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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2410
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Holly's interest was instantly piqued.

"I referred a person to apply for Elliot's assistant role, right? That guy passed the first interview," Natalie said confidently. "I know

Elliot far too well. Everything is in my control."

"Natalie, you can't really do much if Elliot's men have their eyes on you, right?"

"It's not easy, but | don't need to do much for most of the parts. If my guy successfully becomes Elliot's assistant, Elliot's every

move will be under our supervision. If that scarred woman goes to Elliot, we will find out immediately," Natalie said smugly.

"Yeah. You are good at this, Natalie. Be careful," Holly said. "Is this phone call safe?"

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"Haha! My number is a foreign number. Besides, there's no need for them to bug our phones. All the things you did were my order,

so they won't do anything to you. Elliot has already punishedfor it, so as long as | stay in line, he won't do anything to me


"You are taking this lightly. If he is sending his men after you, he must want something. Maybe he is trying to locatethrough

you. It's possible." Holly felt chills down her spine. "If only | know where his daughter is, but the thing is that | really don't have a

clue where she is. If he gets toand demands that | find his daughter, what should | do?" Holly could not help but panic.

"Don't panic, Holly. They might not recognize you even if they see you. Besides, you are going to keep hidden from them until a

new lead emerges," Natalie consoled her. "Look at me. | am still carrying on with my life. No matter what happens, you won't suffer

anything worse than | do. Relax!"

"Is that guy that you found reliable? What if he sells you out?"

"Why would he? | recommended him as Elliot's assistant. It's not like I'm asking him to kill Elliot. If he tells Elliot about me, Elliot

might fire him on the spot. He doesn't have the guts to sellout."

"I guess so. Let's keep in touch, then." Holly decided to trust Natalie again.

"Holly, you didn't even tellthat you moved. Are you having second thoughts after | took you that I'm being watched?"

"It's human instinct to back away from danger. If Elliot has eyes on me, you would stay away as well."

Natalie chuckled. "We are birds of the sfeather."

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Back in Tate Industries, Melvin sent his completed proposal to Avery's email address. Worried that she might not see his email, he

went to knock on her door after sending the email.

"President Tate, I've sent the proposal to your email. Remember to read it!"

"Yeah. | will if | have ttonight. If I don't, | will read it tomorrow." Avery had already received the email and was about to reply

when she received a message from Elliot.

Ever since they went back to work, Elliot would text her whenever he had the time, asking what she wanted to eat during lunch

break, or asking what she was doing; if she was busy, he would ask what she was busy at.

Allin all, he sent texts with whatever the had.

They weren't so affectionate even back when they were first in love.