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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2424
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As soon as she mentioned her period, all the men immediately lowered their heads awkwardly.

"Lilith, you really don't hold back on anything with us!" Jun smiled sheepishly.

"You're all married and have kids, so what's wrong with talking about periods?"

Tammy laughed. "Are your periods on tmost of the time? My period wasn't before | gave birth, mainly because my sleep

schedule and eating habits are horrible. Doctors couldn't helpas well, and even if medicines helped for stime, my cycles

would get all messed up two months later."

Finally finding someone that she could relate to, Lilith said, "My periods are usually on time, but not exactly normal... most of the

time! | eat too little and probably don't absorb enough nutrition, so my flow is really little... The doctors only toldto eat more,

but | can't! | will get fat and dieting is so hard. I've asked a few of my colleagues, and they all have irregular menstruation, so |

stopped going to the doctors altogether."

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Both Jun and Elliot listened in silence, wondering why the discussion had taken such a sharp turn. Neither of them knew how to join

in the conversation.

Ben, on the other hand, appeared quite anxious. "Avery, is something wrong with her body? | checked online, and it says that if she

doesn't take care of that, she will age faster than normal..."

"Since when can you trust the inteand cup with a diagnosis based on that? What if the intesays I'm dying?" Lilith


"Don't panic, Ben. Lilith has been to the doctor and if nothing turns up, everything should be fine," Avery said, consoling him. "I've

heard that most models experience a delay that can last for months because of their diets."

"Yeah! That's what | told him, but he won't listen. He's always so anxious about it. He probably thinks that this is going to affect my

ability to give him a child," Lilith said.

"Lilith, I'm just worried about you. This has nothing to do with our child."

"I'm perfectly fine! Do | look sick to you?"

The two started arguing again.

"What's there to argue about?" Jun could not stand them any longer. "Just go to the hospital again during Lilith's leave! You two are

going on a honeymoon trip, right? Just take the tto rest and maybe everything will go back to normal."

"That's what | think, but | don't know if she thinks the same."

"Can you stop being so sarcastic? | can go to the doctors but forget about the honeymoon. The doctors are definitely going to

prescribesmedicine. Am | supposed to travel with those pills? | might as well sleep at home!"

Ben thought about it and said, "Sure! So long as you are willing to get treated, I'm willing to compromise."

"lI don't need to be treated! I'm not sick!" Lilith felt dizzy from arguing with him.

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It was normal for women to experience disruptions in their cycles.

"Lilith, Ben just cares about you. Don't get mad at him. It's not worth it," Tammy said.

"Lilith probably can't control it. Her hormones must be unstable," Avery said.

"Avery, can | not take pills?" Lilith said. "The last t| went to the hospital, the doctors gavea whole bunch of pills, and | can't

stand those."

Ben agreed, "Those pills were quite horrible. Can't pharmaceutical companies make better tasting pills? Ew!"

"You took them?" Lilith asked.

Ben blushed and cleared his throat. "We got into an argument because you wouldn't take the pills, remember? You were so

stubborn so | took one pill in secret after you left the apartment... | thought | was going to die."