. Ilana getting along very

well at the charity auction, and I thought you had given your blessing.”

“What? Suri knew her too?” Emeric’s face changed drastically.

It seemed that both Cas sius and Suri had been influenced by this Ms. Ilana.

“Enough! Ilana and Mr. Cas s ius’s business is their own! There’s no need to bring it up!”

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Hamiltion, who cherished Ilana, naturally didn’t want to hear Elspeth stirring up trouble.

“This matter, if you dig deeper, is not merely their private affair.” Elspeth’s eyes shifted, “After all, Ilana

and Thaddeus have only signed a divorce agreement, and the divorce process has not been officially

completed. In principle, she is still a member of the Abernathy family. We originally planned to

announce Thaddeus and Acacia’s engagement after your birthday, and they have kept a low profile

during this period. Acacia, as the future lady of the Abernathy family, has suffered a lot because of

Ilana. We have been patient, but Ms. Ilana publicly announced her relationship with President

Ashbourne at your birthday party, putting the Abernathy family in an awkward position.”

Acacia and Glynnis exchanged glances, and they were almost dying of laughter!

Emeric was dumbstruck. His brain came to a sudden halt, leaving a blank.

Cas sius had always been a top-quality bachelor for thirty years. How could he suddenly fall for

Thaddeus’s wife?!

What a disaster!

Thaddeus was frantically running down the long corridor.

He had always been a noble, elegant, and steady man, like a nobleman from ancient times. It had been

many years since anyone had been able to upset his rhythm.

But this time, hearing that Ilana and Cas sius were in the same room, he lost control. He just wanted to

stop them, he wanted to pull her back to him at all costs.

When he arrived at the room door, Thaddeus’s eyes were bloodshot, his breathing was rapid, and he

was sweating like a pig.

What had happened in the room? How far had they gone? Could he still stop them?

Thaddeus felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened at this moment!

Evadne was panting, supporting a dishevelled Cas sius. When she saw Thaddeus, she was stunned.

Thaddeus’s hand hung in mid-air, his breathing uneven, his lips trembling.

“What are you doing here?” Evadne’s heart suddenly sped up, and then she laughed at herself, “Oh, so

the news has spread. You’re the first to come over and laugh at us, aren’t you?”

“Did he touch you?” Thaddeus’s fingers were tense, his face pale.

“None of your business. Get out of the way!”

Evadne was sweating profusely, just wanting to minimize the suffering for Cas sius. So she pushed

Thaddeus hard and walked straight to the other end of the corridor.

However, Thaddeus didn’t let her go. He stepped forward, grabbed her arm, and left a red mark on her

skin with his fingers.

His eyes were full of intense possessiveness, “Did he touch you? Ilana, answer me!”

“President Ashbourne was drugged at the Abernathy group’s banquet!”

Evadne suddenly looked up at him, her eyes filled with anger.

“What did you say?” Thaddeus was taken aback.

“I managed to control the effects of the drug in his body for now, but I don’t know how to deal with this

kind of messy stuff. I have to take him to the hospital for a check-up right away!”

Evadne’s eyes reddened, she forcefully shook off Thaddeus’s hand, “I don’t have time to argue with

you about these cra ppy things right now, but remember, if President Ashbourne suffers any harm on

the Abernathy group’s turf, I won’t let it go! I’ll fight you to the end! You’ll pay for this despicable act!”

Her words were like a knife piercing his heart and lungs as if even his soul had been cut with a long,

narrow wound.

Thaddeus’s cheek felt as if she had slapped it.



He never thought this woman would turn against him for Cas sius, nor had he ever seen a woman’s

gaze so fierce yet beautiful. “Ilana, please come back!” Thaddeus called out to her, swallowing his

pride, his voice raspy but she didn’t stop for him at all.

Then, a flurry of footsteps came from behind.

“Ilana! Ilana!”

That was Mr. Hamiltion’s anxious voice.

Evadne stopped, supporting a semi-conscious Cas sius and slowly turned around.

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The next second, her face turned pale as a ghost, as if she had been struck by lightning!

Standing with the Abernathy family was her father, Emeric!

And now. Emeric clearly saw her face, first surprised, then he rubbed his eyes hard, thinking he had

seen wrong.

Evadne’s throat closed up, and she could not utter a single word.

Fear, panic, shame, guilt, all sorts of emotions rushed to her heart like a swarm of ants gnawing at her

heart. “You all see this?” Acacia seized the opportunity to step forward, glaring at Evadne, “Ms. Ilana is

really causing us a scene! Thaddeus had said he’d divorce her after Mr. Hamiltion’s birthday party, Mr.

Hamiltion loved her so much, couldn’t she just suck it up? As Thaddeus’s fiance, I’ve given in

repeatedly so Mr. Hamiltion could have a peaceful birthday. But Ms. Ilana has done many things to

humiliate Mr. Hamiltion and the Abernathy family. Chairman Emeric, she threw herself into Mr. Cas

sius’s arms before breaking up with Mr. Thaddeus, even spending the night with him on Mr. Hamiltion’s

birthday. Was she really that desperate? Would you really let a woman like this date President


“Acacia!” Thaddeus roared, his anger reaching a boiling point.

Acacia trembled under the icy, sharp gaze of the man but she had already said these words.

This was a rare opportunity to defeat Ilana, even if Thaddeus got mad, she had to continue!

“Ilana, you and Cas sius?”

Hamiltion looked at the girl’s frozen face in shock, not knowing what to say.

Frederic shook his head with a taut face, glad that Thaddeus and Ilana had already broken up, or else

this loose woman might tarnish the family’s reputation!

“Well, young men and women sometimes can’t control themselves. It’s quite normal,” Elspeth sighed in

understanding, “Thankfully, only we know about tonight’s incident. It wouldn’t be good if it got out.”

“Evadne, come here.”

Emeric suddenly interrupted Elspeth’s words, his solemn face even more gloomy.

Everyone looked at each other, at a loss.

Evadne, who was Evadne? Who was he calling?

Unexpectedly, Evadne took a heavy step forward at this time, took a deep breath, her face as red as

fire, and shamefully uttered a word,”Dad.”