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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 425
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S31 168. What's Your Purpose Here?

Realizing the presence of someone by their side, the twins turned their heads. As soon as they found Sophia,

their eyes widened. Their feet spontaneously retreated, away from the woman.

“Sophia, why are you here?” Louis stretched out one arm, shifting Emily to hide behind his back.

“Both my parents are in prison. | can’t possibly let their company be neglected. Moreover, the Moore family has

exiled us. They don’t want to interfere with our business. So, who else can take care of it if not


Louis puffed out his cheeks and rolled his eyes upwards. “That's not what | meant. Why are you here, attending

Uncle Jeremy's wedding?”

At that moment, Frank arrived at their side. He pulled the twins back towards Kara before moving forward to face


“What do you want here? This is a private wedding. You can’t just cas you please.”

Sophia pressed her lips with her chin. “I didn’t con a whim.”

After reaching into the bag, she took out a card. “I also have an


Emily's jaw dropped wide. “No wonder Sean said his invitation was lost. Sophia stole it!”

Sophia smiled slyly. “You can’t accuse random people, Emily. Your have to have proof. Do you have CCTV footage

oftaking this invitation card? No, right?”

“Stop making small talk. Get out of here before | ask security to throw you out.”


Instead of being afraid, Sophia just shook her head slightly. Her expression was teasing.

“It’s rude to turn away guests like that, Frank. | haven't even

congratulated the bride and groom yet.” Her gaze turned to Jeremy who had just arrived in front of her.

“Hello, Jeremy.” Sophia offered her hand. “Congratulation for your wedding.”

Jeremy furrowed his brows. He let Sophia’s hand float in the air. ” What's your purpose here?”

“To congratulate you.” Sophia raised her outstretched hand. Her eyebrows quirked, signaling Jeremy to respect

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her intentions. However, the man didn’t move.

“Don’t you believe me? Yes, we are on opposite sides. But we once spent the night together. So, what's wrong

withcongratulating you?”

Jeremy clenched his hands into fists. In the past, Sophia firmly

denied what they had done on the farm. Now, she was confidently bringing it up?

“You intend to destroy our party?” Ava interrupted with an unfriendly face. Sophia’s glance shifted towards her.

“Oh, hello, Ava Connor. | mean, Ava Harper. | really didn’t expect to end up with Jeremy. Life is full of surprises,

hmm?” Sophia ra the corner of her lips higher, giving off a slight impression.

“I warn you again,” Frank stressed his voice, “leave or we'll kick yo


Sophia snorted in amusement. “You guys are really funny. When | cwith evil intentions, you welcomed me

well. But when | cwith good intentions, you wantto leave?”


Before Frank could open his mouth again, Sophia raised a hand to intérrupt him. “Okay. | won't be any longer. If

you don’t want to accept my congratulations, at least....”

Sophia opened her bag again. The other becmore alert.

“Please accept this little gift from me, Newlyweds.”

Sophia handed Jeremy several pieces of papers. Everyone frowned together.

“What's that?” Jeremy showed no intention of accepting it.

“A gift from me. You will regret it if you refuse it.”

Jeremy glanced at Ava. Before their silent discussion finished, Frank had already snatched the papers from

Sophia's hand. His face was fierce. However, when he saw what was behind it, he gasped. The twinkling of his

eyes conveyed great confusion.

“What's wrong, Frank?” Jeremy whispered.

Frank didn’t answer. He took a deep breath. His eyes returned to Sophia. “You think you can deceive us?”

“I don’t. What for? You guys have a really great investigation team. I'll be caught right away if | manipulate the


Curious, Jeremy took the paper from Frank’s hand. When he saw the ultrasound image of a fetus, he froze.


“Actually, | was planning to keep this a secret from you. But now think about it, that’s not fair. After all, you are

the father. You have right to know.”

Jeremy's breath roared. His gaze lingered on Sophia, filled with ange

“If this is true, why didn’t you tellyesterday? Why did it have to be today? Did you deliberately want to ruin

my wedding?”



Sophia shrugged her shoulders. “I just have free tnow. But you don’t need to worry, | don’t ask for your

responsibility. | didn’t like you from the start. You're not on my level. So, be happy with Ava. You two are a great


After locking her bag, Sophia lifted her chin. “Goodbye, Jeremy and the Harper family. Let's never see each other


When Sophia was about to turn around, Jeremy held her arm. His action made everyone wide-eyed. They

secretly glanced at Ava. The woman just watched with a flat look

“What proof is there that he is my son?” Jeremy's voice was cold and a little hoarse.

“I only did it with you. If you don’t believe me, just ask Finnic.” Sophia jerked her arm, escaping Jeremy's grip.

“Now excuse me. Don’t botheranymore. Just take care of your family and your legitimate child.”

“How is his condition?”

Jeremy’s spontaneous question stopped Sophia in her tracks. She turned around with a crooked smile.

“There's no condition.”

Jeremy's head snapped back. “What do you mean?”

“He’s gone. | aborted him. Didn't | tell you that | don’t like you? H could | bear your flesh and blood?”

Jeremy grabbed Sophia’s arm again. His eyes were now filled with streaks. “Don’t mess with me.”

“I'm serious. Why should | keep him? Being a parent is not just abou having children, but also about

responsibility. | don’t want to be a good mother for your child. So, it’s better if he doesn’t live.”

Jeremy's shoulders shook violently. The ultrasound results in his


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hand were shaking. “Tellit’s not true.”

“What? You hope the fetus is still here?” Sophia spun around to face Jeremy. Her expression was teasing.

“Can you live with two wives? Can you stand seeing my face every day? Are you willing to get into fights with

your first wife every day?”

Laughing dryly, Sophia shook her head. “I don’t. That's what's best for the poor soul. So, bye! Don’t stop me

from going. | have nothing to do with you anymore.”

Seeing Sophia’s back moving away Jeremy's feelings beceven more chaotic. His heart seemed to have a

bottomless hole. No matter how many feelings filled in, he felt his body was empty.

“Jeremy, are you okay?” Ava whispered carefully.

Jeremy took a deep breath. His head nodded, but his gaze refused to meet anyone's.

“Yes, I'm fine. All of you ... please take the dining table. I'll catch up in a moment.”

Before anyone had tto answer, Jeremy walked towards the long bench under the tree. There, he sat while

supporting his temples. Everyone felt sorry to see him.

“Mommy, is Uncle Jeremy okay?” Emily pouted.

Kara shook her head slightly. “I don’t know, Little Bee. But I think Uncle Jeremy needs tto accept all this.”

“Uncle Jeremy must be very sad. Sophia has killed his child. She is evil!” Louis puffed out his cheeks. His hand

gripped the other's fist, a if it was Sophia he wanted to crush.

“How can we comfort Uncle Jeremy? The party can’t start when things are like this.” Emily looked down with her

shoulders drooping.

Hearing that, Ava let out a faint sigh “Lettalk to him. You guys go to the dining table

After that Ave walked towards her Husband Her feelings were raging However, logic reminded her that my

needed her sanity



Hearing that, Ava let out a faint sigh. “Lettalk to him. You guys go to the dining table.”

After that, Ava walked towards her husband. Her feelings were raging. However, logic reminded her that Jeremy

needed her sanity.

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