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Hiding His Baby The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 68
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68Chapter By the lake Loud sound of water splashing around woke Athena up. She slowly opened her eyes to meet with
darkness which scared her a bit at that moment.
But instead of freaking out, she calmed herself down as Dominic’s lingering scent assured her that she was safe. She didn’t
know from where she got that assurance but she just knew.
She was laying down when she opened her eyes. She tried to get up and suddenly felt that she wasn’t
on her bed like she thought she would be. Instead it was soft grass underneath her which tickled her skin. There was a blanket
over her body. At that moment, she was confused would be an understatement. Where was she?!
She quickly sat up straight and looked around to see that she was in an open space in the forest. There were trees at her left
and a big lake at her right. The moonlight was glowing brightly to make her surroundings visible. The moonlight fell on the lake
water and it looked like diamonds dancing with the water.
Such a beautiful scene it was!
That’s when she heard the splashing sounds again which brought her back to her actual situation and she looked at the lake with
squinted eyes. The sound was coming from there only. And that’s when she noticed something or more like someone.
Someone was swimming roughly in the cold water of the lake. As if the water was washing away all his frustration, confusion,
anger and every bit of discomfort while he expressed them through swimming. His broad shoulders flexed every time he dived
into the water like a man mermaid. His muscular body was glistening with the shiny lake water, skipping a few beats of her heart.
She immediately knew who it was! Her mate, Dominic. He was such a handsome man. Moon goddess took her time while
making him with every bit of perfection. What did she do to deserve him as her mate?! She put a hand
on her racing heart to calm it down. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. And the next moment she opened her eyes, a loud
shriek left her mouth as she found Dominic just in front of her. He was still in the water. He swam to the surface where she was
and leaned on it with his hands over the surface.
He kept his face over his hands, looking at her very innocently. His face was filled with a cute smile and a
lot of curiosity. That‘s when she noticed something. That he has very boyish facial features. Even though he was nearly twenty
seven years old, he could easily pull off the look of a seventeen years old teenage boy. The thought itself increased her
heartbeat ten folds. “What are you thinking that made your heartbeat so loudly?” He asked curiously which startled her and
brought her back to present. She looked at him with widened eyes and was going to move away but he was quick to hold her

hand and stop her to keep her in her place.

“Wh...what are you doing?” She asked while stammering in nervousness. “What am I doing?” He asked in a casual tone while
looking at her with the same soft smile.
She looked exceptionally beautiful under the soft moonlight. Her skin was glowing a lot. It looked as if the moon goddess came
down herself to kiss her skins to give her that golden glow. How beautiful can she look! He could spend all his life looking at her
at that moment, in this forest, under the moonlight.
“Dominic? Where are we? What are we doing here? What are you doing in the water?” She asked in confusion while looking
around with a frown.
She was still in some daze which is why it was taking her some time to realise what was happening around her. She doesn’t
seem to remember what happened earlier as well. Not yet.
“Don’t you remember what I said earlier today?” He asked, still with the same smile. That smile looked really beautiful on his
handsome face but it started to do something in her heart which is why she wasn’t liking it much at that moment.
“Could you please stop smiling like that?” She asked while trying to look away to understand what was wrong with her.
“Why? You don‘t like my smile? I thought I looked more handsome while smiling instead of my usual scowl on my face. I got a lot
of compliments on my smile.” He said with a cheeky smile this time, making her look at him in shock and disbelief.
She was taken aback a little by that sudden cheeky question but more than that, something else caught her attention.
“You got compliments? From who? Stacey? Or some other bitches?” She scowled, suddenly getting possessive. That made her
shocked and him amused as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
It was going to be fun!
“Well, I won’t lie to you. You see, I am very popular among girls so getting compliments like these aren’t a big thing for me. I get
them every now and then.” He said in a casual tone as if girls always surround him everywhere he goes.
But that wasn’t the main topic here. How her expression changed drastically and dramatically was the main thing here. She
gritted her teeth and looked at him with darkened eyes.
“Who are they?! How dare they?!” She scowled, ready to put up a fight but before she could ask anything else, she was pulled
down by him and her lips landed directly on his, making him smirk

She was too shocked to do anything while Dominic kissed her passionately, making her melt down. But she soon remembered
their conversation and understood that he was trying to change the subject which made her frown and she struggled to pull
away. “Shhh... Calm down, tigress. I was joking. No one complimented me because I never smiled at anyone ever in my life

other than you.” He whispered in a husky tone while looking at her face intensely.
Her eyes widened in shock and soon her cheeks turned red in blush as she realised what he said. She was the first person he
smiled at like that. But more than that he was pulling her legs to get a reaction out of her and she fell directly into it!
She quickly pulled herself away from him again and looked around awkwardly once again. She cleared her throat and it was
more like a warning to him that she won‘t like to talk about it anymore. He understood it and kept quiet. He silently kept admiring
her while she looked around like a deer caught in headlights.
“Yo...you still didn‘t answer my question.” She stammered out once again while looking around.
“What was it again?” He asked in a lazy tone while not removing his eyes from her face.
“Where are we? What are we doing here?! Most importantly, what are you doing in the water? “She asked with a scowl, looking
back at him.
“Oh right, as I was saying, don‘t you remember what I was saying earlier?” He asked the same question once again, making her
“What are you talking about? I don’t remember.” She said with a frown while putting pressure on her brain to remember whatever
he was talking about. But hit the blank spot only. He let out a chuckle seeing the cute frown on her face as
she couldn‘t understand what he was talking about.
“Don’t put so much pressure into your brain. Let me help you.” He said with a chuckle and she looked at him with a frown,
waiting for him to help her out. “Don‘t you remember that I said I will take you somewhere after the meeting is over?” He asked
while looking at her with a small smile, trying to hide something behind the smile. She looked at him with a frown as suddenly
memories started to hit her one after another after the mention of ‘meeting’. Her eyes widened in record and her heartbeat
picked up speed once again which he clearly heard. But before she could get lost into different thoughts, he pulled her back by
throwing some water into her face. That made her gasp loudly and she looked at him with widened eyes.
“Dominic! Why would you do that?!” She exclaimed out loud but he didn‘t say anything other than smiling at her cheekily.

“Don’t let your brain wander around and stay with me only. We will go everywhere together.” He said while looking deep into her
eyes to convey the message that they will have a conversation about what she was thinking soon.
“Okay, fine! Yes, I remember you taking me somewhere. I guess this is the place. But what are we doing here?” She asked with
a sigh. “We are here for our date.” He answered immediately after with a cheeky smile, making her look at him with widened
(Hello readers! Hope you liked the chapter! You won’t believe it, I wrote this chapter while sitting in the hospital to get
checked up! How much I love you guys! Hehe! So, I hope you guys love me as well! Now, I will make a deal with you guys! You
guys give me twelve new reviews and make sixty reviews in total and I give you six new updates in one day. Tomorrow. Do you
like the deal? If yes, what are you waiting for! Go and write down nice reviews on the front page of the book where you can read
the synopsis! I will wait to read your reviews! Love you!.