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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 449
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S31 192. The Twins’ Report

Ava pressed her lips with her chin. “I don’t think Jeremy will care too much about that. He'll do what | want. Don’t

men tend to be like that?”

Kara nodded in agreement. “That's right. Frank wouldn't mind either.

But still, we have to ask.”

Suddenly, Kara raised her index finger. Her eyes flashed with

enthusiasm. “How about when they cback, we just ask them straight away?”

“And the twins?”

No problem. | think they will be very happy to hear about our plan.”

Ava developed a smile. “Okay.

“Okay! | can’t wait for them to cback. Now, let's write down what needs to be prepared later.”

Kara picked up her book and straightened her pen. Seeing that, Ava’s lips curved sadly.

“You know what? This is the first tI've planned something with a


Kara blinked in confusion. “A friend?”

Ava nodded awkwardly. “Can | think of you like that? | know our husbands are related, but... | wonder what it

would be like to have a close friend. All this time, I've been busy being alone and working. There's no tto

socialize like girls in general.”

Kara tapped her pen against her chin. Her gaze wandered into the past. “You know what? | used to have a best

friend. We were always together, even working in the soffice and division. | thought we


supported and trusted each other, but it turned out... she secretly considereda rival and putin trouble.”


After a breath, Kara twitched her eyebrows. “Socializing isn’t always positive, Ava. If you're not careful, a friend

can beca thorn in your flesh. So, just take the positive side. Maybe you're alone to protect yourself from a

toxic environment like mine used to be.”

“When | hear your story, it seems like the patients | treat are much better than your friend.”

Kara laughed thinly. “Yes, it could be. Your patients are more honest than friends who have evil intentions behind

their sweet masks. But

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don’t worry,” Kara shook Ava’s hand, “I'm not a toxic friend. You're safe if you want to be friends with me.”

Seeing Kara's sincere eyes, Ava’s lips curled even more. “Now | even wish that my sister was someone like you.”

Kara grimaced slightly. Her head slightly tilted back. “I'm sorry about your past with your family. But please don’t

let Eva hear that. She might pull my hair.”

Ava'’s laughter escaped lightly. “She wouldn't dare attack you. She’s afraid her new boutique will immediately

close. My sister loves he boutique more than me.”

Kara patted Ava’s shoulder. “Never mind, let's not talk about Eva

anymore. The important thing is I'm here. You can consideryour friend or sister because I'm also happy to

have a friend or sister like you.”

For a few moments, Kara and Ava continued talking. Their voices sounded so light between laughter. Their

excitement only stopped when a sweet voice called them.

“Mommy! Auntie! We're back!”



Kara's eyes immediately widened. Taking Ava’s hand, she walked out greet her children. However, before she

had tto get through the door, two toddlers had already ambushed.

“Mommy! Mommy!” The twins caught Kara in their little arms.

Kara laughed at how carefree the twins were. The shimmering eyes of them seemed brighter than the stars she

observed last night.

“Hi, Little Angels! How was your trip?”

“It was so much fun, Mommy!” Emily jumped again.

“We saw a lot of cool things there,” Louis continued, no less enthusiastic. “Mommy, do you know? There's a rock

that looks like a shark's fin! | think it's more than five meters high. Daddy said lots of people cto climb that


“Then there is a heart-shaped stone, Mommy. If Mommy had cwith us, | would have asked Mommy and

Daddy to take a photo there. But Mommy must be careful. There is a big snake with a ringing tail there.”

Kara's eyes widened. “Big snake?”

The twins nodded.

“It sounded like a bottle filled with sand and pebbles. Emily was curious about the sound. So she followed it.”

Louis touched his

sister's arm with his finger.

“Emily cupon a snake?” Kara's voice rose, as did the arch of her eyebrows.

“Sorry, Mommy. | didn’t know it was the sound of a snake. When | saw it, | was very shocked. | immediately cried.

Luckily, Louis and Daddy quickly saved me.”

Kara blinked in disbelief. She turned to Louis. His son turned out to be


wearing a proud smile.

“I quickly lowered my bag in front of Emily’s feet. So if the snake attacked, it would hit the bag. Then I quickly

helped Emily get up.”

“Did Emily fall near the snake?”

“Yes, but you don’t need to worry, Mommy. I'm fine. After that, Daddy continued to carryall the way to the

Elephant Stone. But Louis was naughty, Mommy. Daddy had told us not to go too far, but he ran


“That's because | knew the situation was safe. No snakes would

attack me. That's why | ran. In fact, | was afraid of standing still or moving slowly like Uncle Jeremy. The snakes

might think he was a rock or a bush being blown by the wind.”

Ava'’s laugh broke the tension. “How could a snake think your uncle was a bush, Louis? Their shapes are clearly

different. Your uncle has legs, but the bush doesn’t.”

“But Uncle's trousers are like bushes, and Uncle's legs are bushy!”

Kara snorted in amusement. “Okay, you don’t want to be considered a rock or bush by the snake. But you two

are fine, right?”

“Yes, Mommy. When Russell has been able to walk, | want to take h here.” Louis nodded firmly.

“You can’t call him Russell yet, Louis. Maybe it's Rylee,” Emily scolde with pursed lips. After a blink, she looked

up again at Kara.


“But Mommy, when Little Baby can walk, | also want to take her to Mobius Arch. That rock is very beautiful. The

surrounding scenery is also good as a backdrop for taking photos, especially Mount Whitney.

“We recorded a video earlier, Mommy has to watch it with Auntie! We also managed to take photos of Daddy and

Uncle on that rock.” Louis



lowered his bag from his shoulder.

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“Louis is right. Mommy and Auntie have to see it!” Emily shook her brother's arm. “Con, Louis. Hurry up!

Mommy can’t wait.”

“It's not Mommy who's impatient, Emily, it’s you,” Louis grumbled as he took out Frank's phone. After tapping

the screen a few times, he handed it to Kara. A video was ready to play there.

Ava moved closer to Kara. Seeing the cheerfulness of the twins in the video, she laughed too.

“You look very happy.”

“Yes, Auntie. Louis and | are very happy. Not everyone can sit on Mobius Arch. We are lucky!”

As soon as the video finished playing, Louis raised his hand to grab the phone. “Then Mommy and Auntie have to

see this photo!”

Kara let Louis swipe the screen. When she saw the photo of Frank and Jeremy, she laughed. “Louis, why are you

taking such ugly pictures of them?”

Louis shrugged. “Doesn't it look natural?”

In the photo, Frank and Jeremy were not sitting perfectly. Their kne were slightly bent, their bodies were slightly

hunched, and their arm were curved. What makes the picture even funnier was their

expression. Frank’s mouth formed an O shape, while Jeremy's eyes were pointing upwards.

“Yes, this is too natural, like a full gorilla,” Kara said before swiping the screen. She knew the natural picture was

next door.

When she saw Frank’s handsappearance with his stiff pose,

Kara unconsciously smiled. Noticing that, Emily covered her laughter

with a smile.


“Isn't Daddy very handsome, Mommy?”

“Yes, your Daddy is very handsome.

“Uncle too?” Emily poked the back of Ava’s hand.

Ava nodded awkwardly, embarrassed. “Yeah, he’s handsome.”

“That's a very comforting confession. Thank you, Queen Bee.” Frank suddenly appeared through the door.

Behind him, Jeremy followed with a faint smile.

Not wanting Jeremy to make fun of her in front of the twins, Ava cleared her throat. Her finger pointed, gathering


“What a coincidence, you guys are already here. Kara, how about we ask that now?”
