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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2420
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The little boy's parents were stunned and turned to look at the girl.

The little girl was with her father, who appeared extremely intimidating with his towering figure and muscular build.

"What? Did you not hear my daughter? Your son bullied a little girl. Forget getting scratched on the face, even if he gets beaten to

death, he only has himself to blame! What a shit is to be a bully!" the man said.

The old woman took the chance to add, "See? Irene wasn't the one who started it, how can you blIrene? You teachers should

know who's being unreasonable and who bullied who. You can't just put the blon us just because | am an old woman and she

is a little girl! It's fine even if you don't want Irene to study here, but you will have to give us a full refund."

Not knowing what to do, the teacher said, "Calm down, ma'am. Our principal isn't here today, so | need to call him and speak to

him about this."

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"Sure. | hope you tell the principal who started the fight as well. All Irene did was defend herself. Was she not supposed to fight

back if someone was hurting her? Also, what exactly were all the teachers doing when she was being bullied? Why didn't you stop

it at once?" The old woman grew increasingly agitated. "Now that something has happened, you turn around and blit all on

my Irene. Does that even make sense?"

The old woman's accusation won the sympathy of other parents.

"Whoever started the fight is responsible. Even if you want to expel someone, you should expel the child who started it! There are

plenty of kindergartens overseas that state that a child who hits someone will get a verbal warning for the first offense, and they

will be expelled the second tthey do it. It's the parents’ fault for not educating their children. If my kid bullies someone at

school, | would feel ashamed and would never cto the school looking for trouble!" one of the parents said.

"It's bad enough that the kid didn't know any better, but for the parents to do the same? The girl has suffered enough because of

the scar on her face, and now you want to get her expelled? Don't you think that's too much?" another parent said.

Embarrassed, the teacher said, "It's our fault for not noticing that they were fighting when it first happened. There are over forty

children in one class, and we sometimes get overwhelmed. We apologize to you, Ma'am. Irene is a nice kid. | believe that the

principal will let her stay even after he learned of what happened. You may take Irene hfirst!"

Without another word to the teacher, the old woman turned to look at the people who stood up for them and said, "Thank you for

standing up for us."

"You're welcome. My kid isn't in the sclass as Irene, but if there's another group activity, I'll tell her to play with her."

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

The old woman took Irene hand checked her head for wounds.

"Grandma, it hurts here." Irene pointed at the back of her head.

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The old woman immediately checked the back of her head and noticed that there was a bump.

"You did well today, Irene. If someone hits you, you need to hit them back, even if it means you will be expelled. There are plenty

of other schools, and we can always go to a different kindergarten," the old woman said.

"Grandma, there are still a lot of nice people out there. The other parents stood up for us. They are good people." Irene felt moved

by what she heard at the kindergarten.

"You silly girl. Only remembering the good things." The old woman sighed in resignation.

"It's happier that way. Grandma, I'm hungry." Casting all sadness aside, Irene ran toward the kitchen cheerfully.

That night the old woman called Juliet after Irene had fallen asleep.

"Madam, how's your first day at work? Is everything alright?"