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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2473
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"Oh... your Daddy must be very happy, right?" Ben was extremely moved. "If my son could be as exceptional as Hayden when he grows up, and if he could protectlike Hayden, I would be touched to death!" Layla said, "Uncle Ben, your son surely won't be as great as Hayden! My brother is the world's greatest person.' Ben's smile stiffened on his face.

Layla continued, "Unless Hayden dies, then will your son be the greatest person, because by then even Daddy would be dead, too." What Layla meant was that her father and brother were the greatest men on earth.

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Ben said, "Layla, it's New Year's, don't talk about death!" "Hey! Can you two stop talking about such macabre things?" Lilith immediately said. "Can't you just pray that I'm pregnant with a daughter? I don't want a son!" Ben was speechless.

Layla giggled. "Aunt Lilith, you surely have a girl in your tummy." Lilith was delighted when she heard that. "How do you know?" Layla said, "Hehe! I'm just talking nonsense! I'll tell you whatever you want to hear, as long as it makes you happy." Everyone howled with laughter.

In Ylore, Elliot excitedly went to the airport to pick his son up.

The day before yesterday, Avery had called him and told him to stay in his room. She told him to remain in the hotel and not to make any rash moves. She told him to wait for Hayden and Mike, who are coming with backup, before doing anything.

Elliot had been too moved, so he had spent the two days in the hotel resting. If he had not done so, he might have made things worse.

before his son could get herethe situation would be even more dangerous. At the airport, once Elliot saw Hayden and Mike, he immediately went forward to welcthem.

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"Hayden, you-" Before Elliot could finish his sentence, Mike interrupted, "I'm starving! Did you prepare food?" Elliot said, "It's at the hotel. Let's head over there and have lunch." "Oh! Help take the luggage then!" Mike handed his huge luggage to Elliot.

Elliot's bodyguard saw the bags and immediately moved to take them.

"You should be ensuring our safety. Leave the small things like carrying luggage to your boss," Mike yawned.

The bodyguard immediately retracted his hand. He was hyper-aware of his surroundings, and he scanned the room, looking for signs of danger.

"By the way, are you here as backup, and why are there only two of you?" the bodyguard asked after escorting them to the car. Mike said, "Are you silly or what?! Even if we were to bring people over, we can't let everyone know about it!" The bodyguard nodded and asked, "Then, how many people did you bring over? What about weapons? My boss suspects that the sworn brother which he had allied with has something to do with the Goold family tragedy." "Your boss is very dense," said Mike, taking a ab at Elliot right in front of" his bodyguard. "Ever since I heard of Juliet's death, I suspected them." The bodyguard awkwardly shut up and snuck a glance at Elliot.

Elliot too had suspicions about them, but he had not wanted to say anything as he did not have any evidence.

Juliet's death was the trigger that would start the war.