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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2412
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"I'll see what she can do first. As long as she has the right mindset, she should be able to get used to the job soon. Everyone was

fresh and green when they first graduated." Avery cto a decision. "Let's eat!"

"I'm already done." He set his spoon down and glanced at her plate. "You were chewing on a bite of pasta for over a few minutes."

"That bad?" She blushed and changed the subject. "What about your assistant? | suppose a lot of people have submitted their

resto your end, right? Should be easy enough to hire one."

"Human resources has started interviewing them," he said. "Once they are done with filtering the candidate, I'll interview them


"You really don't care, huh? How could you not when they are hiring your assistant?"

"It's just an assistant. Anyone who fulfills all my requirements couldn't be too bad," he said calmly.

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"Talent is one thing, but isn't it important to know if they are a good match to your personality as well? Just look at you and Chad!"

Avery said.

"There are rarely two individuals that are the perfect match for one another. Do you really think that we had that mutual

understanding when we first met? How do you know?"

Avery froze at his words, but soon decided to tease him. "We might not be a perfect match when we first met, but | was attracted

by your handsface the first t| saw you."

"Back when you were in a vegetative state, | would stare at your face for hours. Staring, touching..." She shot him a smug look.

"People usually say that love at first sight starts with lust. | think that makes sense in sway. You might be hot-tempered, but

you look great! | wouldn't have put up with you if you looked horrendous."

He pursed his lips in silence, but realized what she meant shortly after. "You are saying that I'm good-looking."

"Do you disagree?" Avery asked.

"I'm not ugly, but | don't think I'm good-looking." Elliot knew what he looked like. "I'm just above average."

Avery cclose to spitting the food in her mouth out. Among all the men she had seen in her life, Elliot was easily one of the

more handsmen.

"What about me?" Not wanting Elliot to get upset, she asked, "everyone says that I'm pretty."

Elliot did not want her to be too proud of herself and gave her a pointed look. "You are alright!"

"Just alright? What do you usually say to Layla? You keep saying that Layla is the prettiest little girl on earth, and that she looks

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exactly like me. If that's the case, am | not the prettiest woman on earth?" She argued.

"Avery, | thought that you don't care about how you look?"

"Sure! | don't, but | care about what you think." She set her spoon down and dragged him to the bedroom. "Robert is watching us.

Let's talk in the room."

Elliot glanced at the living room and saw Robert staring back at them, probably wondering if his parents were fighting.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing? No fighting!" Robert hurried to the stairs and shouted.

"Don't worry, I'm not fighting with her. We are just going to our room to talk," Elliot explained patiently.

"Oh..." Robert watched as his parents disappeared into the room dazedly, before running to his sister's room. "Layla, play with


Layla was working on her homework. Her term-end exam was approaching so they were assigned more homework than usual.