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Hiding His Baby The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105. Moming shower with Alpha mate
“Good morning, beautiful!” The hoarse yet husky voice of Dominic woke Athena up from her peaceful sleep.
It was the most peaceful sleep she ever had in her life. Her mate took back his rejection and respectfully accepted her as his
mate with her permission. They made love. The night just kept turning beautiful with every passing second and she loved every
second o fit even though he still had a few things left to do to set things between them completely right. Without having any set
But she has full trust in him. She knew that he was going to set everything alright very soon. She just needed to give him time
and trust which she was willing to give.
“Good morning, Dominic.” She mumbled lazily with her eyes still closed as she snuggled on his chest while winching a little from
the pain. A worried smile came up on his face as soon as he heard her. His hold around her got tightened as he sniffed her
“How are you, love?” He asked while caressing her face to make her open her eyes. She opened her eyes but couldn’t meet his
eyes i n shyness. The red blush on her cheeks made him feel proud and happy because he was the cause of it. “Look at me in
the eyes, love. I want to see your beautiful eyes filled with love for me.” He said in a husky tone with a lazy smirk plastered on his
face. She blushed harder hearing that but nevertheless opened her eyes and looked at him in the eyes, fulfilling his wish.
“I am great. A little sore down there.” She said in a shy tone, finding it really hard to maintain eye contact.
‘You are a mother of a child!’ Her wolf snorted at her, making her roll her eyes.
Thanks for the reminder.’She scoffed back at her before pushing her back to her mind.
“Of course, you are sore. It was your first time after years. I am sorry.” Dominic spoke up in a soft tone while caressing her face

once again before landing a small kiss on her nose, making her giggle.
She was excited for the morning which is why she was so cheerful early in the morning. She couldn’t contain her excitement to
let everyone know that Dominic had woken up. That would be the greatest news the pack would ever get. So, all the pain was
meaningless in front of that excitement.
“Oh, don’t be sorry. I loved every moment of last night.” She said with a grin, making him grin back at her.
“And I love-...” He suddenly stopped from saying whatever he was going to making her look at him with a little widened eyes.
Her heartbeat rose as she looked at him expectantly.
“Y-...you love...?” She stammered, unable to make out a proper sentence. His face went neutral to casual as he looked at her
with a heartwarming smile before shrugging his shoulders carelessly.
“Uhh... Nothing...” He said with a small smile. Her face fell hearing that as she was expecting something else to hear but she
quickly shook it away before looking at him with a small smile as well.
“Ohh... Uh... Let’s get up and have shower quickly. Then you have to meet everyone as well. Mostly, Ace! He is going to be

ecstatic seeing you awake!” She exclaimed in excitement while pushing all those thoughts away. She looked at him with
sparkling eyes, ready to run out of the room to announce the news to everyone. But he quickly held her down with a serious look
on his face.
“Well, about that... I want you to do something for me.” He spoke up in a serious tone as well, making her look at him with a
frown. She didn’t like the sudden serious atmosphere but she stopped herself from thinking otherwise.
“Okay? What is it?” She asked in a careful tone, preparing herself for any possible bad thing. But he shocked her by suddenly
getting down from the bed while picking her up in bridal style. She let out a loud gasp as she tightened her hold around his neck
and looked at him with amused eyes. “Dominic! What are you doing?” She exclaimed in amusement.
“I will tell you in the shower.” He said with a smirk while walking toward the bathroom with her in his arms. She blushed hard after
hearing him, making him smirk more.

“We are going to shower together?” She asked in a shy tone, making him look at him with a raised eyebrow
“Is that even a question?” He asked in a ‘duh’ tone while kicking open the door. He got inside the bathroom and kicked it closed
again, making her giggle
“We are going to shower together.” She said with a chuckle as he put her down. He went under the shower and turned it on. Cold
water poured down his body, making him look hotter than ever. She couldn’t even admire him completely, he pulled her to his
body so she could enter the downpour of water.
“What’s the reason for the cute frown?” He asked when he saw the thoughtful look on her face.
“It’s nothing important. I was just thinking.” She said, as he caressed her body, like he was bathing her or something
“Thinking about what?” He asked her with no interest in hearing her answer as if he already knew what she was thinking about
She didn’t reply as well as she was lost with what he was doing to her. He turned her around slowly, until her back was to his
front, his lips found its way to her neck and his hands sled to both of her breasts, giving them gentle squeezes that made her
forget that h e was ignoring her previous question about what he wanted her to do for him.
He placed kisses on her wet skin, making her feel all warm inside One of his hands made its way to her clit as he began to
stroke it lightly, making her shudder with pleasure
The warm water hits their skin, making them hot and wet for each other. She would never ever get used to the ever pleasant
feeling she gets whenever Dominic touches her
“I love doing this with you ” Dominic whispered to her ears as he turned her to face him, his lips found its way to her as they
shared a hot passionate kiss.
He swept her off her feet so that her legs could straddle him, when he entered her, she let out a moan of pleasure due to the feel
of him inside her Her back was plastered to the wall as he continued to thrust into her. She kissed his neck and tangled her
fingers t o his hair, getting lost in the moment again
She is guessing this will be her new favourite thing .

Morning shower with her alpha mate
(I am back with brand new chapters! You can expect longer Chapters everyday from now on! Comment down what you think of
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