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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2510
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Lucas noticed Irene's disappointment. His damned compassion prompted him to give her an explanation. "Once you enter college, you can get a job near the mansion. The classes in college are much harder than in high school. If you continue studying by yourself, aren't you afraid that you won't graduate?" Irene nodded seriously. "Mr. Lucas, you're right, but why don't you take the lessons with me? Aren't you trying to get into college too? If we can get into the scollege, then I can continue taking care of you." "You sure can dream." Lucas doused her dream. "Do you really want to continue as a servant for the Woods family?" "A job is a job. If I could study, care for you, and earn money at the stime, how wonderful that would be!" Irene was afraid that he might misunderstand her, so she added, "Mr. Lucas, I'm not doing this because I want your family's money. I... like spending twith you. You don't bully me. You even treatquite well." Lucas was feeling a little hot from her praises, so he picked up his glass and drank swater.

"Have you seen anyone needing someone to look after them once they enter college?" "Rich kids need them!" Irene replied without thinking. "Miss Olivia studies abroad, and your father hired a nanny to care for her. If we go to the scollege, your father doesn't need to hire another person. Even if your father doesn't pay me, I can take care of you. If I have extra tafter work." Lucas saw that she was serious. He asked, "Which college would you like to go to?" "Turlington University." Lucas replied, "No go." "Mr. Lucas, don't destroy my confidence!" "I said that I'm a no-go." Irene was speechless. "Mr. Lucas, are you that far behind in your studies?" "Take a guess." "I think you just refuse to study. If you study, you'll surely be smarter than everybody." Lucas blushed at her praise.

Irene continued encouraging him, saying, "Mr. Lucas, why don't you jointomorrow? Let's get into Turlington University together, what do you say?" Lucas felt as if he was being supported by her. "You-" "If you get into Turlington University, I'll let you in on a secret." Irene took a deep breath and said mysteriously, "I have never told anyone this secret." Lucas forgot what he was about to say. He was interested in her secret.

"What secret?" Lucas could not imagine how a simple person like her could have secrets.

"It's pointless if I tell you now. Only Grandma and I know about this secret, but Grandma has passed away. Irene spoke to Lucas the most every day. Lucas was the only person she could confide in. S "I'm just afraid that you will allow this secret to fester in you," Lucas said. "I won't be able to get into Turlington University." nět "Sigh. Actually I might not get into Turlington University either. The minimum mark requirement is high forto manage," Irene sighed I'll take any univer get into! Mr. Lucas, I still have to thank you. If I make it in the future, I Phave to treat you to" Lucas was speechless.

can "Mr. Lucas, let's add each other as friends!" Irene found her phone in her bag. She wanted to exchange contacts with him. Lucas looked up at her sincere face. "Do you have to make it in the future to treatto a meal? What if you don't make it?" Irene was speechless. "Mr. Lucas, I don't know how to answer that question. Actually, I could treat you to a meal once I get my pay, but I can't treat you to something too expensive. I have to pay my debt." Lucas took her phone and entered his number before returning it to her. "In the future, if anyone takes your things, call me. It's late. You should go home!"