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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2497
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"You don't know that for sure. Wasn't there a famous actor who didn't announce that he was married until he retired? Maybe Eric got married in secret and already has a kid!" Layla immediately found her phone and called Eric.

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Eric was not working that night and answered the call right away.

"Uncle Eric, are you married? Do you have kids?" Layla held her phone nervously. "Did you get married in secret? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you admit to it." Eric chuckled. "Why are you asking?" "I'm just curious! I saw a famous actor who didn't announce that he was married until he retired, so I was wondering if you are doing the same," Layla said.

"I didn't get married in secret. Is your brother back? I saw your photos on social media." "I posted those the day before yesterday and you are only now seeing them?" "I don't use my phone all that often." "You are living less and less like a young man. My parents still use their phones all the time. What do you do every day if you don't use your phone?" "I'm busy with work." "Alright! I won't bother you, then." Layla was about to hang up when she stilled. She wanted to ask Eric out for dinner, but she noticed that everyone was looking at her; especially her father, who was staring at her intently, like a surveillance camera. el She hung up and decided that she would contact Eric via text message later on.

Meanwhile, it was six in the evening in Taronia, the sky was pitch dark. All the lights in the Woods' mansion chased away the darkness, and Irene pushed the gate of the South Block open. She had a bag in her arms. She rushed to the window of the bedroom on the first floor and knocked. After a while, someone opened the window and Lucas' expressionless face appeared.

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"Mr. Lucas, open the door and letin! I brought you something nice!" She beamed at him, her smile shone through the night like a second sun. Though her face was horrendous, Lucas did not feel disgusted, Instead, he felt increasingly pleased to see her. Irene blushed when she felt his eyes on her. When she realized that he remained quiet and was not moving, she said, "Mr. Woods and Mrs. Woods went out and won't be back so soon. It's cold out here, Mr. Lucas. Please, open the door for me!" She took a deep breath before heading to the door.

Lucas closed the bedroom door and felt drawn toward the door as he stepped out of his room.

"Mr. Lucas, see what I've brought you!" She placed the bag she held on the table and pulled something out of it.