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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 408
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Chapter 520

At the stime, all of the lights in Lockwood Hospital were turned


In one of the consultation rooms on the second floor, a curvaceous

lady was riding a man, seeking pleasure from him.

The small bed kept creaking as they moved together rhythmically. At the next moment, both of them held fast

onto each other as they reached climax together, releasing all of the erotic fluids in each


The lady would usually push him away after the throes of passion. Things were different this time, though. This

time, she held his face

and leaned in to kiss him.

The man took in the view of her fair skin and couldn't help but feel like going another round with her.

They had been having an affair for years now. He'd help her with certain aspects of her work and sheld let him

have his way with her return. She might not have been young anymore, but she could always give him what his

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body needed. His wife could never satisfy him the way she did.

At the next moment, he slipped his manhood into her again.

He was panting. “You have to watch your backs. We can’t afford to take Westley’s son lightly. If he should find

out that there's something funny with the pills, then he'll trace it back to us eventually.”

The lady caressed his face in response.

Jirgen did a good job keeping himself fit. She'd be lying if she said she wasn’t satisfied with his sexual moves. It

was such a shthat


his face was less than average. It had been two decades now. It was

tshe ditched him.

After all, he was nothing but a pawn to her!

Leaning on his chest, she said in a sultry voice, “Don’t worry. They'll only trace it back to you! On the other hand,

I'll be safe.”

His eyes widened at that. His voice was trembling when he said, ” What's the meaning of this?”

The next thing he knew, she wrapped his necktie around his neck with lightning speed and started choking him

as he stared at her with terror. His face started turning purple because his airway was cut off. His arms flailed

helplessly in the air as he tried to scream for help.

However, the lady was deceptively strong!

A flash of menace traced her exquisite face.

At the next moment, she even stuck her tongue out and licked his chin, as if relishing the last moments of his

struggles. She uttered under his horrified stare, “You deserved to die much earlier than this,

you traitor!”

Then, she savored his dying breath.

Slowly, Jirgen’s body softened before it finally went limp. A loud thud could be heard as he toppled on the desk.

It was the splace where he had had countless affairs with her. Now, it marked his grave.

The lady was nothing but calm.

She cleaned up the crscene leisurely and wiped off all of her fingerprints. After that, she put on the nurse's

uniform she had cin wearing. Pushing a cart along, she stepped out of Jlirgen’s consultation room.

Half an hour later, Mason arrived at the hospital. He didn’t let anyone


know that he was coming. Instead, he headed straight for the

consultation room.

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The moment he went inside, Jurgen was naked and lying on his back, a dagger sticking out of his chest.

Everyone was shocked at the morbid sight!

The scene was too gruesto behold, so much so that Westley and the others were rooted to the spot. At the

stime, Mason took a step forward and stared at the daffodil insignia on the hilt of the dagger. It seemed

somewhat familiar.

However, he didn’t touch anything at the crscene.

His voice was deep and calm when he uttered, “Call the police at once! Also, have Lockwood Corporation's public

relations team on 24- hour standby. We can’t afford to let the company’s reputation take a hit for this tragedy.”

It was the middle of the night, but Ava rushed over and took care of everything.

The officer who responded to the call combed over the crscene and checked the security footage. Then, he

said to Mason, “It’s clearly a homicide! All evidence suggests that the deceased was engaged in intercourse with

the murderer. Then, the murderer killed him when he let his guard down.

“It's also clear that she hated the deceased to the core, as evidenced by the incredibly brutal way she murdered

him! My preliminary assumption is that the murderer disguised herself as a nurse and snuck into the hospital.

Clearly, she was aware of how the police force works and what we're looking for. It's not going to be easy to

solve this case.”