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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 443
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S31 186. Romantic Planet

Ava shook her head without thinking. “I don’t mind. We've already spent enough ttogether here. Do you


“Not really. Want to go there now? They'll be surprised to see us.” Jeremy nodded lightly.

Ava sat up and smiled. “They should have turned off the GPS if they didn’t want to be tracked by us. And they

should have borrowed a telescope in a different place.”

“And rent a campervan in a different place,” Jeremy continued, straightening his back. “Frank rarely lets his

guard down. But earlier, | could even see their van clearly in the rearview mirror.”

“Maybe it’s because you're driving too slow, Jeremy. He's getting impatient.”

While helping Ava to her feet, Jeremy muttered, “His wife is also pregnant. He should be more careful so that

their van doesn’t shake.”

“The roads here are smooth, Jeremy. What are you worried ab

Jeremy shrugged. “There might be a rock or a hole in the midd the road. Anything can happen in an open

environment like this. knows? Now, our van is in a strategic position. It would be a sham we moved to another

place. How about we just take a walk, My Lady

“Are you sure you want to walk?”

Jeremy nodded. “Yes. We can rely on the flashlight and | will hold your hand tightly. If you get tired, | can carry


“No, it’s not about being tired, Jeremy. I'm fine walking a hundred. meters. But is our van safe?” Ava pointed her

finger backwards.



Jeremy pursed his lips. “I don’t think there are any thieves here. But just in case, we can lock it.”

“And these things?” Ava raised her hand and pointed at the picnic table which was full of practical cooking


“I can fit everything in the van, besides this chair. You can sit while you wait.” Jeremy moved the chair to the

ground and made sure it was balanced.

“So how?” He put his hands on his hips and tilted his head. “Do you agree?”

Right after Ava nodded, Jeremy directed her towards a chair. “Then please enjoy the view here, My Lady. | won't

be long.”

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“You're askingto watch you put things away?” Ava snorted in


“I know that you like looking at me. I'm a charming object even though speople often callstiff. But if you

get bored, you can look up.” Jeremy pointed his index finger upwards. “There are more interesting views there.”

Ava looked up. After a blink, she straightened her head again. “I looking at you is more interesting. I've been

looking at the sky long time.”

Carrying the picnic basket towards the van, Jeremy laughed. “You seensince you woke up, My Lady. Added

up, you've seen my fac more often than the sky.”

“Yeah, but I'm not bored.” Ava smiled meaningfully.

“You're starting to get good at teasing, apparently?”

Ava stifled a laugh. “Yeah, | can’t lose to you.”

While Jeremy was getting ready and joking around, Louis and Emily


were busy hustling Frank and Kara. Their eyes flickered with unease. Their fingers tangled together in front of

their bulging stomachs.

“How is it, Daddy? Have you found it?” Louis whispered while shaking his body. Occasionally he stood on tiptoe,

peeking at the sky map that Kara was holding.

“Be patient, Little Angel. Mommy and Daddy are still learning to understand this. After we find Jupiter, how about

you try looking for other planets yourself? You can feel the difficulty.”

The twins made a small jump in unison.

“Good idea, Mommy! | want to look for Uranus after this.”

“Me, Neptune.”

Their smiles were bright even though their eye bags were starting to


“You are truly a prodigy if you can find those two planets clearly, Kids, Uranus and Neptune look smaller and

fainter than Saturn and Jupiter, “Frank said as he continued fiddling with the telescope.

Emily smiled, leaning against her father’s legs. “But Daddy, y have to help us. This telescope is so big and

heavy, and Loui are still small. We don’t have enough strength to direct it yet.”

Frank took a moment to pause, pulling his eyes away from the peephole to find Emily's sweet face.

“Of course, Princess. Daddy and Mommy won't let you do it alone You just need to give directions. Mommy and

Daddy will do it.”

While Emily hugged Frank's legs tightly, Louis turned his body to face. the back. His eyes narrowed as he

watched the beam of light get closer. When he recognized the figure coming, he gasped.

“Uncle Jeremy? Aunt Ava? Why did they chere? They know we're


following them?”


Frank and Kara turned around. Seeing Ava waving, they widened their

eyes too.

“We got caught,” Emily muttered, hiding her neck between her


“Hello, Harper Family. May we join?”

Frank let out a chuckle. “Aren’t you Harper? Con, just join in.

Louis picked up Jeremy and Ava then walked while holding their hands. “We chere secretly because we

didn’t want to disturb your honeymoon. But Uncle and Aunt approached us?”

The newlyweds widened their smiles. “We are curious about your excitement. What have you observed since


“We just saw a romantic planet, Auntie,” Emily answered, welcoming her visitor while flapping her hands.

Ava’s eyebrows rose. “Romantic planet?” she asked, amused.

“Yes, Saturn! It's romantic because it has a really pretty ring.” E grasped her ring finger.

Jeremy laughed while stroking her hair. “Then what are you observ


“Daddy and Mommy are still looking for Jupiter.” Louis nodded firmly “It’s been five minutes, but still not found.”

“Can't Jupiter be seen with the naked eye?” Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, but with this many stars, can you point to them directly?” Frank smiled crookedly before closing his eyes

again on the telescope.” And even if we find it, we still have to focus so that the picture is clear.


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While pursing his lips, Jeremy nodded. “That sounds complicated.”

“Is this the map?” Ava took the paper from Kara's hand.

“Yes, we also use the app. But still, it takes us tto understand it.”

“Astornomy is complicated.” Louis put his hands on his hips.

“Astronomy, Louis.”

Louis wrinkled his face and scratched his head. “That's what | mean.”

While Emily taught Louis to pronounce astronomy correctly, Kara looked at Jeremy and Ava. “So, what do you

guys do for fun?” The curve of her lips was meaningful.

Jeremy put his arm around Ava’s waist. “We picnicked while looking up at the sky, waiting for a shooting star to

make a wish.”

Hearing that, Emily’s attention was diverted. Her eyes turned away from Louis, looking at Jeremy with a bright

sparks. “Can wishes ctrue if we say them while looking at the shooting stars?”

“Why don’t you guys just try?”

Emily opened her mouth and let out a laugh. “Louis, let's look fo shooting stars while waiting for Jupiter!”

“Good idea, Emily. | found searlier, but | didn’t make a wish.”

“Besides, you know what?” Jeremy smiled mysteriously. “Ava and have made an important decision.”

The twins’ attention returned to Jeremy. “What is it, Uncle?”

“We plan to choose a space-related nfor our little one.” Jeremy stroked Ava’s stomach.

The twins’ eyes brightened even more.



“Is it Jupiter?”


Ava shook her head. “We haven't made a choice yet. We'll look into it more carefully later.”

“Auntie, you know what? We have also thought of a nfor our

Little Baby,” Louis said proudly.

“Really? What is it?”